FEATURED Morning Pops!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Gellas and good morning to any and all who stop in to visit the thread.

I hope everybody is doing well this morning. Getting ready to head out East this week. Gotta be honest, not looking forward to it but, gotta do it.

How is everybody today? I hope everybody enjoyed a great weekend, sounds like RGV, you did! Good for you!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, hope you are all doing well today. You guys keep the trains running while I'm gone, if you please. Coach, don't burn the house down.


Everybody, start today off great and take it through the entire week. Have a great Monday everyone!


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Good morning Pops and friends. I don't have much to say on this end. I got a good deal accomplished over the weekend, so the guilt pangs should subside any day now. I'm just on the other side of those projects and need to tend to others. Another week, but the last week before the dreaded DST fall forward on my face. My new neighbors have a thousand kids and they're loud. The boys are devils that throw things at the girls and the girls are all future opera singers. Smack, wah! Pop, wah! Thwap, wah! Putang, WHA! Put it to music and I might sing along.

Yes, we care about your back Mister Runny. No one is envying you right now, but a little more appreciative of those not hurting there. Be careful in your movements (as if I had to tell you that) and take much better care of yourself.

I'm not sure what to make of another move, Colo. Have you discussed it with the back up cats? What would you change in your next home? I've been rebuilding my home as I try to slip off to sleep. I won't have a budget because in the playground of my mind, I just won the lottery.

Thank you, Dabz! I feel a little silly for my trepidation compared to the suspicions of that cat. He probably knows things I don't.

Be safe out there, ABQ and enjoy your trip if at all possible.

What's up with our O'Coachadoodles? You don't have to spell it out if you don't want to. We're here for you and I'm willing to tell more embarrassing stuff on myself if it helps. Don't allow this to mess with another second of your day. Just grap it by the kahomies and show it who's boss.

Love to all in spite of it being Monday.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Been awake since 2 a.m. Woke up all fidgity and restless, but I lay there dozing and waking, rinse and repeat for a couple of hours before giving up and rousting myself out of bed. I'm about to take my 2nd cup of coffee out on the balcony and listen to the waves while waiting for the sun to come up. My early morning solitude is one of my greatest pleasures.

Good luck on your run to Long Island, Runny. Coach, I hope you are in a better state of mind today. Take care everyone and have a happy day.


"We Are Penn State"
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Age isn't a bad thing, if you accept that time is finite but it's also relative. :)
Don't be getting all Hallmark on me now. ;)


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops and all y'all. Thanks for the wishes, thought the worst of Feb was behind me and got blindsided. I am on the road to recovery to just being crazy without being insane.

I didn't know that about whale poo sinking, they need more fiber, maybe a dump truck of Grape Nuts for breakfast? I can also add another reason for staying out of the ocean, I already didn't want to be future fish poo but stepping in it icks me out. You imagine the size of a whale patty?

And speaking of Grape Nuts, and I was, I don't know why they named it that. My wife not only liked them but saved them for mornings when she was pissed at me. Ya see, people making eating sounds drive me up the wall and across the ceiling. I don't like commercials like Twix or Pringles when they crunch on purpose and Grape Nuts, when they're first in the bowl, have their own special sounds like a Gatling Gun of aggravation for poor ole CC. And when poor ole CC had been bad annoying CC, his wife made plans. I accused her one time of turning off the AC just to have dead silence and she just looked at me and kept crunching and no one can chew that slow. But she did keep it entertaining. I told her that she might be the reason I was pissing her off, I couldn't wait to see the next thing she was cooking up.

If I had an early Monday flight, I would have my suitcase packed in my closet and one night I'd pissed her off and while I was sleeping, she snuck into my closet, opened my suitcase and took all of my nicely and neatly placed socks, mismatched them and tied them in knots and I mean lots o knots, took my boxers out and replaced them with her panties and took my stuff out of my shaving kit and put her makeup in there. When I opened that suitcase and saw her handiwork, I fell out. Luckily it was early in the day and I had time to get stuff for my shave kit and some boxers. Tell ya the truth, I was much more relaxed sleeping in that hotel room than at home after that.