Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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Cynthia and her daughter Alexandra were both on “ Big Rich Texas” reality TV show on NBC. They were in season 3 according to Wikipedia. They went by Cindy and Alex .
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Cynthia and her daughter Alexandra were both on “ Big Rich Texas” reality TV show on NBC. They were in season 3 according to Wikipedia. They went by Cindy and Alex .
Lol that's not them is it... They both are much better looking in the pictures I saw.
Lol that's not them is it... They both are much better looking in the pictures I saw.
These are from the show. Maybe 10 years old?

I can see some resemblance with her step sister Char.

They must be really excited they have a baby step sis. Lol

And please share what you have.
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This gets more and more interesting - and Jones may have the eye glass cleaner, Shy Anderson, to blame for this getting out:

The complaint also says that Charlotte Jones Anderson, a Cowboys senior executive and Jones' daughter, is currently engaged in a divorce with her husband, Shy Anderson. The lawsuit says that Davis Spencer was recently subpoenaed for a deposition in the divorce proceedings, which are described in the suit as "protracted and contentious." The lawsuit alleges that after Davis Spencer was subpoenaed to testify in a deposition connected to the divorce, she was contacted "by at least one person" associated with Jerry Jones.

"This person informed Cynthia that Defendant Jones would be very displeased if she testified at her deposition and disclosed that he was Plantiff's father. Cynthia was told that Defendant Jones could, and perhaps would, terminate the trusts, which currently still stand to benefit Plantiffs with two lump sum payments owing to Plaintiff when she turns 2 and 28, if Cynthia testified to the fact that Defendant Jones is Plaintiff's father."
So Charlotte will be on the market....good to know..
Here’s another from season 3 . Cindy is in front ( 3rd from right) with Cowboy hat and Alex behind her in purple top. YeeeeHawwww. Lol
The Shy and Charlotte divorce angle makes a lot of sense...especially with the timing of the cheerleader story and now this. A lot reported isnt adding up which is why I am kind of drawn to the story I guess. We will find out in a few days or weeks I guess.

The pic of the girl and another lady on page like 31 of this does kind of look like the girl...but that isnt the mom. I first thought it was Charlotte. Is that Charlotte with the girl? lol

I have so many questions lol...but I dont want to sound like some nosey person into female gossip/drama about other peoples lives haha. Kinda late for that....BUT FUG IT!

My thoughts based on whats out there:

1) Jerry takes care of his financially. Cant see how you can knock him. Its weird if he has never met the girl(waiting to know if this is fact or not...Im skeptical)...but Cash is King.

2) If its not a money grab...what is it? The speculation here is that she was afraid of being cut off(or her Mom being cut off) if she established Jerry as the father. Why try and establish this unless you dont care about the money anymore. Maybe if she is providing well for herself at 25 she is being strong and forgoing the money and instead wanting Jerry to own up instead and acknowledge her? Money is a powerful motivator...but I can see an angle where this girl was somehow "enlightened" and decided to forgo money and instead free herself of the "secret" and want her Father to acknowledge her. Kind of weird that the Cheerleader stuff came out same time I circle back to the divorce angle. The post here that suggest the girl is suing in fear of her mom being cut off because of this "subpoena"...seems to be a legit reason to go to court though. Especially if her and her Mom were keeping their end of the deal but someone else is leaking the secret(Shy?) and not them.

3) Conclusion...4 options, IMO so far lol...a) Money Grab, b) Enlightened, c) Jerry is in bad health and suing him instead of the estate is the smart move financially?, d) Divorce

I like Jerry and the Jones' a lot. You guys might hate his GM'ing or how he forces his way onto TV/media...but he seems to be doing it to build an Empire for his family. Small price to pay to set your family up, imo. Sure...he does it for his own ego too...but Jerry doesnt come across as some piece of **** human being to me. Hopefully what looks like a lot to be aired soon doesnt change my mind of the guy or his family. I always thought it was cool that Charlotte(being a female) was a big part of the Front Office...if this come back to the divorce...Shy must be pissed at something to air all this. Jones' being cutthroat with him over money if he isnt being unreasonable would really soar me on the Jones'.

Anyway...I really really hope it comes out that Jerry has a small village set up inside Starwood of all his mistresses and fun babies. They all know each other and are all taken care of financially and all happy. It would make the haters jump.
Yeah I hope it all comes out soon and we know what happened. I'm channeling my inner gossip girl/soap opera with this one. I've never watched those shows so this is as close as I can get Lol. When I circle it back to football (you know after I get my soap opera fix in) there's one major question i have. Who was the executive that leaked the cheerleaders thing and why now? What else can this person do or say? Now when you throw in this could be related to a nasty divorce, even though it's pure speculation, that adds a different angle.

I've said it earlier with the cheerleaders thing that I felt it was a hit job on Jerry. Obviously I don't like Jerry but it wouldn't sit well with me if the hit job was from a scorned ex son in law. If Jerry did something as bad as Snyder or as ignorant as Gruden and someone can prove it. Then yes get him out of the league. But if it's Shy doing the character assassination on Jerry cuz he's a scorned lover going through a divorce, I don't like that at all. I don't like Jerry but I like that even less. If it's happening Shy is a POS and lower than low.

O well, fun conversation, we'll keep watching this soap opera unfold.
But the daughter didn’t agree to anything. The mother has held up her part.

I haven’t read anything claiming her daughter signed or agreed to the settlement.

The news is out now and the daughter is suing for the right in Texas( since the agreement was in Arkansas) to claim he’s her father.
The daughter's mother would be the one responsible for paying back the money, or her estate if she dies. She's the one that made the agreement. There is no other way the daughter would know about this if the mother didn't tell her. So no, she did not hold up her part of the agreement. It doesn't matter what state that type of agreement is made. It's good in every state. Just like a driver's license from one state is good in all 50 states, Washington DC and PR plus all US territories. You don't have to get a new non-disclosure agreement for whatever state you travel to. She can't force Jerry to play daddy to her as an adult, which is what she is trying to do. She's only hurting her dying mother.
The NFL should give Jerry the Donald Sterling treatment.
I'm really assuming it isn't about money

I doubt that's her plan, but if it were I think that would get thrown out as frivolous before ever getting to a courtroom. Jerry had no legal obligation to tell anyone she was his daughter, he did not actively do anything to harm her, biological parents have always been able to decide the child was better off being raised by one of the parents with the other out of the picture, Jerry provided financially for her, and at least by available news reports the girl has done well, graduating from SMU and maintaining a career in politics and government
frivolous? nope.. lets see how this plays out.
The daughter's mother would be the one responsible for paying back the money, or her estate if she dies. She's the one that made the agreement. There is no other way the daughter would know about this if the mother didn't tell her. So no, she did not hold up her part of the agreement. It doesn't matter what state that type of agreement is made. It's good in every state. Just like a driver's license from one state is good in all 50 states, Washington DC and PR plus all US territories. You don't have to get a new non-disclosure agreement for whatever state you travel to. She can't force Jerry to play daddy to her as an adult, which is what she is trying to do. She's only hurting her dying mother.
I’d argue based on what we know from lawsuit that she is only attempting to establish he’s her father. We’ll know more March 31st after the hearing.

Now that the skeleton is out of the closet I look for Jethro to do the honorable thing. We shall see.

Alexandra’s achievements in her life would make any father proud.
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I'm really assuming it isn't about money

I doubt that's her plan, but if it were I think that would get thrown out as frivolous before ever getting to a courtroom. Jerry had no legal obligation to tell anyone she was his daughter, he did not actively do anything to harm her, biological parents have always been able to decide the child was better off being raised by one of the parents with the other out of the picture, Jerry provided financially for her, and at least by available news reports the girl has done well, graduating from SMU and maintaining a career in politics and government

See...I agree with your thinking here. I need to know what these payment amounts are at 24, 26, 28 years old. Jerry has increased his wealth significantly since this kids birth. If those trusts and amounts were based on 1996 money...the trust/payment amounts might be considered low ball payments.

I assume this girl has lawyers in here ear
Yeah I hope it all comes out soon and we know what happened. I'm channeling my inner gossip girl/soap opera with this one. I've never watched those shows so this is as close as I can get Lol. When I circle it back to football (you know after I get my soap opera fix in) there's one major question i have. Who was the executive that leaked the cheerleaders thing and why now? What else can this person do or say? Now when you throw in this could be related to a nasty divorce, even though it's pure speculation, that adds a different angle.

I've said it earlier with the cheerleaders thing that I felt it was a hit job on Jerry. Obviously I don't like Jerry but it wouldn't sit well with me if the hit job was from a scorned ex son in law. If Jerry did something as bad as Snyder or as ignorant as Gruden and someone can prove it. Then yes get him out of the league. But if it's Shy doing the character assassination on Jerry cuz he's a scorned lover going through a divorce, I don't like that at all. I don't like Jerry but I like that even less. If it's happening Shy is a POS and lower than low.

O well, fun conversation, we'll keep watching this soap opera unfold.

I still dont get the Jerry hate. An owner whom wants to win and shows love for his team unlike some owners who are unknown. Hes not the perfect manager...but wants to win along with paying his producers baffles me. Id work for a guy like that. Because he doesnt manage the team like the Patriots? The gang of posters, if actual human beings with feelings and needs, whom celebrate managing at the highest level...they dont want to be treated as a number on a spreadsheet. They dont want their boss paying them low wages. But they want Jerry to sign extremely prudent contracts that devalue players skills and production. Next man up? Lets use the extremely taken advantage of rookies contracts instead of paying a proven producing player. It doesnt make sense.

I like Jerry and respect his wanting to win while taking care of his producers...I think he is great for Dallas as a community with his business mind and all. Does he have sure. Lets see how significant those skeletons really are, though. Because using his wealth as a way to hide an unwed child yet providing extremely well for her doesnt make me think less of Jerry. Temptation is hard to ignore when you have feelings and needs. I guess the moral of the story is dont get married and never expect a mother to fulfill her end of the deal completely. She knew that her daughter could take Jerry to court eventually after living a good life. Maybe Jerry has assets protected for the Gene Kids as he expected this...or maybe he was naïve for trusting the lady and the kid to not spill the beans.

Jerry didnt want to tend to an unintended child. Hes the Devil. He paid money to be left out. No biggie from me.
See...I agree with your thinking here. I need to know what these payment amounts are at 24, 26, 28 years old. Jerry has increased his wealth significantly since this kids birth. If those trusts and amounts were based on 1996 money...the trust/payment amounts might be considered low ball payments.

I assume this girl has lawyers in here ear

I still dont get the Jerry hate. An owner whom wants to win and shows love for his team unlike some owners who are unknown. Hes not the perfect manager...but wants to win along with paying his producers baffles me. Id work for a guy like that. Because he doesnt manage the team like the Patriots? The gang of posters, if actual human beings with feelings and needs, whom celebrate managing at the highest level...they dont want to be treated as a number on a spreadsheet. They dont want their boss paying them low wages. But they want Jerry to sign extremely prudent contracts that devalue players skills and production. Next man up? Lets use the extremely taken advantage of rookies contracts instead of paying a proven producing player. It doesnt make sense.

I like Jerry and respect his wanting to win while taking care of his producers...I think he is great for Dallas as a community with his business mind and all. Does he have sure. Lets see how significant those skeletons really are, though. Because using his wealth as a way to hide an unwed child yet providing extremely well for her doesnt make me think less of Jerry. Temptation is hard to ignore when you have feelings and needs. I guess the moral of the story is dont get married and never expect a mother to fulfill her end of the deal completely. She knew that her daughter could take Jerry to court eventually after living a good life. Maybe Jerry has assets protected for the Gene Kids as he expected this...or maybe he was naïve for trusting the lady and the kid to not spill the beans.

Jerry didnt want to tend to an unintended child. Hes the Devil. He paid money to be left out. No biggie from me.
The reason I hate Jerry is I question his commitment to winning. He's committed to being a celebrity and a national icon. If Jerry was committed to winning he would have put his ego aside and brought in a GM that can build a playoff winning team. If Jerry was committed to winning he would not undermine his coaches. Until Jerry does what's best for the team on the field then I will not like him. I could care less what Jerry does off the field. 25 years of playoff futility is enough of a sample size to show Jerry's way of doing things isn't working and if he was committed to winning he would change. That's why I hate him.
If she was a minor when it happened, she can't legally agree to anything...and when she's an adult should not be bound to any agreement made for her as a child because she wasn't old enough to agree to it.

Jerry is a scumbag for not acknowledging her if it's true. He's a scumbag for not being a father.

Why she's doing this now? It's probably a cash grab but we don't know. However, it's her right to shout it from the rooftops if she wants...she isn't the one that made the bargain if she wasn't 18+ at the time.

Exactly.............any NDA the mother signed was binding on her, not the child.

A quick DNA test should tell us if she is indeed Jerry Jones biological daughter.
Jerry is denying he’s her biological father. It’s going to be interesting to see if he’s willing to take a paternity test to prove it.

Yep, if Jerry aint the dad then he will have no problem taking a DNA test to prove.

However, if Jerry refuses to take a paternity test, well we all know what that means.
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