FEATURED Morning Pops!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stop in and visit today.

Welcome to Friday Everybody! Work week is almost behind me so looking forward to a few days of relaxing. Hope everybody has something fun to enjoy this weekend.

Might watch a little Baseball this weekend. Maybe catch a game, that would even be better!

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, you folks enjoy the weekend. Do something fun!

Everyone, have a great and safe weekend!


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Aside from a few times when I was an inexperienced drinker, I never understood the point of getting trashed in a short time. We learned to time it where we could drink for hours. How does getting trashed hold a candle to holding a buzz for 8 hours?
You weren't in their frame of mind, many were either on their way to Nam or had just returned. And like me, a lot of those guys thought they were taking the easy way around Vietnam or at least non combat duty. I went to active duty with two other guys in my reserve unit, neither came back. I can still remember the recruiter's pitch "the chances of you guys going to Nam in a combat role are the same as getting struck by lightning". Then again, he didn't know the turns that war would take or the need to stick reserve supply sailors on river boats.

This was the time of the awakening. San Diego had always been military friendly with two major bases there but there was a different vibe when you went out in uniform or civies with a high and tight haircut. We made sure our crew always stayed together because we'd all heard stories of what had happened to some guys and were kept informed where to stay away from and according to my CO, that was the longest list he'd even seen. He made a comment that would come back to me over and over, "Americans are angry but they're angry at the wrong people".


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Workaholics are the bane of humankind. If they had a 12 step program for them, they wouldn't take off and go to the meetings.
I am a recovering workaholic. I loved my profession and, for vast majority of my career, loved my job. I neither expected, nor demanded, that my staff or colleagues put in the sort of hours I did.

Now, my workaholic ways changed when I remarried. The only "demand" my placed on me in our entire marriage was, come home from work at a reasonable hour. We always had dinner together and always made time for ourselves on the weekend. In hindsight, I probably become much more efficient with my time at work.

This one lifestyle change probably added years to my life and greatly facilitated my transition to retirement. Not to sound sexist but, it is amazing what the love of a good woman can do for you.


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I am a recovering workaholic. I loved my profession and, for vast majority of my career, loved my job. I neither expected, nor demanded, that my staff or colleagues put in the sort of hours I did.

Now, my workaholic ways changed when I remarried. The only "demand" my placed on me in our entire marriage was, come home from work at a reasonable hour. We always had dinner together and always made time for ourselves on the weekend. In hindsight, I probably become much more efficient with my time at work.

This one lifestyle change probably added years to my life and greatly facilitated my transition to retirement. Not to sound sexist but, it is amazing what the love of a good woman can do for you.
I envy people that at least had one job that they lived to work instead of working to live. Never had that once in my life and my wife would often, as in every chance she got, remind me that my frustrations were because of that. To me, a good job was one that I didn't dislike intensely.

My problem was I made enough money so I couldn't quit and do what she wanted me to do. And lacked the self confidence to do it but didn't want to admit that to her.


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You weren't in their frame of mind, many were either on their way to Nam or had just returned. And like me, a lot of those guys thought they were taking the easy way around Vietnam or at least non combat duty. I went to active duty with two other guys in my reserve unit, neither came back. I can still remember the recruiter's pitch "the chances of you guys going to Nam in a combat role are the same as getting struck by lightning". Then again, he didn't know the turns that war would take or the need to stick reserve supply sailors on river boats.

This was the time of the awakening. San Diego had always been military friendly with two major bases there but there was a different vibe when you went out in uniform or civies with a high and tight haircut. We made sure our crew always stayed together because we'd all heard stories of what had happened to some guys and were kept informed where to stay away from and according to my CO, that was the longest list he'd even seen. He made a comment that would come back to me over and over, "Americans are angry but they're angry at the wrong people".

I missed out on the draft lottery the first year I was eligible. The following year Nixon stopped the draft, so I volunteered for 3 years. Missed out on nam so that was good but I was in there with many nam veterans. Getting trashed quickly was the norm. Don’t know about now but back then many vets ETS’d with drinking problems along with many other problems.


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I missed out on the draft lottery the first year I was eligible. The following year Nixon stopped the draft, so I volunteered for 3 years. Missed out on nam so that was good but I was in there with many nam veterans. Getting trashed quickly was the norm. Don’t know about now but back then many vets ETS’d with drinking problems along with many other problems.
Got several vets from Nam that are friends and they'd almost gotten over it, but still mentally escape at the first chance they get, until Desert Storm vets got the hero treatment for fighting an entirely different and different kind of war. That reset their clocks ticking on how they were regarded and treated once they got back home. They didn't harbor any ill will with those military people but still hold a deep resentment for Americans, in general. Every one of them feels that and that will never go away.

I met one of their buds, draftee, and the most decorated soldier in his division, actually saved a Vietnamese family single handedly from the Cong and was wounded. The guy actually went back for another tour, draftee mind you, and I asked him why in the world would you do that? His answer saddened and stunned me. He said he didn't want to come home and get spit on. Then he looked at the floor and didn't say much the rest of the night.

A lot of this guys have wounds that will never heal but the worst one is the one delivered by their own country.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. Welcome to the Weekend! I've got to haul off a lot of brush this morning and maybe some junk too. Maybe head over to the driving range after that and practice my distance control. Everybody have a nice and enjoyable weekend.


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Morning Pops and friends. Happy Birthday to Corso's momma. It's a raining here with a forecast of a lot more rain. I remember my English teacher threatening us with something unpleasant if we ever wrote alot instead of a lot. If I go much further back, I remember learning how to spell rabbit with two b's and not one. The two b's in rabbit were vital to human existence and if I ever forgot, I'd spontaneously combust. It's strange what people remember.

Time to find what I can get into. Have a great weekend everyone.


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to anybody who stops in this weekend to check out the thread.

Slept in today, felt pretty good. Been a long time since we were able to do that. Got up, had a couple of cups of Coffee and watched a couple of TV shows the Wife and I both like. Gotta get a couple of Certifications knocked out today so best get to it.

Happy Birthday Mrs. Corso! Take stock in the fact that you raised a pretty good Son.

It's interesting, at least I find it interesting, that back in the day a couple of three tours was really something. If you had more then that, people were kinda awe struck. Now, we got Personnel who are serving 7 and 8 and even more. Hell, you got guys serving 10 and 12 tours. I know a guy who served with a Ranger who got smoked on his 14th deployment. I mean, that's crazy. It's just entirely too long out there and congress really needs to step in and do something about that. It's no wonder these guys are coming back and having a hell of a time adjusting. Vietnam Vets had it rough enough but these guys, they are way too long out bound and it's showing up in these guys lives. That's gotta stop. OK, probably the wrong thread to be discussing this at all. My apologies everybody.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, Hope you all are having a great weekend. If not, it's not to late!

Everybody, 4th of July is right around the corner. Make sure that if you got some little ones coming, you get out and get some fireworks to set off. I can't imagine the day when you don't have a firecracker or two to light off for the 4th. Hope I don't live to see it!

Everyone, be safe and enjoy the weekend!


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Morning Pops and friends. Happy Birthday to Corso's momma. It's a raining here with a forecast of a lot more rain. I remember my English teacher threatening us with something unpleasant if we ever wrote alot instead of a lot. If I go much further back, I remember learning how to spell rabbit with two b's and not one. The two b's in rabbit were vital to human existence and if I ever forgot, I'd spontaneously combust. It's strange what people remember.

Time to find what I can get into. Have a great weekend everyone.

Good afternoon Pops and friends. Hey X, I remember my 4th grade teacher told us students that at the end of class always put things back where they were. I memorized the order of the colors in the box and always put them back in the order they were. Green, blue, red, purple, brown, black, orange and yellow. For some reason I never forgot that order. I always thought the teacher was checking. :muttley: I was OCD before OCD was cool.

Another rainy day today. It’s an El Niño year so rain will continue to be in our forecast.


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Morning Pops and weekenders.

Well, it rained overnight and I am pissed, my sprinkler heads got all wet. Guess I should have believed the Weather Bozos this time and turned it off? These guys down here are really off the mark alot, er, a lot. They have this guy in OKC, on Channel 4 I believe, that is uncanny. He had some magic and if the OKC kids were asked to draw a picture of Jesus, and didn't have the artist rendering they have now, it would be him. Or at least he'd be the Wizard of Oz, the OK version, little different than the KS version, a little more Walmarty.

Speaking of Walmart, and I was, did you see the latest from two in Wichita Falls? At one, there was this lady riding around the parking lot in one of their motorized carts drinking wine out of a Pringles can and they called the police, no charges were filed and I was disappointed because I would like to see what they'd charge her with and might have road tripped it to WF just to watch the trial. At another, the next day, this woman picked up a cake and walked around shopping while munching on the bakery delight, consumed half of it, and then refused to pay for the whole cake because she'd only eaten half. I get the logic, Walmart didn't and called the police but she agreed to pay for the whole thing. The article didn't mention if she took the remaining half eaten cake with her but I am assuming so. I would have been tired of that and demanded a different half cake.

So, ole CC added two more jobs to his list of "Glad that's not my job" list. Walmart manager in Wichita Falls or Wichita Falls cop. However, this did serve a useful purpose it confirming I made the right decisions not to date. But, I gotta say, the Pringles wine lady did spark my interest.

Happy Birthday to Corso's Mom and he lost her too early since she would have been 75. I miss mine terribly and she lived to be 90.


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Morning Pops and everyone.

Before I forget, again, yes, Happy Birthday to Corso's mom. My Papa was 76 when he passed, which was far too young. He's been gone 11 years now. Fortunate to still have mom, though I'll go out on a limb and say she's slipping. No details that I can share, but I see it.

That Pringles can "lady" ('lady' being used loosely) may be a copy cat a few times over. I've seen reports on those before and must say I'm intrigued. Maybe there's a club we haven't heard of...:rolleyes: I have a few Pringles cans here, and I have wine. I will do an experiment later, minus the motorized cart and store, and report on the findings.

Have a great day everyone.


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Afternoon Pops and friends. It rained earlier today. It was bona fide napping weather, but today was sheet washing day. I can't nap on the couch because I'm not allowed to. One of my dogs would be poking me to let me know this is her couch. With the bed, she understands the chain of command. I went to Sam's the other day and found Gummie Bear Grapes. Naturally, I had to have them. They are unique tasting and had better provide plenty of nutrients. When I was leaving, I saw one of the tiniest cars made. I guess they went to Sam's for a V8.

Not much going on and no Pringles cans in the house to experiment with so I'll have to find other mischief to get into.

It's Sunday, which is laundry, grocery, yardwork, and errand day around the Runwild homestead, so I should get to it....in a bit.
Don't forget to pick up chocolate at the grocery store! None of that cheap Willie Wonka crap, either. Hershey is ok, Dove is excellent and Ghiraldelli chocolate chips are really good in a pinch. WHAT? You forgot the chocolate? Go back.

Have a good day everyone!


Confused about stuff
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Afternoon Pops and friends. It rained earlier today. It was bona fide napping weather, but today was sheet washing day. I can't nap on the couch because I'm not allowed to. One of my dogs would be poking me to let me know this is her couch. With the bed, she understands the chain of command. I went to Sam's the other day and found Gummie Bear Grapes. Naturally, I had to have them. They are unique tasting and had better provide plenty of nutrients. When I was leaving, I saw one of the tiniest cars made. I guess they went to Sam's for a V8.

Not much going on and no Pringles cans in the house to experiment with so I'll have to find other mischief to get into.

Don't forget to pick up chocolate at the grocery store! None of that cheap Willie Wonka crap, either. Hershey is ok, Dove is excellent and Ghiraldelli chocolate chips are really good in a pinch. WHAT? You forgot the chocolate? Go back.

Have a good day everyone!
You should see if you can make Gummy Wine. By the time you get a Pringles can it should be ready.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Morning, Pops and pen pals. I got into @Xelda cleaning mode yesterday and cleaned and organized my workshop/lawn tractor/golf cart garage outbuilding yesterday. It looks so good now I may just get back into my woodworking hobby. We did a lot of cleaning on the regular garage too and hauled some stuff to storage and filled up my wife's Pilot with stuff to donate to People Helping People. Y'all have a great day.