Zeke Questions Critics Football IQ in Regards to Week 1 Performace


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I think we will learn a lot about the Patriots over the next several years without Brady as their ace in the hole. Brady's ability to make throws, to make adjustments at the line, to control and orchestrate the game was a huge advantage for them. Both on offense and on defense. Then him having the filthy rich wife enabling him to take lesser salaries enabled them to do good things cap wise. They have lost a lot when they lost that guy. Time will tell if they hit on another one just like him in Jones.. odds are certainly against it.
I just like how the Pats don't seem to get attached to guys. They don't let players hold them hostage the way Zeke and D-Law was easily able to get what they wanted.

I mean, as example, If Jason Witten wanted to play one more farewell season Jerry and Co would sign him right now and would demand that he get worked in the lineup somehow.

Jason Garrett was allowed to be a mediocre head coach for a decade because Jerry just couldn't let him go, and only did so when it seemed that letting him go was the only option he had that made even an ounce of sense. Even going as far as to say that "Garrett WILL coach a team to a Super Bowl win one day", meanwhile he's the OC in New York and he's not far from being fired from that job, let alone head coaching a team to a Super Bowl victory as Jerry predicted.

They make decisions based on emotion rather than logic and it's haunted this organization for a quarter of a century.


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Again, the 'right way' was worth 7-9 last year and a week #1 loss to the Dolphins after scoring a measly 16 points. If you put any stock in power rankings, they're significantly worse than the Cowboys.

Belichick was a losing coach without Brady. We'll see how he does without him now.
Belichick had an 11-5 season when Brady missed a whole year due to injury.

Jimmy G got PAID because of the system the Pats have. Jacoby Brissit is getting paid starter money to be a back up right now because of the system the Pats have. Both of those guys looked THAT good in the system that Belichick and the Pats have created to get paid money they didn't deserve.

Don't let last year cloud your judgement. The Pats had THE MOST players opt out last year and STILL won 7 games, that's more than we won. They have a rookie QB this year and we're only 1 game in. You might wanna pump the breaks.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I get. Zeke is a great blocker and we're lucky to have a RB that can block as well as him, but he's being paid to a good runner of the football. If we wanted another blocker than we could have used his money for offensive line help.

It just seems like we have the most sensitive group of guys in the NFL. It seems they're babied so much within the organization that any bit of outside criticism just hurts them to the core.
We certainly have the dumbest fans in the NFL. You apparently didn’t watch the FIRST game where they played arguably the best run defense in the NFL that was scheming to stop Zeke at all costs and make Dak beat them. I know you like to hate on everything but jeez it’s just the FIRST game.


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Again, the 'right way' was worth 7-9 last year and a week #1 loss to the Dolphins after scoring a measly 16 points. If you put any stock in power rankings, they're significantly worse than the Cowboys.

Belichick was a losing coach without Brady. We'll see how he does without him now.

They lost arguably the best QB in NFL history and started a rookie QB who played really well and somehow Dallas is better with all its 1st round o-line draft picks, 2 1st round WR's, a 1st round RB, and a QB who many on here claim is a Top 5 QB......and yet both teams are 0-1.


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We certainly have the dumbest fans in the NFL. You apparently didn’t watch the FIRST game where they played arguably the best run defense in the NFL that was scheming to stop Zeke at all costs and make Dak beat them. I know you like to hate on everything but jeez it’s just the FIRST game.

Still claiming to be nothing but positive are we?


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We certainly have the dumbest fans in the NFL. You apparently didn’t watch the FIRST game where they played arguably the best run defense in the NFL that was scheming to stop Zeke at all costs and make Dak beat them. I know you like to hate on everything but jeez it’s just the FIRST game.
Oh I watched.

Thursday just proves the theory of "Stop Zeke, Win Game" continues to unfortunately be true.


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I just like how the Pats don't seem to get attached to guys. They don't let players hold them hostage the way Zeke and D-Law was easily able to get what they wanted.

I mean, as example, If Jason Witten wanted to play one more farewell season Jerry and Co would sign him right now and would demand that he get worked in the lineup somehow.

Jason Garrett was allowed to be a mediocre head coach for a decade because Jerry just couldn't let him go, and only did so when it seemed that letting him go was the only option he had that made even an ounce of sense. Even going as far as to say that "Garrett WILL coach a team to a Super Bowl win one day", meanwhile he's the OC in New York and he's not far from being fired from that job, let alone head coaching a team to a Super Bowl victory as Jerry predicted.

They make decisions based on emotion rather than logic and it's haunted this organization for a quarter of a century.

I'll let you in on a secret. I like that the Cowboys don't treat the players like nameless, faceless, pieces of meat. The Cowboys have been wrong about some of the players (and coaches) that they have rewarded and hung onto... but I submit they have not been wrong about doing it. As much as I hated holding onto Garrett as long as we did the flip side is that very few teams have won anything changing coaches every 2-3 years. At some point you have give a guy time to implement a program. Garrett's program was never bad.. it just kept getting derailed by injuries.. usually to Romo.. Maybe we should have moved on from Romo sooner? Garrett was also not allowed to bring in his own DC.. He got saddled with Ryan, Kiffen then Rod.. as such his defenses floated between mediocre to absolutely friggin horrible while the offense, Garrett's domain, was consistently among the best in the league. They finished in the top 10 6 times over his 10 year tenure, including #1 his last season, while the defense was only top 10 3 times.. ironically the last three he was here.

But I started screaming for either Garrett or Romo (or both) to be gone in 2012.. I just felt like that combination was never going to get it done. I became sold that Romo could lead us to the promised land after that gutsy comeback performance in DC in game 15 2013 with a ruptured disc in his back. At that point I decided it was Garrett who needed to go. I quieted down after both looked like they had finally learned from all their past mistakes in 2014.. but then Romo's body took him out.. Dak and Zeke rescued Garrett in 2016.. but what he allowed to happen to Dak and Chaz Green in ATL after Zeke was suspended was the last straw for me. Neither he nor Linehan nor the o-line coach should have been allowed on the team plane after that game.


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I get. Zeke is a great blocker and we're lucky to have a RB that can block as well as him, but he's being paid to a good runner of the football. If we wanted another blocker than we could have used his money for offensive line help.

It just seems like we have the most sensitive group of guys in the NFL. It seems they're babied so much within the organization that any bit of outside criticism just hurts them to the core.
Should probably give it to him more than 11 times then. Maybe the coaches that we're paying should be better at scheming and calling plays....


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Man zeke really can't win with most of our fans....it'd sad...really


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Don't waste your time with logic and common sense toward certain members as their love of all things Dak is unwavering.
If Rocky really cared about "the team" as he says then he would be able to properly judge the team without a clear bias.

If people like Rocky were over an organization they would never be successful, because they operate more off feels than actual logic.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Stop Zeke. Win Game.

All the coaches know this. It's no longer just a hypothesis. It's been proven over 5 years to have an almost 100% success rate.
Not even close to the truth. You give no blame whatsoever to the defense, special teams or coaching. Reeks of an agenda.


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I'll let you in on a secret. I like that the Cowboys don't treat the players like nameless, faceless, pieces of meat. The Cowboys have been wrong about some of the players (and coaches) that they have rewarded and hung onto... but I submit they have not been wrong about doing it. As much as I hated holding onto Garrett as long as we did the flip side is that very few teams have won anything changing coaches every 2-3 years. At some point you have give a guy time to implement a program. Garrett's program was never bad.. it just kept getting derailed by injuries.. usually to Romo.. Maybe we should have moved on from Romo sooner? Garrett was also not allowed to bring in his own DC.. He got saddled with Ryan, Kiffen then Rod.. as such his defenses floated between mediocre to absolutely friggin horrible while the offense, Garrett's domain, was consistently among the best in the league. They finished in the top 10 6 times over his 10 year tenure, including #1 his last season, while the defense was only top 10 3 times.. ironically the last three he was here.

But I started screaming for either Garrett or Romo (or both) to be gone in 2012.. I just felt like that combination was never going to get it done. I became sold that Romo could lead us to the promised land after that gutsy comeback performance in DC in game 15 2013 with a ruptured disc in his back. At that point I decided it was Garrett who needed to go. I quieted down after both looked like they had finally learned from all their past mistakes in 2014.. but then Romo's body took him out.. Dak and Zeke rescued Garrett in 2016.. but what he allowed to happen to Dak and Chaz Green in ATL after Zeke was suspended was the last straw for me. Neither he nor Linehan nor the o-line coach should have been allowed on the team plane after that game.
Garrett hand picked Rod and Linehan. You can make apologies for Garrett but he costed us A LOT of games. His arrogance and inability to game plan killed us. His "beat your man" mantra was old and stale and he was hot garbage as a leader of men. I was told here if he was released he would have HC offers in days. Yeah. Right.

What you saw on Monday albeit a loss, was the first time the Cowboys have attacked an opponents weakness in over a decade.