Who thinks Kellen will succeed?


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I believe that with the talent at his disposle, he simply has to use it in ways that aren't predictable. That will lead to success.

And it sounds like he'd like to be more creative, which is good because we have an offence that most OCs would love to be creative with. No idea why Linehan thought he should just stick with the usual plays. That's like only taking a McLaren F1 to the shops. You can do that, but the McLaren is capable of much more than that. You could take it to a track to try out it's speed.


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No one has a clue on if he will succeed or not. He hasn't executed a single game plan yet.
I hope he is the best OC in the history of the league but I would never hire an unproven unexeperienced coach to run any part of this team.
Hard to disagree with this statement!


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I hope he does, but in the back of my mind I'm thinking that went down the cheap internal promotion route because Jerry is planning for getting rid of the coaching staff at the end of the season when most of the high paid ones are out of contract.
Why would an old man that knows his days on this earth are running short, set his team up to be gutted at the en d of the season and start all over? No sir, what you say makes no sense. The Cowboys are in "win now" mode and the decision to put KM in charge of the offense was done listening to people Jerry trusts... Will McClay and the players.


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The Moore Experiment will go as Dak goes. I’m hopeful it will be as productive as Linehan. Maybe a Spread college type look will benefit our QB?


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Why would an old man that knows his days on this earth are running short, set his team up to be gutted at the en d of the season and start all over? No sir, what you say makes no sense. The Cowboys are in "win now" mode and the decision to put KM in charge of the offense was done listening to people Jerry trusts... Will McClay and the players.
It’s not clear who Jerry listened to in his decision. I’m guessing more of the media and fans here. Lol

It certainly wasn’t Garrett or anyone close to him as Jerry made him look the fool firing Linehan just days after Garrett announced there would be no changes.

And most elder billionaires think they’re going to live forever. But I’d agree they are in a win now mode and think they are close despite whatever weaknesses they have. Jerry prob not willing to let a proven HC come in now and take all of his credit.


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Depends on definition of success because if we don't make it to championship game at least, then Garrett should be gone and if Jerry does it right, that would mean an entirely new coaching staff as it should be done

So there's that....


Cowboys Diehard
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Lately and again this morning, I've been hearing some very good things being said about Kellen Moore. These comments aren't by your average Joes but rather, from savvy people with NFL backgrounds. I'll admit now to being significantly influenced by these folks who seem to be far more in touch with KM's background than yours truly. I'm very hopeful that these folks aren't steering me wrong but the more I hear from those who should know, the more I'm leaning to believe they know of what they speak. You can now count me in as a believer! I am duly convinced.
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I believe Moore will succeed, but it may not happen overnight.

He’s had one season of coaching at any level and that was as a QB coach — where he basically worked with three people who all played the same position.

How quickly and efficiently Kellen can impart his philosophy to an entire offensive room, while getting everyone to buy-in, will be key.


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It's actually very easy to disagree with. Jerry knows he's old and not getting younger. He's not banking on having time to gut the team and start all over.
Hiring Kellen Moore doesn't solve that problem. Hiring a proven OC might.


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Who is a believer that Kellen Moore will be good OC?

I really do not know if he will develop into a good OC but I think from everything I've read he has a great offensive mind and comes from a coaching background and was a big winner at the college level a QB but is this enough to carry over to becoming an NFL caliber OC?

What is your standards for success? With Garrett the bar is at an all time low. If Moore cant resurrect this offense with Fredereck back then he really sucks. This offense is completely loaded. As long as the line stays healthy I see nothing that could stop it.

With the news coming out of training camp we already know its going to be the same offense as before. Run first, offense. It appears Moore is just going to put lipstick on a pig so to speak. For those of us that were hoping for an entire NEW offense and scheme, this Moore elevation wont satisfy that.

THIS WAS the main hesitation with the move by many. That it signaled more of the same with a few differences sprinkled in.

We can only hope that the change in Moore will make a difference. Personally, I think on health alone, he will have more success.

Then there is the huge aspect of game planning, calling the game, and adjustments that are huge. These are the areas where he has a chance to excel.

And as everyone knows save one poster on the site, this is where Garrett was at his worst.

It will be very interesting to see if Moore has talent in those areas and if so, how talent in those areas can affect even the morbid offense of Garrett.


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Next, let’s ask the group who thought he had no business getting even the QB coach gig and who *****ed nonstop about the organization for *that* hire for two straight weeks what THEY think about his chances at OC are. That should be fun.
My biggest issue for hiring him as QB Coach was his lack of coaching experience. We have a young QB that needed(needs) someone that has experience in breaking down/coaching mechanics, fundamentals, footwork, etc. By all accounts Kellen is very bright and his strengths were in breaking down film, strategy and the concepts of Linehan's offense, it seems he was more hired to be Linehan's assistant than Dak's coach. Why not bring in a second experienced QB Coach that works with Dak on his fundamentals on a weekly basis? Golfers use swing, putting, short game coaches between tourneys, baseball teams use hitting coaches that work daily with players on improving and maintaining their strokes, basketball teams use shooting coaches to work on the fundamentals daily. Kellen may have worked with Dak on fundamentals, but how much time would he really have while working with Linehan breaking down film, working on strategy and installing the weekly game plan? I thought Kellen would have been a good choice for a vet QB that doesn't need the extra attention working on mechanics and can focus on the game plans.


Fattening up
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Lol They were wrong based on what? Whst did Moore do last year as a qb coach that proved he was a success?

Based on the performance of the QB. And on the fact that Moore was immediately given a huge promotion after a single season coaching.


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Next, let’s ask the group who thought he had no business getting even the QB coach gig and who *****ed nonstop about the organization for *that* hire for two straight weeks what THEY think about his chances at OC are. That should be fun.
any fresh perspective from the Coaches is breath of fresh air for fans.. its happening all around the league, lots of QBC are being made OCs and OC that made HCs with little to no exp..a lot of names some of us never heard of etc

a new set of eyes from KM vs SL to be given enough power and flexibility to actually change the offense enough to help the talent on the field should be looked at as positive.. we have to give this chance as fans until it doesnt work..

I see the FO NOT extending JG, a public statement from jerry basically saying hey Kellen if Jason trys to counter your ideas , come see me, they bring in Kitna a old cagy vet the help ease Kellen into his new job and parachute in case it implodes, I see this as a true effort to change for the better, for good or bad we must wait to judge him..

all these posts are premature as are the alleged pros and cons of draft picks..its the nature of forums full of opinions in off season of boredom..

Its at worst entertaining.:oldcouple:


Village Idiot
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He's in a toxic environment. The president of the team publically told him to undermine Garrett and go over his head if he doesn't feel like he's being given enough lattitude. That puts Moore in an extremely akward position, and not one that breeds success.