FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Evening Pops and everyone.

Weekend was definitely NOT long enough. Only good thing about Monday coming is that my boss is on vacation over the next week so should be fairly quiet...and Friday is payday so that all works out nicely.

Random question for you all. Have any of you seen that Hershey's commercial spotlighting the elderly guy that hands out the candy bars around town? Proud to say that gentleman (Bob Williams) is from Long Grove, Iowa, right here in Scott County where I live (NOTE: Bob turned 95 on 9/11/19). I like to think that generally Mr. Williams' giving spirit is how the majority of the people here are. All towns have their 'scrubs' of course. This commercial always makes me smile. I like to think this zone is a lot like that commercial, only ours is like the Hershey with almonds...because we have a few nuts:D.

Welcome Monday with a smile, folks, and when you're in that checkout line... smile when you see the Hershey bars, and maybe buy a few. (Hopefully the link below works)

What a nice guy! Reminds me of the Sammy Davis Jr song “The Candy Man”


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Evening Pops and everyone.

Weekend was definitely NOT long enough. Only good thing about Monday coming is that my boss is on vacation over the next week so should be fairly quiet...and Friday is payday so that all works out nicely.

Random question for you all. Have any of you seen that Hershey's commercial spotlighting the elderly guy that hands out the candy bars around town? Proud to say that gentleman (Bob Williams) is from Long Grove, Iowa, right here in Scott County where I live (NOTE: Bob turned 95 on 9/11/19). I like to think that generally Mr. Williams' giving spirit is how the majority of the people here are. All towns have their 'scrubs' of course. This commercial always makes me smile. I like to think this zone is a lot like that commercial, only ours is like the Hershey with almonds...because we have a few nuts:D.

Welcome Monday with a smile, folks, and when you're in that checkout line... smile when you see the Hershey bars, and maybe buy a few. (Hopefully the link below works)

I saw the story on the news and then the commercials. People like Bob give us hope and people like people take it away.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. I've either got an unusual coincidence or a mini parallel universe happening in my condo. Our microwave is mounted above the stove but they are completely independent. Both of the clocks run fast, gaining a few minutes each day. The weird thing about it is that they are perfectly in sync. I've reset both of them multiple times, and each time they engage in synchronized time gaming. I hope your new week gets off to a fine start, everyone.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who have signed on to check out the thread this Monday.

I am hoping to see a good strong start to the week. Lets see if that actually materializes.

What's the plan for all of you fine folk today? Anybody got anything cool going on?

Hey Leon, you and your time issue is kinda puzzling but hey, when you are living where you are, who cares about what time it is right?

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, have a great day today!

Everybody, have a great Monday and take it on to the rest of the week. Still some Winter to go but we are sneaking up on Spring and, for me at least, Spring is like hope, it springs eternal!

Have a great day everybody!


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Good morning Pops, friends and Uncle Bob. How appropriate that he'd hand out Hershey bars and if you want inspiration, read about Milton Hershey, the man that failed 9 times in his dream to found a chocolate company and you would have thought once he finally succeeded, he would have been money hungry and after fame. He repaid all of his family that had given him money, that he had subsequently lost in the investment, and then set out to do good with his money and became a philanthropist. Milton Hershey would really like Uncle Bob, aka The Candy Man.

Isn't it a shame we don't see more of this because it happens, it happens every minute of every day but the media decided a long time ago that "if it bleeds, it leads" and we need sensationalism and a kind older gentleman doing something as simple as handing out a Hershey bar isn't important. Bob said they act like they're getting the keys to a new car but it isn't the candy bar, Bob. It's the fact that instead of telling someone to have a nice day, he tries to insure that happens. Not one of those adults won't think about that longer than the time it took to savor a Hershey bar. Bob is making his little corner of the world a better place just by being in it.

Jan, thanks for posting that, gave this Monday morning a nice lift and thanks for not positing this out in gen pop. We've got some characters out there that would have asked "wonder how many diabetics he put into a coma"?

I am the reverse of Uncle Bob, I find people that have just opened a candy bar and not taken a bite. I grab it and take half of it and eat it, compliments of Uncle Sam.


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Good morning Pops, friends and Uncle Bob. How appropriate that he'd hand out Hershey bars and if you want inspiration, read about Milton Hershey, the man that failed 9 times in his dream to found a chocolate company and you would have thought once he finally succeeded, he would have been money hungry and after fame. He repaid all of his family that had given him money, that he had subsequently lost in the investment, and then set out to do good with his money and became a philanthropist. Milton Hershey would really like Uncle Bob, aka The Candy Man.

Isn't it a shame we don't see more of this because it happens, it happens every minute of every day but the media decided a long time ago that "if it bleeds, it leads" and we need sensationalism and a kind older gentleman doing something as simple as handing out a Hershey bar isn't important. Bob said they act like they're getting the keys to a new car but it isn't the candy bar, Bob. It's the fact that instead of telling someone to have a nice day, he tries to insure that happens. Not one of those adults won't think about that longer than the time it took to savor a Hershey bar. Bob is making his little corner of the world a better place just by being in it.

Jan, thanks for posting that, gave this Monday morning a nice lift and thanks for not positing this out in gen pop. We've got some characters out there that would have asked "wonder how many diabetics he put into a coma"?

I am the reverse of Uncle Bob, I find people that have just opened a candy bar and not taken a bite. I grab it and take half of it and eat it, compliments of Uncle Sam.
That commercial makes me smile, plain and simple. Bob kind of reminds me of my dad, who's name was Robert (Bob), and that boy loved him some candy bars. Dad would be 89 this year. Lost him 2/5/2008. 'Nuf of that before I go into a slump.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
That commercial makes me smile, plain and simple. Bob kind of reminds me of my dad, who's name was Robert (Bob), and that boy loved him some candy bars. Dad would be 89 this year. Lost him 2/5/2008. 'Nuf of that before I go into a slump.
Lost mine in 2009, he was 88. And he loved those huge Hershey bars with and without almonds. My Mom would make him hide them from her until one night, after she'd searched all the known hiding places, she woke him up and told him to tell her where he'd hidden them or go sleep in the guestroom. He was laughing about it when he told us about it and said "I am only laughing because I know she was serious and that's where I'd hidden the big candy bars".


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Lost mine in 2009, he was 88. And he loved those huge Hershey bars with and without almonds. My Mom would make him hide them from her until one night, after she'd searched all the known hiding places, she woke him up and told him to tell her where he'd hidden them or go sleep in the guestroom. He was laughing about it when he told us about it and said "I am only laughing because I know she was serious and that's where I'd hidden the big candy bars".
My dad was 76... and had the same stinker of a sense of humor! I was "daddy's little girl" (and always will be) and I think his favorite of the six of us, so naturally he liked the Cowboys since it was my team :).


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Happy Monday Pops and friends.

I wish it was Saturday.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Happy Monday Pops and friends.

I wish it was Saturday.
Too late, I already asked and got turned down. Got told I am retired. God gave me Sunday, like it and shut up.

Hey, Saturdays are still my favorite day of the week and I am more joyous on Saturday's. The only difference in being retired is that I don't wish I had my finger on the "End the World' button on Monday's.


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Too late, I already asked and got turned down. Got told I am retired. God gave me Sunday, like it and shut up.

Hey, Saturdays are still my favorite day of the week and I am more joyous on Saturday's. The only difference in being retired is that I don't wish I had my finger on the "End the World' button on Monday's.
I know Coachadoodles, but we're still trying to rub our scent into our furniture on Sundays. We plead blissful ignorance on Sunday even though we know Monday is lurking around the corner.


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Good evening Pops and friends. Today was another fine day. I sat through safety orientation classes all day. Passed all 3 tests. I was kind of worried about them but somehow did ok. Tomorrow I’ll meet my new coworkers. Wish me luck.

Leon, I solved the clock mystery. It’s the Bermuda Triangle. ;)


Well-Known Member
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Good evening Pops and friends. Today was another fine day. I sat through safety orientation classes all day. Passed all 3 tests. I was kind of worried about them but somehow did ok. Tomorrow I’ll meet my new coworkers. Wish me luck.

Leon, I solved the clock mystery. It’s the Bermuda Triangle. ;)
Luck for meeting the co-workers, not for taking the tests... yeah, I understand that. Good luck, RGV.