Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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Whatever it is, I just hope it comes out before we sign him to a long-term deal.

What worries me is that Mike Fisher called it a "non-issue." I can't think of a time in the past decade when that guy has been right.

He almost broke his arm congratulating himself, but he was right about the seriousness of Anthony Spencer's knee injury.
Wouldn't killing somebody only be about 2x worse than Ray Rice punching the girl in the face and knocking her out cold?

For Dez to do something 5x worse he would have had to kill an entire village of women and children.

Hate to say it but a sexual natured issue?
Wouldn't killing somebody only be about 2x worse than Ray Rice punching the girl in the face and knocking her out cold?

For Dez to do something 5x worse he would have had to kill an entire village of women and children.

Not really. Hit then kick then spit on someone like a family member would be about 5 times worse.
If it was that bad wouldn't he have been arrested for it or someone would have reported assault or something.

Not necessarily. If it's a situation of domestic abuse, abusers often stay silent. If it involves a family member, they might be protecting their potential cash cow. That's VERY common.

Let's assume there IS a video showing Dez doing something very, very wrong. My question would be how long ago did the incident occur. Let's say he fought his mom when he was in college, and someone got it on tape. Is that enough to suspend him? How far in the past are we going to dig into someone's past and suspend them based on an incident that may not have been reported and an incident the "suspect" may have sought forgiveness over and has put behind him?

It's one thing if this happened this past year or even two years ago. But if it's something from his college years? I don't think he should suffer unless it involves a rape or killing someone.

P.S., I sure hope no one was videotaping me when I got into a fight with a girl in the seventh grade. :(
Personally, I think that's a pull of their *** comment. lol

People are way too suspicious of Roc Nation. Roc Nation is a business and a very successful one at that.
They're not going to jeapardize their business.

Roc Nation will do the same to Dez as Don King did to Tyson. Just my opinion.
If a video exists, my guess is that it will show Dez arguing with his mom and shoving her... I believe it happened in his
front yard... everyone knew about it when it happened and the family has been in the process of regrouping ever since...
but a video speaks a thousand times louder than words and I'm sure it will look bad.

If I remember correctly, he "face mashed" her and threw a ball cap at her... it's no secret that Dez's mom is not your
typical loving caring mother... she was there because she wanted in on his money... but a video of a grown man putting
a hand in his mother's face will look bad.

I am really disgusted with how the national media treats Dez Bryant... in my opinion, it's unwarranted and if no tape
surfaces I would like to see the Jones family come out in support the way Robert Kraft did for his coach and team.

Yeah I'm really tired of it. The guy from all accounts has really worked hard to improve himself since he got into the NFL.
Not necessarily. If it's a situation of domestic abuse, abusers often stay silent. If it involves a family member, they might be protecting their potential cash cow. That's VERY common.

Let's assume there IS a video showing Dez doing something very, very wrong. My question would be how long ago did the incident occur. Let's say he fought his mom when he was in college, and someone got it on tape. Is that enough to suspend him? How far in the past are we going to dig into someone's past and suspend them based on an incident that may not have been reported and an incident the "suspect" may have sought forgiveness over and has put behind him?

It's one thing if this happened this past year or even two years ago. But if it's something from his college years? I don't think he should suffer unless it involves a rape or killing someone.

P.S., I sure hope no one was videotaping me when I got into a fight with a girl in the seventh grade. :(

If it is something 5X worse I don't think any abuser or someone associated with the abuser is going to stay silent. That just sounds really farfetched to keep something that bad under wraps.
5X worse than knocking your GF out cold is killing someone right?

Not really. Hit then kick then spit on someone like a family member would be about 5 times worse.

Not sure what your talking about. I was referring to the above.
That story has been out for a few years now. How could what's already known be an issue at this point?

Hey, I'm just throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks....:).... maybe a family member has video of the incident and
wants to get paid now... the Ray Rice saga proved that video is damning more so than any report... if I'm right, can the
NFL even do anything about a domestic incident that happened 3 years ago?

Mostly, my heart is in my throat right now because, if true, we have to go back to the drawing board as a team.
Trying to decipher the "5 times worse" thing, all I can interpret is the video might show him wailing on a woman. As opposed to a single punch, perhaps he lands multiple.

...if such a video exists. Obviously lots of hypotheticals at play.
Not necessarily. If it's a situation of domestic abuse, abusers often stay silent. If it involves a family member, they might be protecting their potential cash cow. That's VERY common.

Let's assume there IS a video showing Dez doing something very, very wrong. My question would be how long ago did the incident occur. Let's say he fought his mom when he was in college, and someone got it on tape. Is that enough to suspend him? How far in the past are we going to dig into someone's past and suspend them based on an incident that may not have been reported and an incident the "suspect" may have sought forgiveness over and has put behind him?

It's one thing if this happened this past year or even two years ago. But if it's something from his college years? I don't think he should suffer unless it involves a rape or killing someone.

P.S., I sure hope no one was videotaping me when I got into a fight with a girl in the seventh grade. :(

The thing I don't understand is why everyone is so hellbent on making Dez look like such a bad person? Why are they looking for a video that probably occurred years ago (if it exists) to potentially ruin a young man's career?
Why am I beginning to give thought to the possibility there is a damning video out there??? Can this rumor(hopefully) just die. PLEASE!!!
Not necessarily. If it's a situation of domestic abuse, abusers often stay silent. If it involves a family member, they might be protecting their potential cash cow. That's VERY common.

Let's assume there IS a video showing Dez doing something very, very wrong. My question would be how long ago did the incident occur. Let's say he fought his mom when he was in college, and someone got it on tape. Is that enough to suspend him? How far in the past are we going to dig into someone's past and suspend them based on an incident that may not have been reported and an incident the "suspect" may have sought forgiveness over and has put behind him?

It's one thing if this happened this past year or even two years ago. But if it's something from his college years? I don't think he should suffer unless it involves a rape or killing someone.

P.S., I sure hope no one was videotaping me when I got into a fight with a girl in the seventh grade. :(

Got your butt kicked didn't ya.:p
If a video exists, my guess is that it will show Dez arguing with his mom and shoving her... I believe it happened in his
front yard... everyone knew about it when it happened and the family has been in the process of regrouping ever since...
but a video speaks a thousand times louder than words and I'm sure it will look bad.

If I remember correctly, he "face mashed" her and threw a ball cap at her... it's no secret that Dez's mom is not your
typical loving caring mother... she was there because she wanted in on his money... but a video of a grown man putting
a hand in his mother's face will look bad.

I am really disgusted with how the national media treats Dez Bryant... in my opinion, it's unwarranted and if no tape
surfaces I would like to see the Jones family come out in support the way Robert Kraft did for his coach and team.

I think Dez brings a lot of the criticism on himself with his off field behavior in the past and his current side line antics that get twisted into some kind of nefarious deed. Perception becomes reality.
Roc Nation will do the same to Dez as Don King did to Tyson. Just my opinion.

Roc Nation made Rihanna from another run of the mill pop starlet who was one bad album away from never heard from again and bankrupt to a mega star.

The reality as has been noted from day one is that Roc Nation won't have anything to do with his contract. It doesn't mean Tom Condon won't try to get Dez QB money, but it won't be Roc Nation pulling the strings.
Wouldn't killing somebody only be about 2x worse than Ray Rice punching the girl in the face and knocking her out cold?

For Dez to do something 5x worse he would have had to kill an entire village of women and children.

Nah! there are worse things... So let's say they had video of Dez having sex with a 12 year old.
Clearly there are worse things that could be taped. Let's hope this is a made up nada story and
it goes away permanently.
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