Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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See...I agree with your thinking here. I need to know what these payment amounts are at 24, 26, 28 years old. Jerry has increased his wealth significantly since this kids birth. If those trusts and amounts were based on 1996 money...the trust/payment amounts might be considered low ball payments.

But the thing is at ages 24, 26 and 28 she is no longer a minor he would have financial responsibility for anyway. She couldn't even rely on the settlement her mom made because if it's held that she is subject to the mom's agreement then she bound by that,, and if its held she is not subject to the mom's agreement then the contractual obligation to make those payments dies anyway.
I gave several reasons why that kind of suit could be seen as frivolous. What are your reasons it wouldn't?

I went to law school for a year.... couldn't finish due to wife and 2 kids and just too much with a family. So, I know a little. One, if you haven't looked up specific laws for a particular state, you can't really say what will happen. We assume things are black and white. Parents are responsible for their children up through age 18.... uhm it isnt that simple. There have been some crazy cases of kids suing parents and winning that I was like, huh?

I can play this out for you.
Kid sues Jerry for emotional distress due to the "Trauma," this NDA has forced her through. In the report, it states something about the stress of seeing her siblings very public life. Stress?? what stress??? Well, Ive been told those are my siblings. My father is a very public figure in Texas and only a few short miles from where I live. Jerry is my dad... im 12 years old. I want to share this with my friends, but I have this enormous pressure on me that if I share this info with ANYONE my family will lose the money we live on. This is a DAILY emotional mountain I am carrying around on my back EVERY DAY...... as she cries on the stand. You cant imagine what my life has been like.... as she wipes more tears from her eyes. Then the psychiatrist takes the stand and testifies for hours what this kind of situation can do to a young child. What growing up without a child does to a child's emotional stability and sense of self worth. Now you think Jerry is gonna have a lawyer go up there and cross examine this person and try to tear them to shreds and only reinforce that the defendant is the monster they say he is. What kind of man would just throw their child in the corner all those years?

Now we put Jerry on the stand and he is depicted as this MONSTER that made an agreement that has caused great pain and suffering on this young woman for what? Only because she was his child?... oh the horror, oh the anger that the jury has inside towards this monster billionaire. If you dont think this exact scenario is possible, I think you are very naive when it comes to how this kind of civil suit could play out.

Likely income? Jerry in no way wants his public image on trial in this scenario and settles this out of court.
But the thing is at ages 24, 26 and 28 she is no longer a minor he would have financial responsibility for anyway. She couldn't even rely on the settlement her mom made because if it's held that she is subject to the mom's agreement then she bound by that,, and if its held she is not subject to the mom's agreement then the contractual obligation to make those payments dies anyway.

What you are saying seems to make sense...I just know next to nothing about law and how courts rule.

Sorry for being unable to read...but can you clarify second sentence. I think I get it but might not. What do you mean "she couldnt rely on her mom's settlement if shes bound by it"? And..."if she is not a subject...there is no obligation"?
I went to law school for a year.... couldn't finish due to wife and 2 kids and just too much with a family. So, I know a little. One, if you haven't looked up specific laws for a particular state, you can't really say what will happen. We assume things are black and white. Parents are responsible for their children up through age 18.... uhm it isnt that simple. There have been some crazy cases of kids suing parents and winning that I was like, huh?

I can play this out for you.
Kid sues Jerry for emotional distress due to the "Trauma," this NDA has forced her through. In the report, it states something about the stress of seeing her siblings very public life. Stress?? what stress??? Well, Ive been told those are my siblings. My father is a very public figure in Texas and only a few short miles from where I live. Jerry is my dad... im 12 years old. I want to share this with my friends, but I have this enormous pressure on me that if I share this info with ANYONE my family will lose the money we live on. This is a DAILY emotional mountain I am carrying around on my back EVERY DAY...... as she cries on the stand. You cant imagine what my life has been like.... as she wipes more tears from her eyes. Then the psychiatrist takes the stand and testifies for hours what this kind of situation can do to a young child. What growing up without a child does to a child's emotional stability and sense of self worth. Now you think Jerry is gonna have a lawyer go up there and cross examine this person and try to tear them to shreds and only reinforce that the defendant is the monster they say he is. What kind of man would just throw their child in the corner all those years?

Now we put Jerry on the stand and he is depicted as this MONSTER that made an agreement that has caused great pain and suffering on this young woman for what? Only because she was his child?... oh the horror, oh the anger that the jury has inside towards this monster billionaire. If you dont think this exact scenario is possible, I think you are very naive when it comes to how this kind of civil suit could play out.

Likely income? Jerry in no way wants his public image on trial in this scenario and settles this out of court.

My immediate response to your above statement is "Why would someone pay a lawyer for an NDA and pay a person off to fulfill an NDA if the court doesnt back up the NDA?" It really seems like NDA's are worthless in situations like this. Regardless if the court backs Jerry up or not...I find this as a mistake on Jerry's part. What he wanted didnt happen. I guess it worked for a while and thats better than nothing. Hopefully Jerry is old enough to not give a ***** too much. I still feel it goes back to birth should be a mutual decision or the woman has to take full responsibility. She had the power to make the decision to give its the males choice to decide if he wants to give emotional or financial support.

Anyway...Jerry and the girl both had to deal with the moms decisions to have a child. If the rumors are true that Jerry has been absent and the mom knew Jerry's stance to do so forever...she never should have disclosed the identity to the child if there was a money stream for doing so. And a mistake for Jerry assuming she would keep the secret. could their be emotional stress unless the kid has known of the Jones' for a long time now? Sounds like the mom birthed her into this world without a father figure and now told her a secret she has to stress out on keeping. Such an unideal situation. Again...Birth should be mutual. So...this girl had to stress about the situation...and Jerry didnt? And who cares if he did because hes a billionaire? You can say who cares about this girl too because it seems like she has lived a better life than most kids.

These people need to be reasonable unlike the mom lol. Im sorry I sound like im trying to bash the mom or women...but my opinion of the situation doesnt seem unreasonable. It only sounds unreasonable for those who are "pro-trap-a-human".

Heres my final wish in all this(assuming this girl is in no contact with the Jones' on a personal or emotional level):

The girl is written a check for 50-100 million. (no seat at the Cowboy Empire. Maybe some of the real estate stuff if the courts says its a must)

She has to accept it if Jerry and the Siblings prefer not to have contact with her. (hopefully the kids decide to give trying to include her on some level a try. if the kid even wants that.) (im still curious if that photo on page 31 is the girl and if thats Charlotte with her lol)

She understands her mom has some blame in this. Its not all Jerry's fault.
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My immediate response to your above statement is "Why would someone pay a lawyer for an NDA and pay a person off to fulfill an NDA if the court doesnt back up the NDA?" It really seems like NDA's are worthless in situations like this. Regardless if the court backs Jerry up or not...I find this as a mistake on Jerry's part. What he wanted didnt happen. I guess it worked for a while and thats better than nothing. Hopefully Jerry is old enough to not give a ***** too much. I still feel it goes back to birth should be a mutual decision or the woman has to take full responsibility. She had the power to make the decision to give its the males choice to decide if he wants to give emotional or financial support.


The question is does an NDA apply to the minor child ????? Im gonna guess the court says no. The NDA didnt say anything about mom disclosing who dad was to the child,... but then again, who knows what it said, none of us have been able to read it. Which is ultimately my point. None of us have a clue whats happening here. When it comes to a complicated situation like this, who knows the exact details of this case and how the court will deal with it.
I have no doubt this woman's long term goal is money, and lots of it. I do not think, however, she is legally entitled to any* so it is a matter of how far Jerry will go to keep his reputation (or what little there is left of it) intact.

*she is legally entitled to child support, including back child support, but it seems that that was taken care of
Seems like you came to our little party with
The question is does an NDA apply to the minor child ????? Im gonna guess the court says no. The NDA didnt say anything about mom disclosing who dad was to the child,... but then again, who knows what it said, none of us have been able to read it. Which is ultimately my point. None of us have a clue whats happening here. When it comes to a complicated situation like this, who knows the exact details of this case and how the court will deal with it.
The file is locked until the end of this month so I would expect Booger to try and make this quietly go away. Just as he did the Dalrymple situation.
Alexandra is seeking to establish legally she’s his daughter. By doing so it will violate the terms of the settlement .

It’s actually very noble on her part willing to sacrifice the remainder of payments .

I can’t imagine why anyone would defend Jethro in this case and not be sympathetic to Alex.

My sympathies for the Jones would reside with Gene and her children.
Alexandra is seeking to establish legally she’s his daughter. By doing so it will violate the terms of the settlement .

It’s actually very noble on her part willing to sacrifice the remainder of payments .
Well, she wants to have her cake and eat it too. Seems to me that what she is suing for is to be able to violate the confidentiality part of the confidentiality agreement without terminating the whole "Jerry gives me money" part.
Alexandra is seeking to establish legally she’s his daughter. By doing so it will violate the terms of the settlement .

It’s actually very noble on her part willing to sacrifice the remainder of payments .

I can’t imagine why anyone would defend Jethro in this case and not be sympathetic to Alex.

My sympathies for the Jones would reside with Gene and her children.

I dont see why Jerry couldnt work out a deal with her. A new NDA. He take the test and she receive money but not be allowed to talk about it if thats what Jerry wants. Unless she is asking for the ranch in exchange for the NDA or if Jerry knows that this will open the door for her to take the estate to the bank.

I agree that the kid is strong and noble if she is willing to forgo money AND NOT SUE IN THE FUTURE in exchange for paternity test. But...and Im not trying to defend Jerry here...why does she want to disrupt this guys life now? Sounds like its laying groundwork for future lawsuit, asking too much in exchange for an NDA or Jerry refusing the test. I still dont know why a test cant be done and all this be done in private behind the scenes?

It seems to come back to money. Someone is being unreasonable.
Alexandra is seeking to establish legally she’s his daughter. By doing so it will violate the terms of the settlement .

It’s actually very noble on her part willing to sacrifice the remainder of payments .

I can’t imagine why anyone would defend Jethro in this case and not be sympathetic to Alex.

My sympathies for the Jones would reside with Gene and her children.

uhmmmmmm, wrong. Thats the entire reason she is suing, she wants to ensure the money from the trust keeps flowing... but more importantly, read this article from espn and it lays out what is going to happen next. Im not going to post it again, but read my previous post in this thread from this morning. I think my depiction of what is gonna happen is pretty spot on.
Well, she wants to have her cake and eat it too. Seems to me that what she is suing for is to be able to violate the confidentiality part of the confidentiality agreement without terminating the whole "Jerry gives me money" part.
ding ding ding... we have a winner.

Not only Jerry gives me money part.... but it is going to be about Jerry giving me MORE MONEY in the future.
I dont see why Jerry couldnt work out a deal with her. A new NDA. He take the test and she receive money but not be allowed to talk about it if thats what Jerry wants. Unless she is asking for the ranch in exchange for the NDA or if Jerry knows that this will open the door for her to take the estate to the bank.

I agree that the kid is strong and noble if she is willing to forgo money AND NOT SUE IN THE FUTURE in exchange for paternity test. But...and Im not trying to defend Jerry here...why does she want to disrupt this guys life now? Sounds like its laying groundwork for future lawsuit, asking too much in exchange for an NDA or Jerry refusing the test. I still dont know why a test cant be done and all this be done in private behind the scenes?

It seems to come back to money. Someone is being unreasonable.
She is getting some amount of money from Jones and she wants more. It's that simple.
I dont see why Jerry couldnt work out a deal with her. A new NDA. He take the test and she receive money but not be allowed to talk about it if thats what Jerry wants. Unless she is asking for the ranch in exchange for the NDA or if Jerry knows that this will open the door for her to take the estate to the bank.

I agree that the kid is strong and noble if she is willing to forgo money AND NOT SUE IN THE FUTURE in exchange for paternity test. But...and Im not trying to defend Jerry here...why does she want to disrupt this guys life now? Sounds like its laying groundwork for future lawsuit, asking too much in exchange for an NDA or Jerry refusing the test. I still dont know why a test cant be done and all this be done in private behind the scenes?

It seems to come back to money. Someone is being unreasonable.

we have no clue what has already happened behind the scenes. My guess is her attorneys already approached jerry, and he said piss off. And without a doubt there will be a future lawsuit. Id bet my life on that... unless Jerry caves and pays more money out to avoid going to court.
Alexandra is seeking to establish legally she’s his daughter. By doing so it will violate the terms of the settlement .

It’s actually very noble on her part willing to sacrifice the remainder of payments .

I can’t imagine why anyone would defend Jethro in this case and not be sympathetic to Alex.

My sympathies for the Jones would reside with Gene and her children.

I have sympathy towards everyone in this case. Dumb Jerry slept with a woman that he wanted no relationship with. She is to blame here... she is at much to blame as he is.
They reached a settlement that was the best thing, in Jerry's mind to deal with it. How many people has this happened to out in society? A ton. Im not condoning any behavior, but im not also gonna make out like a man and a woman who went out and had sex together are somehow villains. By the looks of it, mom was financially secure to raise a kid Jerry didnt want. Kid was raised and appears to have a pretty good life. Its sucks she didnt have a father, but she isnt the first and she wont be the last. Life goes on.
uhmmmmmm, wrong. Thats the entire reason she is suing, she wants to ensure the money from the trust keeps flowing... but more importantly, read this article from espn and it lays out what is going to happen next. Im not going to post it again, but read my previous post in this thread from this morning. I think my depiction of what is gonna happen is pretty spot on.
I’ve read that and clearly states Alex is seeking to be released from the agreement. Which means she’s willing to forfeit the remainder of funds due to her to be able to name him her father.
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