Video: Every Dez Bryant Incompletion from 17


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Really? Try going back and reading my first sentence again or stop typing so you don't make yourself look worse.
And? Perhaps you should claify what your definition of “positive stats” mean because you seem to be the only one who knows.


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I will give examples.

In 2006 - he bobbled the snap. I get he was a holder but was a huge end of game mistake.

In 2007- he had what you call his Hail Mary interception. I don’t fault him for the interception, in and of itself, I have a problem with the fact he rushed that throw and gave his receiver absolutely no shot at catching the ball. He had time to scramble, give receivers more time and given someone a shot at a reception. It wasn’t “Hail Mary” as we were only 20-30 yards away and a 1st down still could have been achieved too.

In 2009 he was a turnover machine against Minny. While he only had 1 interception, he fumbled 3 times losing 2.

In 2011 - he had a good stat line agiant NY in week 17. Problem is our offense sucked when the game was tight and racked up stats when down big.

2012- threw 3 interceptions against Washington in week 17, including the last one with under 2 minutes down by only 3. That pretty much ended the season.

2014- he actually came through against the Lions and would have come through late agianst the Packers if Dez would have wrapped the ball up.
Man thats a lot of mistakes! You forgot to add that Romo completion percentage drops big in playoff games. He had good 2014 year but that was an outlier!


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How anyone can watch that vid from start to finish and still defend dak is beyond me. Although I didn't need to compile a video.. my eyes told me from the beginning Dak was not going to cut it.

But how many of these threads can we have? We are stuck with dak until jerry dies.. so you know.. get used to losing.


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2006 he actually drove us down the field to get in position to kick that very FG.

2007 - Romo could not gain a first down as you say the time expired it was end zone or nothing
2009 - Witten was tasked with blocking Jared Allen, nuff said

2011 - he played injured. His hand looked like a pumpkin (the week prior against the eagles he hit his helmet on the defender)

2012 - he did have a ****ty game. Didn’t help that the line backer came Scott free on that INT tho

I know. There is always some reason we can use to explaIn why Romo (or any player) makes a mistake or has a bad game. It is only a matter of whether we choose to do it. I. can come up with great reason after reason (specific plays and other mistakes players/coaches made) to shield any and all blame away from Romo if I choose to do so. I did it for 10 years while he was playing so I am well versed in defending Romo. I just did it agianst claims that he sucked and needed to be cut. Now people do it to prop him up and tear our current QB down like Romo was this perfect QB that would win championships but wasn’t given the chance.

We can come up with resons why Dak has sucked like his receivers can’t get separation, they drop balls, the oline sucked when Smith was out, nobody respected Morris, defense couldn’t hold leads.

Hell, I can even come up with reasons why Brandon Weeden was given a raw deal in his 3.25 games in 2015.

Then when all else fails we can say things like “but everyone makes a mistake, no one is perfect”.
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Go Seahawks!!!
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Man thats a lot of mistakes! You forgot to add that Romo completion percentage drops big in playoff games. He had good 2014 year but that was an outlier!

There is a lot of stuff that can be added, like the offense typically underperforming their season averages and those of their opponents, while the defense typically overperformed compared to the averages. And the defense is the primary reason why Romo is believed to have been held back.

Here is an interesting observation:

I was a Romo supporter. I spent a lot of time debating with his haters. His haters were confident the team could not win with Tony Romo as QB. Romo supporters were confident the team could win and predicted wins in the “win or go home” games.

Now Tony’s career is over, the narrative is Romo was never given a chance and his career was wasted. I find this interesting since they felt Romo was good enough at the time to win those games and keep the season alive.
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1st Round Pick
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I’ve consistently said Dak, Dez, and coaching were all to blame for Dez’s woes.

People have been too hard on Dez but Dez does deserve some of the responsibility..

Still he needs to give up some money because we just won’t get our moneys worth in the pass game.

Silver N Blue

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Your previous posts are garbage much like your facts. The fact is that Dak was all world for 24 games until the offense around him went to puddy. There is a direct and straight line correlation between Zeke and Smith going down and the entire offense and Dak going to mud. If you cant see that then you are either blind as a bat or a Dak hater. Either way your not worth even having a conversation with. Continue to spew false facts and dumb conclusions and I will continue to point out your laughable nonsense.

You want facts start spewing them out one by one and I will nail them and you to a wall. If you actually HAVE something concrete Ill be more than willing to acknowledge that fact as accurate.
You only prove the fact he needs everything to run smoothly in order to succeed and produce ata high level. At this point he clearly can not put a team on his back and carry them. If you really need me to break down the team clearly put an offensive plan in place that allowed him to excel at a high level that is sad. Once the training wheels were and have been eliminated he has struggled and that is a fact. I really don’t understand why you need to come at me personally and act so defensive. It is my opinion, one that is not even remotely offensive, based not just on fact but common knowledge, and yet you feel defensive and have brought nothing to the table but an argumentative confrontational approach.


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The entire NFL landscape acknowledges and concludes that Dez is a limited and poor route runner. Combine that with declining speed, a route tree and limited offensive scheme that pidgeon holes him to predictable routes and you have the perfect recipe for a bomb in production. Then sprinkle in a new QB that is uncomfortable throwing to reciever that arent open and you have the entire pie.

Its NOT rocket science here. Plain as day.

Now Dez had a better connection with Romo but that was years ago. And Romo isnt here anymore. Dak is here and he is our guy. And if he doesnt have a connection with the waning Dez, then no sense in paying an over the hill guy 17 million dollars. Time to make the offense "Dak friendly".
The post you quoted was not a defense of Dez Bryant.

During the season, some people tried to explain the drop in Bryant's production by claiming that too many of his targets weren't catchable. If they'd looked around the league, they'd have seen that Dez's rate of catchable targets was slightly above average for an outside WR. The problem is that not all of a player's catchable targets are actually caught. Dez's production went down because his drop rate was so high, and his TD rate wasn't what it was in previous seasons, including his only other season with Prescott.

2014 Romo
to Bryant 92 of 132 (69.7%) 1391 yd (10.5 ypa) 15 td 5 int 126.2
to everybody else 246 of 353 (69.7%) 2798 yd (7.9 ypa) 23 td 4 int 110.2

2016 Prescott
to Bryant 59 of 110 (53.6%) 928 yd (8.4 ypa) 10 td 3 int 100.9
to everybody else 276 of 387 (71.3%) 3041 yd (7.9 ypa) 16 td 2 int 105.8

2017 Prescott (all games)
to Bryant 68 of 131 (51.9%) 830 yd (6.3 ypa) 6 td 5 td 71.1
to everybody else 240 of 359 (66.9%) 2494 yd (6.9 ypa) 16 td 8 int 92.3

2017 Prescott (w/ all 5 starting OL)
to Bryant 48 of 86 (55.8%) 632 yd (7.3 ypa) 6 td 3 int 87.9
to everybody else 164 of 252 (65.1%) 1832 yd (7.3 ypa) 15 td 3 int 101.4


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How dare you throw my words at me. Lol

When that running game faltered a bit, Dak got severely exposed. It was horrifying to watch at times, and it started showing itself late in 2016.

I thought the offseason would help. It got worse.


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And? Perhaps you should claify what your definition of “positive stats” mean because you seem to be the only one who knows.
If you can't figure it out without me telling you then you aren't worth discussing football with or, most likely conversation on any level.


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If you can't figure it out without me telling you then you aren't worth discussing football with or, most likely conversation on any level.
Lol, ok dude, sounds good. I guess QBR isn’t worth mentioning in your genius level of thinking either.

1st year: 81.5
2nd year: 66.3

Romo QBR
1st year: 65.2
2nd year: 78.8

If you don’t like year 1 cause he didn’t play the full season

3rd year: 63.7

I’m sure all of that means nothing to you which is why it’s pointless wasting anymore time on you due to your man crush on Romo.
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Taco Engineer
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What do positive stat mean? Go back and watch Romo, he made plenty; at least as many plays with his feet for both completions and touchdowns, he just threw the ball instead of running because he's better at throwing. Romo was Houdini getting out of the pocket and finding a receiver on the run. I'm not a Dak hater, but he isn't close to Romo especially considering that Dak is 2 years deep into his career with 32 starts and Romo was 5 years deep before he had 32 starts. Romo put the team on his back his whole career, first year Dak preformed admirably but the Oline and zeke put the team on their back. Last year Dak had more around him than Romo in his first two years(as starter) even with injuries but didn't handle it as well.


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Ever heard of the saying " throw the receiver open"

That's one thing Dak doesn't do right now. He's good at throwing to a spot. I think he will get better. But Dez is getting way too much hate from the fans and media.


Taco Engineer
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Ever heard of the saying " throw the receiver open"

That's one thing Dak doesn't do right now. He's good at throwing to a spot. I think he will get better. But Dez is getting way too much hate from the fans and media.
The phrase "throwing the wr open" is overused IMO. Dak struggled under pressure, specifically his footwork which is huge in terms of throwing mechanics. But he's hardly the only blame for the offensive shortcomings.
Throwing a WR open only works if a WR can outrun the DB.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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How anyone can watch that vid from start to finish and still defend dak is beyond me. Although I didn't need to compile a video.. my eyes told me from the beginning Dak was not going to cut it.

But how many of these threads can we have? We are stuck with dak until jerry dies.. so you know.. get used to losing.
How anyone could watch that vid from start to finish and think Bryant is an elite WR worth what we are due to pay him is beyond me.

I saw a sloppy, disinterested non-professional the majority of the time.

Who is the veteran here?
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Go Seahawks!!!
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Ever heard of the saying " throw the receiver open"

That's one thing Dak doesn't do right now. He's good at throwing to a spot. I think he will get better. But Dez is getting way too much hate from the fans and media.
Yes. It became a buzz phrase after Romo commentated the Chargers vs Cowboys game and now it is used frequently, like “meat on the bone”, “running into darkness” and “bell cow” became common phrases after people used it to describe Murray.

Funny, a few weeks later he was doing the Saints/Rams game and instead of accusing Brees of not throwing his receivers open, Romo repeatedly said the receivers needed to create separation.
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And Dak ain't done crap either, one great year and one year where he literally crapped the bed and looked like he was way in over his head. He sucks this year he needs to be gone.
You keep seeing what u want and ignore the stats and facts, Daks done more in his first year tha romo ever did, I loooooove that you suffer missing that wanna be, boooo hooooo lol!!!

that said I think youre very ignorant in the truest sense of the word so il block you to make my exoerience here less ignorant


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The phrase "throwing the wr open" is overused IMO. Dak struggled under pressure, specifically his footwork which is huge in terms of throwing mechanics. But he's hardly the only blame for the offensive shortcomings.
Throwing a WR open only works if a WR can outrun the DB.
Outrun? No sir out position is a better term, throwing a reciever open is putting the ball in a spot that favors the receivers position. NFL receivers are hardly never wide open unless it is a pick or broken coverage.