Maybe Nolan isnt the problem


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Yeh that's what I laid out for you lol. I literally gave you the starting rosters. Them dudes were str8 cheeks

I think it’s hilarious that you don’t realize what you’re saying.

That the excuse for Mike Nolan being bad for 15 years has all been about ‘talent’.


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Changing the coordinator will do absolutely nothing

Nolan may well be garbage, but these players stink.
I dont buy the whole blown coverage aspect as to why he needs to be replaced right now. Kyler Murray was 9 of 24 for 188 yds. 80 came from Worley inexplicably not knowing how to play cover-3.

We are getting absolutely GASHED on the ground. Houston is the only team that is worse. Its because we have horrible DT and LB play, period

If you think no coordinator could get more out of these guys then you must think Nolan is really good.

I posit that this defense would be better if Edwards was running it. Not great, but better than the historically awful defense Nolan is running out there.


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I think it’s hilarious that you don’t realize what you’re saying.

That the excuse for Mike Nolan being bad for 15 years has all been about ‘talent’.
There's talent and then there is an extreme lack of talent. This team is the later. He is trying to play defense with 4 d lineman that won't be in the nfl next year.


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Are you really suggesting that Nolan ‘hasn’t had talent’ since 2004?

His defense in Atlanta in 2012, even after losing a middle linebacker who had 147 tackles the year before, wasn't bad. 5th in scoring defense, and 20-something in yards given up. But it was a frail defense,
(I was in ATL at the time and I watched a lot of those games) and the pass rush was a "one guy" affair featuring an older John Abraham.


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His defense in Atlanta in 2012, even after losing a middle linebacker who had 147 tackles the year before, wasn't bad. 5th in scoring defense, and 20-something in yards given up. But it was a frail defense,
(I was in ATL at the time and I watched a lot of those games) and the pass rush was a "one guy" affair featuring an older John Abraham.
yup and in 2013 and 14 had no one left.


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This also has to be said about Atlanta Falcons defenses in the 201x time period. The offense was based on a big back and running over people. As Michel Turner went, so did the Falcons. Because the whole
offense was predicated around that TOP advantage and taking small leads and grinding it out, the ATL defenses spent little time on the field and in general were well rested. As analysts pointed out at the time,
the defenses thus had better stats than they would without such a power ground offense. In short, they are (in terms of talent) all overrated a bit.

The defense wasn't as good as it could be in part due to Tom Dimitroff's inability to draft decent defensive ends. This guy is a classic TD pick.

Just as a FYI, Patrick Willis was available at that spot..



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You answered your own question . Jerry is a businessman and the money is still rolling in , even when they lose, so why change. Some fans are going to buy tickets and tee shirts even when the team is horrible. The fans are a big reason why Jerry does not feel pressured to put winning teams on the field. These fans have no standards or expectations.

gentlemen, Jerry is in the business of entertainment. We left the business of football a long time ago. He can’t win on the field, so he wins with the best stadium, best facilities, etc... game.


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Ive been saying this all season

I challenge anyone to find a pair of safeties, linebackers, and DTs worse than the ones we have here.

The players suck. Its all on tape.

Thank you for including the linebackers. They seem to get a pass around here with people focusing on the bad tackles and safeties. #54 is the biggest joke in football. LVE can’t stay on the field. And our other high draft pick linebacker, Mr. Lee, was a great LB made of glass. Thank the Joneses for using high draft picks to draft 3 linebackers with known health problems. Wasted all 3 picks. And it was a great plan to change to a 3-4 with no linebackers cause everyone knows you don’t need linebackers to run a 3-4.


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McCarthy needs to be gone. He hired Nolen, and that special teams coach. All three need to exit the building asap. And I think the secondary coach.


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There's talent and then there is an extreme lack of talent. This team is the later. He is trying to play defense with 4 d lineman that won't be in the nfl next year.

He’s a coach that ‘won’t be in the NFL next year.’


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Last game at Texas Stadium. It was a big deal. Jerry wanted to close the stadium with a bang.

What happened? The Cowboys were thoroughly abused by the Ravens. Ray Lewis, Ed Reed, etc. laughed all the way to the airport talking about how predictable the Cowboys were. Embarrassing
Yeah you right that was the last game in old Texas Stadium the treated us like we were soft bullied them boys all over the field I was like what has happened to this proud franchise only to look at them now in utter disbelief.


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They are missing that certain hunger.

When was the last time a Dallas player showed what Baker did on Monday?

It's the culture and atmosphere. Jerry's insistence on being the face of the franchise undermines coaches and makes a difficult job impossible.

No ones talking me out of that general idea.
San Francisco said the same thing until the hired Harbaugh. Then confirmed Nolan was the problem.


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All good organizations have accountability top to bottom. Those that that don’t just don’t do as well in competition with those organizations that do have accountability. Like the winners of the last 24 SBs for example. Making money is not necessarily the sign of an effective sports organization if you also have a goal to win on the field too.

Who is Jerry accountable to? Apparently no one, and that is clearly a problem when he repeats his mistakes. This why 30 of 32 NFL owners hire a GM they can hold accountable for results. Jerry the GM is not accountable to Jerry the owner, obviously, or changes would have been made.

One other point- Jerry is accountable to his paying customers I guess, but too many keep drinking his Koolaide and buying tickets and jerseys. AllNFL owners owe the fans of their home cities an honest effort to put a winner on the field. If our fans would stop going to that shopping mall stayjum, maybe we could hold him accountable.

Right now I don't care about any other team. I just want you to tell me who Jones as the owner of the Cowboys is accountable to? What person real of perceived by you is Jones accountable to? Just what person does Jones have to report to that he has to be accountable to? Just repeating that Jones has to be accountable has not answered that question that I've asked repeatedly.


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There's talent and then there is an extreme lack of talent. This team is the later. He is trying to play defense with 4 d lineman that won't be in the nfl next year.

I'm as sympathetic as anyone to the player talent reason behind poor play. Think about all the guys who started for DAL throughout the years-

Across the DL- Hayden, Selvie, Mincey, T. Crawford, T. McClain, J. Crawford, Mayowa, Melton

Secondary- Church, Scandrick, Claiborne, Carr, Heath, JJ Wilcox, Sterling Moore, Anthony Henry

LBs- Kyle Wilbur, Durant, Ernie Sims, Carter

The bolded guys were starting for the playoff team in 2014, the year after the worst defense in Cowboys history. But looking at all that, "talent," we never saw anything this bad.

The worst defense in franchise history under Kiffin, making the transition to the 4-3, gave up over 30 points 7 times in 16 games. This one has done it 5 games in a row, and they've only played 6.


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They are missing that certain hunger.

When was the last time a Dallas player showed what Baker did on Monday?

It's the culture and atmosphere. Jerry's insistence on being the face of the franchise undermines coaches and makes a difficult job impossible.

No ones talking me out of that general idea.

I 've been sating this too...