Game of Thrones Season 6


Pixel Pusher
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Dude, Olenna is a wicked woman. Look at how she talked to people that aren't the Lannisters. There is no way in hell Daenarys would let her talk like that.

I said the Martells. Olenna is one of my favorites, she's played the game longer than anyone else left playing it.

Yep, they were also polygamists. Raegar was already married to Elia Martell, he could have easily married Lyanna too.

Raegar pulled a Rob, that's part of the allegory to the song of Fire and Ice. Raegar (fire) did the same thing that Rob (Ice) did, and it cost them both dearly even though they were destined for great things.

I don't think they're necessarily polygamists, they are however not sticklers when it comes to incest.


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btw, Jon should officially have a better claim to the throne than Daenarys. He is the son of Raegar which was the eldest brother of the Mad King. (Daenary's older brother) You could say he is a ******* too, but that may not be true. They say Lyanna was kidnapped, but that might not be true. More likely is Lyanna ran off with Raegar (I mean, he was in line for the Iron Throne, not Robert) Not to mention, Raegar and Lyanna very well could have been married when they ran off together, she was not found until she was dying and Ned HAD to protect the child (his newphew) or Robert would have killed him. Remember Robert wanted all Targaryen children dead which is why he was trying to have Daenarys and Viserys killed in the first season before he died. They had claim on the Robert's throne!

If all that is the case, not only is Jon not a *******, he is the heir to the Iron throne over Daenarys.

Jon and Daenerys will marry so it doesn't really matter.....


Pixel Pusher
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People complaining about Arya's training not being completed.

I kind of got the feeling that when she killed the Waif, hung her face in the temple and confronted her teacher and said she was Arya Stark and headed home...he gave a hint of a smile and IMO that was their way of saying her training was complete.

She had used the faces before. She could have killed the others she was assigned to kill but instead killed others...maybe they forget that she used the faces in order to kill Meryan Trant who killed her Dance Master and was abusing the little girls in the brothel.

I think when she said she was Arya Stark instead of nobody...she was ready and the Teacher knew it. That is just my opinion. He could have easily killed her before she got away but that little hint of a smile and hint of a nod said to me that she was ready.

I totally forgot about her using a face to kill Meryan Trant.

There's a fan theory that Jaken is/was Sirio, so I can see that potentially he's been training her all along.

I don't know, I don't think they did a great job of showing her progress. There was the whole scene of her buying a ship (and a room) where she was way cocky, it seemed so out of character.

I feel like she's been inconsistently written lately. We all knew she would get to this point (master assassin) but I think it could have been better done.


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She still is no match for Cersei......she got in all snide remarks last week but she paid dearly for it....her son, granddaughter(the Queen) and her grandson all perished.....Cersei is the ultimate evil incarnate.....her whole plan was next level diabolical......even Jamie was scared when he came did it go from her trial to her coronation without even an ounce of help from him.....

Cersei was backed into a corner big-time.
They had taken away her trial by battle.
She was going to go down with the ship so she burned it down before that could happen.
I respect her gangsta for sure.
But it will just make it that much sweeter when Arya cuts her throat.

Whomever above suggested Arya joins some army isn't paying attention.
Arya isn't taking orders, she is on a one woman assassination spree.
That's been clear before she ever joined the faceless.


Pixel Pusher
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Cersei was backed into a corner big-time.
They had taken away her trial by battle.
She was going to go down with the ship so she burned it down before that could happen.
I respect her gangsta for sure.
But it will just make it that much sweeter when Arya cuts her throat.

Whomever above suggested Arya joins some army isn't paying attention.
Arya isn't taking orders, she is on a one woman assassination spree.
That's been clear before she ever joined the faceless.

I agree. Cersei just showed what she's capable of when backed into a corner.

However, now that she has no children, Jamie is the only one who can possibly hold her in check.


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So now that Jon is allegedly king of the North...what's going to happen to the Kasrstarks and Umbers? Are they essentially wiped off the map or who's taking over?

I always found it ridiculous that little Jon betrayed the Starks like that. Just makes no sense at all.


Hold The Door!
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How is she a master assassin, with only one completed assassination, or were there more that I somehow missed? She could never defeat the waif sighted or unsighted, until suddenly she could? They never taught her to change faces because she was never "ready", yet somehow she managed to skin the waif's face without ever even knowing that was how it was done?

She gets stabbed in the stomach 15 times and lives, thanks to one day of rest and some milk of the poppy?

They spent so much time telling us she was unqualified to be a master assassin of the house of black and white, and then suddenly when they need her back in Westros, she has suddenly mastered every ability necessary to make her relevant in the coming seasons.

It's all very convinient.

Of course its convenient... its tv.


Pixel Pusher
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Of course its convenient... its tv.




Unfriendly and Aloof!
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So now that Jon is allegedly king of the North...what's going to happen to the Kasrstarks and Umbers? Are they essentially wiped off the map or who's taking over?

I always found it ridiculous that little Jon betrayed the Starks like that. Just makes no sense at all.

Smalljon Umber was killed by Tormund and as far as I know. A majority of their armies were wiped out.

I'm guessing you're referring to Smalljon betraying the Starks. Smalljon told Ramsey when he handed over Rickon to Ramsey that if Greatjon hadn't died, he likely would have killed him himself. That means that , while Greatjon was a starch supporter of the Stark's, Smalljon was not.


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Saw this on reddit


The guests of the Red Wedding were killed three ways. Crossbow, stabbed in the gut and throat slit. The biggest people responsible for the Red Wedding, Tywinn Lannister killed by a crossbow, Roose Bolton killed by a stab to the gut, Walder Frey killed by getting his throat cut.

Other things like Jaime pushing Bran out of a window and then his son doing the swan dive. Or how he prevented the wildfire use and lost his "honor" only to have the woman he loves do the exact same thing.

"Only a fool would trust Littlefinger."-Ned, repeated by Sansa this episode.

Lyanna Mormont(named after Jons mother) being the one to get Jon the King of the North title after being trained by Jeor Mormont is all kinds of fitting.

The contrast of Cerceis crowning to Jons are polar opposites. Reminds me of this picture

The Prince that was Promised prophecy says how he will be born under a bleeding star or something to that point. Dawn was forged from a fallen star and was covered in blood where Jon was born. Rhaegar was supposedly needing a 3rd child to fulfill the prophecy which his frail wife couldn't have!!!

Tiny little details and correlations like this are what makes this show the best on TV. Lots more I noticed/read about but these are the ones that really pop out in my memory.


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Nobody's really talking about this, but something's gonna happen with Petyr Baelish and Jon/Sansa. I can't see him killing Jon just because the story is obviously building up for Jon to be the hero. If he's gonna die, it's not gonna happen at the hands of Little Finger. And I'm not sure if he'd kill Sansa because I think he kinda loves her the way he loved her mother. But I definitely see something going down next season. Little Finger is too sneaky and ambitious to just let Jon take everything from him.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Nobody's really talking about this, but something's gonna happen with Petyr Baelish and Jon/Sansa. I can't see him killing Jon just because the story is obviously building up for Jon to be the hero. If he's gonna die, it's not gonna happen at the hands of Little Finger. And I'm not sure if he'd kill Sansa because I think he kinda loves her the way he loved her mother. But I definitely see something going down next season. Little Finger is too sneaky and ambitious to just let Jon take everything from him.

I bet Littlefinger gets eaten by a Dragon before all is said and done. I'm pretty sure he isn't killing Jon. He may kill Sansa though. That would definitely be his undoing.


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I bet Littlefinger gets eaten by a Dragon before all is said and done. I'm pretty sure he isn't killing Jon. He may kill Sansa though. That would definitely be his undoing.

Yeah, not sure he's killing anyone. But he definitely has something up his sleeve.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Cersei was backed into a corner big-time.
They had taken away her trial by battle.
She was going to go down with the ship so she burned it down before that could happen.
I respect her gangsta for sure.
But it will just make it that much sweeter when Arya cuts her throat.

Whomever above suggested Arya joins some army isn't paying attention.
Arya isn't taking orders, she is on a one woman assassination spree.
That's been clear before she ever joined the faceless.

Has to be Jamie or Tyrion who's kills Cersei... It's part of the prophecy the witch told her when she was young.