We All Know What's Going To Happen


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OK little man, the Cowboys when Prescott was in didn't have a problem scoring points BUT the defense which is entirely different from last year has had a HUGE problem stopping teams. For the first 8 weeks the Cowboys defense sat at #31 or #32 and then it went back to that style again in week 12. Now why might that be? I think it's because of Noland installing a very complicated convoluted defense with no off season program, preseason games and an extremely altered training camp that makes the players fit that defense instead of using a defense that fits the players and the takes advantage of the players skills

Yes the offense is using the same basic plays BUT since week 6 the Cowboys have been without their starting QB and they had a stretch of 4 games with 4 different QB's. They started the season without BOTH of their starting tackles and now none of their starting tackles or guards are playing. The Cowboys have had a RB that has developed a bad fumbling problem and has had ONE, UNO, SINGULAR good game and junk for the rest. For the second year in a row the Cowboys wr's lead the league in drops.

Oh and you said and I'll quote you again "Second, do you REALLY think the Steelers were taking the Cowboys seriously?" and I answered that fater holding the steelers to a punt on their first possession and on the Cowboys taking the lead on their first possession the steelers woke up and took the Cowboys seriously. , but you didn't like that because it AGAIN proved you wrong.

Go whine some place else and don't bother to reply because I'll just ignore you.

Trying to gain reverse psychological warfare points, huh, junior achievement?
Don't bother to reply because I'll just ignore you. :laugh:

I answered that "fater" ... :laugh:

Look, you're trying to excuse mediocrity.

The FACTS are these:

1. The Steelers beat the Cowboys and
2. We've seen this inept dog-and-pony show for 24 years.

But keep applying lipstick to pigs and calling it a "girlfriend." :laugh:


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Yea as a fan I am done. I have watched very little football this season and frankly as a Cowboys fan I am done until Jerry Jones dies. The franchise is toast under this insane man's direction and I am done watching this garbage.


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The hiring of MM was a mess at the start..It's just rolling down hill now....


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Aren’t you the chick who said, “More than a quarter century without competing for a championship”???

Cute that “competing for a championship” would satisfy you, ma’am.

I’m aiming for Super Bowl titles... nothing less.
Look fellas, a “blue” bully that can’t speak intelligently enough to have a conversation without trying to go after someone. Reminds me of some other old dude right now that mumbles when he speaks,,,typical,,, . I used the girl and mam thing on him about 10 years ago so he thought he’d resurrect it and it would still be funny. It’s a fail just like his grasping at the word championship not meaning NFL Championship. Everyone here knows that’s ALL I care about, nothing else matters.


NFL Historian
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Dak won ONE full game.

He didn't finish the Giants game. Therefore, we can't say if he would have won that game or not.

Second, Dallas has had better teams and have done less. I'm not convinced had they had everyone healthy and ready to go they wouldn't be in the same predicament.

We get our hopes up EVERY year. And the results are the same.

At some point, you're going to catch on what the REAL problem is.

When it comes to organizations, everything rises and falls on leadership.
Is smug condescension something that just comes naturally to you or did you have to work really hard at it?

The fact is Dak is credited with 2 wins and the team was winning in the 3rd quarter when he was hurt. YOU don’t know if he would have lost the game either.

And if you think they are 3-8 with everyone healthy, then quite frankly you have no idea what you’re watching.


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Look fellas, a “blue” bully that can’t speak intelligently enough to have a conversation without trying to go after someone. Reminds me of some other old dude right now that mumbles when he speaks,,,typical,,, . I used the girl and mam thing on him about 10 years ago so he thought he’d resurrect it and it would still be funny. It’s a fail just like his grasping at the word championship not meaning NFL Championship. Everyone here knows that’s ALL I care about, nothing else matters.
Wow, a whole paragraph? I must’ve made you feel pretty stupid. Your bottom lip’s quivering.


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1. We win maybe one more game and end up with a top ten pick.

2. The Joneses will keep McCarthy because of the need to save face. Will never admit that they suck as a front office.

3. We will get a B+ or A- on our draft grade.

4. Skip Bayless will brag all offseason that the Cowboys will finally contend for the SB. Shannon and Stephen A. will laugh.

5. More injuries during OTAs and training camp.

6. Even with Dak back and another draft class, we will hover around .500 for the whole season and miss the playoffs.

7. It will be two seasons removed from Garrett and still have nothing to show for it.

8. Rinse and repeat.

Why do people insist that we will keep McCarthy he has done nothing to warrant getting another chance. This was a win now team, not a 3-7 team. He is gone.


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6. Even with Dak back and another draft class, we will hover around .500 for the whole season and miss the playoffs.

This is the only one I take issue with. Playing mediocre football is now rewarded in the NFL with the added playoff team.


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Why do people insist that we will keep McCarthy he has done nothing to warrant getting another chance. This was a win now team, not a 3-7 team. He is gone.

He is GONE?! seriously you talk to jerry and inform him of OUR decsions..LMAO

because the win now players are all on IR , what clueless fans can ignore over 17 players being out at minimum and not many came back, some went to IR twice.. smh

that why go it he coached the JV team to 3-7

Im betting you purposely omit this facts when making a overactive knee jerk statement.

makes it easy to pile on the narrative that this was Mm and Nolans fault without actually using facts..no coach could have done much better,

were they prefect, no far from it but they do deserve chance to come back and try again with healthy roster and some more changes to better this team, that was 8-8 but finished the season like 3-5 last year so they were worse then folks thought coming in.


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He is GONE?! seriously you talk to jerry and inform him of OUR decsions..LMAO

because the win now players are all on IR , what clueless fans can ignore over 17 players being out at minimum and not many came back, some went to IR twice.. smh

that why go it he coached the JV team to 3-7

Im betting you purposely omit this facts when making a overactive knee jerk statement.

makes it easy to pile on the narrative that this was Mm and Nolans fault without actually using facts..no coach could have done much better,

were they prefect, no far from it but they do deserve chance to come back and try again with healthy roster and some more changes to better this team, that was 8-8 but finished the season like 3-5 last year so they were worse then folks thought coming in.

Injuries are supposed to save an incompetent HC and DC?

especially when to owner is 78 and impatient for one more trophy....


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It's a shame that this thread has largely been taken over by those using it to personally attack other members. But shout out to those who stayed on topic. I appreciate it.


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Is smug condescension something that just comes naturally to you or did you have to work really hard at it?

The fact is Dak is credited with 2 wins and the team was winning in the 3rd quarter when he was hurt. YOU don’t know if he would have lost the game either.

And if you think they are 3-8 with everyone healthy, then quite frankly you have no idea what you’re watching.

Look, you both jumped on my post. Don't play the smug condescension game with me.

If 24 years of mediocrity haven't revealed to you this team is woefully unprepared despite injuries, then quite frankly YOU have no idea what you're watching.


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He is GONE?! seriously you talk to jerry and inform him of OUR decsions..LMAO

because the win now players are all on IR , what clueless fans can ignore over 17 players being out at minimum and not many came back, some went to IR twice.. smh

that why go it he coached the JV team to 3-7

Im betting you purposely omit this facts when making a overactive knee jerk statement.

makes it easy to pile on the narrative that this was Mm and Nolans fault without actually using facts..no coach could have done much better,

were they prefect, no far from it but they do deserve chance to come back and try again with healthy roster and some more changes to better this team, that was 8-8 but finished the season like 3-5 last year so they were worse then folks thought coming in.
What clueless fan can ignore a man literally telling them he lied about watching film. Blatant lie. Pfft. Y’all are insane. No wonder this fan base has been jipped into mediocrity for 20+ seasons.


NFL Historian
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Look, you both jumped on my post. Don't play the smug condescension game with me.

If 24 years of mediocrity haven't revealed to you this team is woefully unprepared despite injuries, then quite frankly YOU have no idea what you're watching.
The last 24 years have nothing to do with this season in which we have lost our Top 10 QB and our entire OL.

oh and I’ll play what ever game I want. Your smugness is literally off the charts.


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We like our guys!!! They are dumber then a bag of hammers but we like our guys:laugh:


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Injuries are supposed to save an incompetent HC and DC?

especially when to owner is 78 and impatient for one more trophy....

i say its the farthest thing from the Jonses mind yes because of the injuries' being historic, 9 starters 6 of which were PBs and 7 others all on inured list most of the season..that matters on how you coach..its trickle down effect , desparte times , risky decsions.

so be fan you are not an owner or GM..if jerry decides to make the move, fine..I doubt it...

im 99% sure we are going to have 2021 start like 2020 with nearly the exact offense but a retooled defense and exact staff.