FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Afternoon Pops and weekenders. Had to go to the city this morning, the grandkids are getting into track and they had their first timings today. They'll have meets every Saturday through March and then swim team starts up in May-mid July and then they'll just be smelly kids through the summer. I don't care how many baths kids get in the summer, they're all ripe.

I went to CC's Disney World afterwards, Total Wine. What a liquor store, there were gins and vodkas and bourbons, oh my. It is a very large liquor store and they've taken Austin by storm with their selection and made Spec's, the chain out of Houston, step up their game. Their flagship is a 70K foot one in Houston. I am saving that one on the top of my bucket list. I hope they have guides and a tram.

One thing that always puzzled me about Dallas liquor stores were the number of handicapped parking spaces.....always taken. Made me think. Were these people handicapped before or after all those trips to the liquor store? When a person gets one of those cards to hang on the mirror, is the first stop the liquor store to celebrate?

Ok, that's all I have to say about liquor stores but y'all started this.
I guess Forrest Gump has moved on from shrimp. :muttley:


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. I watched the XFL games yesterday. They weren't too bad. The tackling was poor; on the Cowboys level poor, but it was entertaining. Have a blessed day.
LOL.... Yes, I know. It's the Southern most point of the Big Island I believe. It's been some years but I think that's correct.

Papaiko, that's by Hilo yeah? Can't remember exactly, is that still in Hilo Bay or is it too far North? As I said, been a lot of years for me. It's beautiful though, I remember that well. Great Sunrises rising out of the Ocean. Pretty cool Leon. I really envy you Brother but I'm also really happy for you. That's a great place if only it had a bit fewer people.
Yes, Sir. Papaiko is 4 miles north of Hilo. You've got a good memory. And South Point in the Ka'u district is the southernmost point of the United States. I'm sure you already knew that but others may not.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and friends, and Happy Sunday....until about 6 o'clock, when it might as well be Monday morning. If I go to bed then, I'll get about 8 and a half hours of sleep before the alarm goes off.......but no, that's just a bit too early to go to bed, so I'll probably get about 6 and a half. It's okay, I'm used to it.:confused:


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops and weather friends. Got rain for the next 4 days and turning chilly tomorrow and Tuesday. This is the slow time in the resort and coupled with a cold rain, it's refreshing because it is different.

Yesterday afternoon was "rich people in vehicles" on the patio watching time and I entertained myself counting the ones that I knew to be over 100K and I saw the Bentley SUV, 250K, for the second time in a high end SUV parade. I really wonder what these people do with these SUVs, there were scores of Range Rovers, seems to be a very popular vehicle down here, and Jaguar, Porsche and high end BMW and Mercedes SUV's as well as the common 550's. There is a pecking order for the Mercedes people, the ones that buy off the rack and the ones that special order from Germany, I see some very unusual ones. Anyway, I counted 30 over 100K in less than an hour. I think I would have to camp on Rodeo Drive in LA to beat that.

Perception is funny, at the track meet yesterday, my son introduced me to some friends I hadn't met before and before I could answer where I live, he piped up "he lives in the Marble Falls area". When we were walking I asked him why he did that and he said some people over here are weird about Horseshoe Bay, it represents the evil empire to them. A bunch of right wing filthy rich golfers. There is a marked difference between Marble Falls and Horseshoe bay, separated by millions in net worth. I really didn't know what I was moving into but now that I am here and the place I rent suits me and my dogs and my boat is 6 minutes away, I can handle being on the low end of the food chain.

Y'all enjoy your Sunday, I am venturing to Middle Earth today and the rest of the week, "The Hobbit", followed by "Lord of the Rings" in my annual vacay to imaginway. Did Harry Potter in December and the full Star Wars will be in March. I don't like reality much.


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Already done. You're retired. :lmao2:
….. and the award for best bazinga goes to @daboyzruleperiod!!!!


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Evening Pops and everyone.

Weekend was definitely NOT long enough. Only good thing about Monday coming is that my boss is on vacation over the next week so should be fairly quiet...and Friday is payday so that all works out nicely.

Random question for you all. Have any of you seen that Hershey's commercial spotlighting the elderly guy that hands out the candy bars around town? Proud to say that gentleman (Bob Williams) is from Long Grove, Iowa, right here in Scott County where I live (NOTE: Bob turned 95 on 9/11/19). I like to think that generally Mr. Williams' giving spirit is how the majority of the people here are. All towns have their 'scrubs' of course. This commercial always makes me smile. I like to think this zone is a lot like that commercial, only ours is like the Hershey with almonds...because we have a few nuts:D.

Welcome Monday with a smile, folks, and when you're in that checkout line... smile when you see the Hershey bars, and maybe buy a few. (Hopefully the link below works)
