If QB are worth 40 mil


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agree to disagree.
Then all players should be making minimum wage in Texas which is $7.25 an hour. Who cares what the owners make. I promise you, there would be no more sports in America. But you'd like that? ha


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No one is forcing you to play football, you can go get a job elsewhere. If it's so dangerous that you are putting your life on the line, then maybe a safer career choice is the better option. .
You're so right. All players in all sports should just quit and work elsewhere since the owners aren't willing to pay up. Unfortunately for you, Jones will pay Dak, and fans like you will still cry in your pillow at night because of it.


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The one thing owners have to understand and they do understand, is that if you want a ring, you need to have a QB. And if you want a decent to great QB in order to win a Super Bowl, those costs. And if you have a salary cap, and you can't afford it, then keep losing. If you don't know how to mortgage your Salary Cap after over 20 something years, then maybe you should HIRE A GM!!!!


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Then there should probably be a NFLQB salary Cap for same reason they established the original Caps.

If you must have an elite QB to compete at 40 mil per year how does that make the NFL more competitive?

That would never work. To start out with that would put a max amount on the most important position on each team while every other position wouldn't have a max amount. If you put a max cap for QB's then you would have to do it for every position which would cause a complete walkout of the players and probable law suites against the league. If you just do it for QB's then the QB's and NFLPA would be filing law suites any win. Second if that isn't part of the CBA the league would never be able to do it and there's no way the NFLPA will ever agree to a cap max for QB's.


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In the MLB Scherzer, Strasburg and Trout make $42, $36 and $34 Mil a year and That sport doesnt have a salary cap.
Ya think football needs to start taking a look at who's being paid what??

Actually MLB does have a cap but it's a "soft" cap and teams pay a penalty to the league when the go over it. It was meant to curb or entice MLB owners to not exceed the soft cap, but those with really deep pockets are paying the penalties.


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I agree and i understand that very well but i have an issue when an entertainer getting paid more than a firefighter,a doctor or a nurse ..

Then get everyone to stop watching shows on TV and going to movies (when we can again) and then those that produce TV shows and movies can stop paying entertainers all that money. The other obvious reason is firefighters are paid by taxpayer's money and if you want them making more than that means everyone has to pay more taxes. As far as doctors, there are many doctors that make multi millions of dollars every year, but the majority are regulated is some ways by what insurance companies will pay. If a doctor starts charging a lot more, more than what insurance companies pay, his patients will look for a new doctor that accepts insurance rates as payments. That is just like all the people that watch TV shows and movies and as long as they do then entertainers will make huge dollars.


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it is sad when money is a goal not a tool :)

So if 2 companies offer you a job and everything is equal but one company is only offering minimum wage and the other is offering $20 an hour which one are you taking? When you are thinking about when you retire do you think about and have goals on how much you'll have when you do retire? It's easy to make statements like yours when you're talking about someone else's money.


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I have never liked the idea of the cap and have been against it since it's inception. I believe it robbed the Cowboys of several more Super Bowl wins in the 90's and beyond. The cap was started basically because of 2 teams, the browns and Art Model and the packers. Model isn't an NFL owner anymore and with the exception of the packers, just about all of the owners have a worth of close to or over a billion or more dollars. Jones isn't even the wealthiest NFL owner anymore, but the Cowboys are the highest valued sports franchise in the world. I'm sure if force into it, there is some billionaire somewhere that would buy the packers so there really isn't any need for a cap any longer. The only thing stopping teams from doing what the Cowboys did in the 90's buy getting so many top quality players is the cap, not the desire to go get them,. If teams were free to get who they want then those owners willing to spend more of their own money to win Super Bowls will win them. The cap was to protect 2 teams and bring about that "parity" instead of allowing each team to get what they think they need to win.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Then there should probably be a NFLQB salary Cap for same reason they established the original Caps.

If you must have an elite QB to compete at 40 mil per year how does that make the NFL more competitive?

It has no bearing on the competitiveness. And you don't need an elite QB to get to a super bowl. Goff, Foles, and Garrapolo are not elite Qbs. You need roster depth to overcome the inevitable injuries and a solid defense........smart coaching. The cowboys have neglected roster depth, overestimated the defensive talent, and turned a blind eye to coaching for the past decade.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Has an NFL QB ask for 40 mil?
I’ve never seen one ask yet but I keep seeing these stories
Like Bigfoot, we hear about him but only a few have ever seen him, and most of them were drinking at the time

Jane Slater
I can confirm reports that QB Dak Prescott has, in fact, turned down 30M a year offer and is instead seeking 40M a year per source informed. #Cowboys


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If there was no salary cap Dak could make 100 million per game and I would say good for him. That is not the case. We can only spend so much. Is Dak worth it? Only time will tell. Up to this point all we can say for sure is that we were unable to get the job done when we paid him very little. I like Dak. I think his game is good enough and I would resign him in a heart beat for 20 million per year. What I have no faith in is the ability of our front office to build the team behind Dak that would be needed to win while paying him 40 million per year.


Intramural Legend
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In the MLB Scherzer, Strasburg and Trout make $42, $36 and $34 Mil a year and That sport doesnt have a salary cap.
Ya think football needs to start taking a look at who's being paid what??
People watch football.

The Fonz

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So if 2 companies offer you a job and everything is equal but one company is only offering minimum wage and the other is offering $20 an hour which one are you taking? When you are thinking about when you retire do you think about and have goals on how much you'll have when you do retire? It's easy to make statements like yours when you're talking about someone else's money.
I will take the job with less stress even with less money

The Fonz

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Then get everyone to stop watching shows on TV and going to movies (when we can again) and then those that produce TV shows and movies can stop paying entertainers all that money. The other obvious reason is firefighters are paid by taxpayer's money and if you want them making more than that means everyone has to pay more taxes. As far as doctors, there are many doctors that make multi millions of dollars every year, but the majority are regulated is some ways by what insurance companies will pay. If a doctor starts charging a lot more, more than what insurance companies pay, his patients will look for a new doctor that accepts insurance rates as payments. That is just like all the people that watch TV shows and movies and as long as they do then entertainers will make huge dollars.
I don;t mind people getting paid ..i just have issue with being paid way too much


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I don;t mind people getting paid ..i just have issue with being paid way too much

I'm not saying it's you but a lot of people that say that, there is some conscious or unconscious envy and/or jealousy that helps drive that thinking. It not just the envy or jealousy for the money, but also wishing they could have been able to play in the NFL or MLB or the NBA. These same people rationalize other professions where people make huge salaries, but when it comes to sports, they change their views. Those that have a problem with anyone that makes big bucks then they are just against a capitalistic society based on free enterprise.


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Then all players should be making minimum wage in Texas which is $7.25 an hour. Who cares what the owners make. I promise you, there would be no more sports in America. But you'd like that? ha

makes no sense... at all. I never said anything like that. You just don’t like it so you make a ridiculous response.