Prepare yourself for our offseason of same


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9-8 and a lot of excuses next season.
So what’s the point of watching? Why torture yourself? If we’re guaranteed to fail, why not jump ship? Or find something else to do. Or maybe you like falling short. I know if I was certain of failure I’d probably lose interest.


Junior College Transfer
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Whether you like it or not this will not be an offseason of change other than the changes they have to make because of the salary cap and the possibility of losing Kellen Moore. They're not in the change mindset. They want to bring this band back together as much as possible for another tour. They're convinced they underachieved this year.

I kindly direct you to the Senior Bowl interviews of Jerry and Stephen if you disagree. They are not poker players. They're telling you what they really think and change isn't in their thinking.

The only change will be change forced upon them.

And you won't have a transcendent rookie to add to the mix next year to move the needle. I don't like to talk in absolutes but that may have been once in a lifetime. You don't even have a full slate of draft picks.

It's an offseason of great addition for the Giants, Eagles, and to a lesser extent, the Badwords of Washington. It's an offseason of minimizing losses for the Cowboys.

I cannot wait until next season. It already feels different.

What's the fuss here, mate?
We know how it works.
We draft, we pick up has-beens or never-beens or used to be's in FA, we watch breathlessly for camp breakthroughs, we ride a rollercoaster of low expectations and results in the regular season. We flop in the playoffs when we do qualify.
Then it's over and some poor sap (Dak or Tony) say "we have to do better." and we nod, teary-eyed our hand to our heart and look forward to the next season.
Jerry gets richer every year.
Fans grow more bitter every year.
We are like abused loved ones. We cling to the cowboys and Jerry and his boneheaded decisions and he keeps stepping on us.
A spot o' tea is called for.

black label

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Rinse and repeat, as long as the average fan buys in and fills Jerruhs palace and buys his memorabilia nothing will ever change


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Next year it's a division leader schedule. Harder row to hoe.

We're losing lots of players we don't have the cap to retain. Smith and Martin are a year older. DLaw will be 30. Cooper 28. Back end of the careers of a lot of key players.

The OL sure does need attention. But as far as the schedule goes, I think Dallas hasn't had an easier one since 1990. That's on paper and based on this season. NFCE - 6 games. NFCN - 4 games. AFCS - 4 games. Tampa, and Rams. I don't know the 17th game. With Rodgers most likely going to the AFC West, and Brady retiring, Only the Rams and Tennessee look to be a challenge. It's pathetic, but that's the state of the NFL. What does this mean? Probably nothing since a lot can change. But a very weak schedule based on this season.


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So what’s the point of watching? Why torture yourself? If we’re guaranteed to fail, why not jump ship? Or find something else to do. Or maybe you like falling short. I know if I was certain of failure I’d probably lose interest.
If that's what ya want to do then more power to ya, bro.


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So what’s the point of watching? Why torture yourself? If we’re guaranteed to fail, why not jump ship? Or find something else to do. Or maybe you like falling short. I know if I was certain of failure I’d probably lose interest.

Pessimists and realists are fans too. Why do we have to blow smoke up their butts to be fans? The difference between us and delusional fans is that we get pleasantly surprised when Dallas has a good season. You guys get a reality check every year.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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If it was up to some fans they would blow the team up after every disappointing season. They want a new head coach, new QB new everything. A complete overhaul is the only thing that would give them hope.


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So what’s the point of watching? Why torture yourself? If we’re guaranteed to fail, why not jump ship? Or find something else to do. Or maybe you like falling short. I know if I was certain of failure I’d probably lose interest.

Wow what a loser mentality
Good thing other Cowboys fans don’t think like you


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I’m prepared. Until the words “Jones steps down as GM” are uttered….I’m totally prepared. Hoping I live long enough to see a change.

Bob, as the late great Sam Cook sing “A Change is going to Come” But will we be here for that change.


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Pessimists and realists are fans too. Why do we have to blow smoke up their butts to be fans? The difference between us and delusional fans is that we get pleasantly surprised when Dallas has a good season. You guys get a reality check every year.

I belong to a group that tries to enjoy the process. Normal fan stuff. We don’t take it too seriously, because we have no control whatsoever, and are not immersed in it for a living. We’re all just speculators—you, me, everyone. We are frustrated by loss, angry about incompetence, and worried about the future, but we like to speculate about the possibilities while retaining hope and having a good time. If that’s delusional, sign me up!