Memo to Jerry: Fire the coward in your building


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Might be low class to you, but now you have to deal with ******* that can pretty much do or say whatever they want to personally attack you. My father always said the country would get soft like it is now. When he was growing up he stated if someone was an ***hole they kept getting their *** kicked until they stopped being one. Fighting has solved conflict for millions of years. now because little men with big mouths can't throw hands it's low class. We claimed this country with violence btw.
Your father was a wise man. My dad said the same thing. Right now you could be reprimanded in the work place for example,by just saying hello to a woman in a nice manner. Just an example..its gotten PC...and soft..My dad always said this country would get taken over from our own because we will drip by drip allow it and become soft..all without a shot being fired. He said we would be willing. That's what sports media is also doing..following suit.They throw it out for the masses to consume hoping it becomes the narrative and the new truth if you will. I would have gotten along well with your dad it sounds like. Best way to handle issues is exactly as you to man..and if need be..fisticuffs. But still it must remain private.


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I guess I haven't kept up with as much.

Are there personal, non on field football, jabs being taken at Dez? Like hes skipped meetings and workouts, or hung out with coke hoes at the practice facilty?

Or is it really just the "he only runs three routs thing" that Josh Norman and others have already said publicly?

Honest question.

Because the OP mentioned that its getting personal and they're going after him and family.

Misunderstood.....not they are going AFTER his family, coz they're not. The tactic being used.....

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Sorry to start ANOTHER Dez thread but this has bothered me to no end. First time in 30+ years as a fan seeing anything like it from a Cowboy FO. The coward/rat in your building anonymously calling out Dez should be fired immediately. As a fan whether or not hate Dez or want him gone, you have to agree this is NO WAY to handle this. It's now way too personal. You know only hurt the player now but his family also. I know Fish has his critics but he got this right.


Wait.... Someone dimed Dez out from the inside.... Oh yeah.. The janitor... :lmao2::muttley:



This Dez crap will never get old... (until Felicia has finally left the bldg)


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Sorry to start ANOTHER Dez thread but this has bothered me to no end. First time in 30+ years as a fan seeing anything like it from a Cowboy FO. The coward/rat in your building anonymously calling out Dez should be fired immediately. As a fan whether or not hate Dez or want him gone, you have to agree this is NO WAY to handle this. It's now way too personal. You know only hurt the player now but his family also. I know Fish has his critics but he got this right.

Several thoughts on this-
1. This kind of “leaking” info to the press to manipulate certain situations goes on with all 32 NFL teams. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if this info was leaked at the directive of a FO high up somewhere.

2. Mike Fisher is not the brightest bulb in the local Dallas sports writer lighting fixture. He’s also known in the Dallas area to be too buddy-buddy with certain Cowboys players, Dez being one of them.

3. Mike Fisher is a drama queen. Everything to him is seemingly a dark conspiracy against some “good guy” or he’s always in possession of some deep secret no other journalist covering the Cowboys has...or chooses to cover.

4. The Cowboys FO is controlling all of this. Everything going on with the Dez situation, whether you’re for or against keeping him, is mostly being orchestrated by Jerry and Stephen. They clearly either want him gone or want him here only at a reduced rate.


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Several thoughts on this-
1. This kind of “leaking” info to the press to manipulate certain situations goes on with all 32 NFL teams. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if this info was leaked at the directive of a FO high up somewhere.

2. Mike Fisher is not the brightest bulb in the local Dallas sports writer lighting fixture. He’s also known in the Dallas area to be too buddy-buddy with certain Cowboys players, Dez being one of them.

3. Mike Fisher is a drama queen. Everything to him is seemingly a dark conspiracy against some “good guy” or he’s always in possession of some deep secret no other journalist covering the Cowboys has...or chooses to cover.

4. The Cowboys FO is controlling all of this. Everything going on with the Dez situation, whether you’re for or against keeping him, is mostly being orchestrated by Jerry and Stephen
. They clearly either want him gone or want him here only at a reduced rate.

You know what.....I have a hard time believing Jerry or Stephen is behind it. Coz if that's true, it tells me there's quite a bit going on with this behind closed doors. I mean if they want him gone that bad, why not just release him and move on. Unless
1. They are afraid WHO may sign with ( Commanders?) or 2. He's a pawn for a trade but only at a reduced salary but Dez and his agent have made clear he WILL NOT take a pay cut for a trade or to stay as a Cowboy.

Bottom line, if what you're saying is true, sounds like Dez and his agent may have given them an or release him.


The Boognish
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You know what.....I have a hard time believing Jerry or Stephen is behind it. Coz if that's true, it tells me there's quite a bit going on with this behind closed doors. I mean if they want him gone that bad, why not just release him and move on. Unless
1. They are afraid WHO may sign with ( Commanders?) or 2. He's a pawn for a trade but only at a reduced salary but Dez and his agent have made clear he WILL NOT take a pay cut for a trade or to stay as a Cowboy.

Bottom line, if what you're saying is true, sounds like Dez and his agent may have given them an or release him.

They want him to take a pay cut; we know this for a fact. The leak hurts his public image and thus his standing in the negotiation.


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4. The Cowboys FO is controlling all of this. Everything going on with the Dez situation, whether you’re for or against keeping him, is mostly being orchestrated by Jerry and Stephen. They clearly either want him gone or want him here only at a reduced rate.

Another option is they just want pressure on Dez over the offseason so he works hard in the offseason program and with Dak on timing.

If you follow the Rangers, it was very clear that Delino Deshields Jr was going to be the CF and pretty clear Keone Kela was going to close, but their front office refused to confirm it and kept making "they have to earn it" statements over the offseaon even though the final result was obvious.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You know what.....I have a hard time believing Jerry or Stephen is behind it. Coz if that's true, it tells me there's quite a bit going on with this behind closed doors. I mean if they want him gone that bad, why not just release him and move on. Unless
1. They are afraid WHO may sign with ( Commanders?) or 2. He's a pawn for a trade but only at a reduced salary but Dez and his agent have made clear he WILL NOT take a pay cut for a trade or to stay as a Cowboy.

Bottom line, if what you're saying is true, sounds like Dez and his agent may have given them an or release him.
You may be right but at this point, to me, it seems pretty obvious this FO does not want Dez back at full price. And I do agree with you that if they felt this way all along, they should have just designated him a post June 1 release and moved on. They are trying to manipulate the situation to gain something better, which I don't fault them for trying but most other NFL teams make a decision either way and move on. Like the packers from Jordy Nelson and the raiders from Mike Crabtree. At some point you have to be decisive and move on.


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Stephen has been known to be at odds with Daddy when it comes to player moves. This is one of them for sure with Dez. This is a tug of war,and in the end,Stevie will win and Dez will be shown the door sooner or later.


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Several thoughts on this-
1. This kind of “leaking” info to the press to manipulate certain situations goes on with all 32 NFL teams. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if this info was leaked at the directive of a FO high up somewhere.

2. Mike Fisher is not the brightest bulb in the local Dallas sports writer lighting fixture. He’s also known in the Dallas area to be too buddy-buddy with certain Cowboys players, Dez being one of them.

3. Mike Fisher is a drama queen. Everything to him is seemingly a dark conspiracy against some “good guy” or he’s always in possession of some deep secret no other journalist covering the Cowboys has...or chooses to cover.

4. The Cowboys FO is controlling all of this. Everything going on with the Dez situation, whether you’re for or against keeping him, is mostly being orchestrated by Jerry and Stephen. They clearly either want him gone or want him here only at a reduced rate.

I think if people will recall, some quirky stuff came out on Dez when he was last negotiating a huge deal. Some feelings were hurt, but in the end, he got paid like a monster, and everyone moved forward lie grown men.
This time around, he has greatly underperformed his contract and the FO wants reciprocation.. Right or wrong, it gets a bit messy when this happens. And because it is Dez--who has had special treatment and rules apply to him almost from day one--the FO (rightly or wrongly) expects him to take one for the team a bit.


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They want him to take a pay cut; we know this for a fact. The leak hurts his public image and thus his standing in the negotiation.

Yet after all this and he still refuses to take a pay cut, then what? After reading some comments in the thread, this is my point it appears Dez and his have backed them into a corner. All they have left is public trashing. Seems it down to two options ( pay or release ) if you Dez and his agent and FO don't like either one.....JMO.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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How does leaking this help in negotiations? You think Dez is going to read this and be scared into taking less money?

If anything, I believe Dez is going to tell them to piss off if they ask him to take less money. Making him angry with these stories wouldn't help.

It's just as likely Garrett's "camp" leaked this as an attempt at distancing himself if Dez has another bad year. Never underestimate Red's desire to protect himself and his rep.

I do think it's funny to see Fisher calling for an end to Jerry's circus when he's been apologizing for Jerry's elephant poop for 20 years now.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
We don't even know if this leak really happened. Some of these media guys make crap up to get fans attention.


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I don't know how this dez thing will play out but it was not handled in the right way this well create distrust in the locker room not a good look for the org or the people who run it