The Great Zeke!


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Words cannot express how tired I am of the "Dak sucks, so I'm right" and the "Zeke sucks, so I'm right" crowds.

Let me make this clear:

NO ONE CARES IF YOU'RE "RIGHT" OR "WRONG". It's not about you.

Try to remember why you became a fan in the first place. It wasn't about being "right" on a silly message board...was it? :rolleyes:


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Because the argument is generally framed around those terms. Someone looks at his numbers, says he sucks, and then people use numbers to say he doesn't.

Numbers don't tell the full story.

Whining about another man's money sounds like jealousy.
Incorrect. It normally starts with people saying he is the best simply because he had the most yards.

I couldn’t care less about how much money he makes if there wasn’t such thing as a salary cap but there is and it effects the entire team. Some people think we should pay whoever whatever, without any thought of future repercussions. That won’t work for long and some positions are more valuable than others. RB’s are towards the bottom as they should be. It’s almost as if no one has any recollection of how recently we were financially handcuffed due to over spending or making poor spending choices.

Dropping that much money on a RB who can’t play at a high level or be a difference maker without a dominant O line is not a wise decision IMO. When we can’t resign certain players or sign needed FA’s at key positions then people may look back at this contract as one of the bigger mistakes in recent team history. That’s why I care about the money he got, it sure as hell isn’t jealousy. If I cared that much about money I wouldn’t have turned down several promotional opportunities in my career.

Numbers don’t tell the full story but when you put enough of them together, taking into consideration other factors, it tells a good portion of the story.

6 fumbles last year is a strong indicator that Zeke doesn’t hold on to the ball well. When you can visibly see that he is significantly slower than his rookie year and that is backed up by the decreasing amount of 20+ yard runs he has and see he is being chased down easier it tells a good part of the story. Those are just a couple of examples where numbers are meaningful.

Some things like broken tackles are a little more subjective without taking into account the O line as is flaunting most yards without mention of most carries or O line quality or lack there of.
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And I'm right. Want to explain why he has ghosted so often with us and with the Raiders? Where were his route running skills then?

"When he's healthy" - what was his excuse with the Raiders, slick?

1. My name isn't slick.

2. What Cooper did with the Raiders doesn't interest me. What he has done with the Cowboys is on topic. With the Cowboys, he's done nothing but ball out. Every player in the league is going to have bad games periodically. We know Cooper had an injury that was concerning enough to have an MRI earlier in the week of the Saints game. We know Lattimore is tied for 1st place in receptions allowed this year (all CBs, per PFF), so Lattimore - statistically - is the best shut down CB league wide this season to date. Injured WR v. top CB = bad day at the office for the WR.

Cooper's talent, effort, performance, and work ethic concern me exactly zero percent. Feel free to shoot your mouth off, though.


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It's not just Zeke, it's Cooper. We gave up a first for him as well, supposed to be the amazing route runner. He got busted in the mouth by a great corner and couldn't do much of anything for most of the game.

We've used two first round picks on skill positions out of the past 4 drafts. We continue to hope late round safeties pan out to be more than where they were drafted.
You people amaze me. I'm not saying be a homer. I don't know if this team is a true contender or not. But Zeke and Amari have one bad game and you want them gone. Amari is tied for the lead in TD's. Zeke had played pretty well so far this year. Most teams would kill to have both a back and receiver like these two. I hope Zeke and Amari go off today to shut you guys up. My goodness.


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Zeke would have to run for at least 2000 yards and 30 TDs and catch 100 passes for me to be okay with his $108 million contract. And he would have to do it all 8 seasons.


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So here is the guy that the offense is supposed to run through. Here is the guy that we couldnt live without. Here is the guy that Dak couldnt function without. The unstoppable "best RB in the NFL".

Im just wondering when he is going to show up.

First 3 games was all Dak and the passing game. 4th game they put it in Zeke's hands and he folded up like a cheap suit. Worst game of his life.

Is this the guy that is going to lead us to a championship?

We should have let him rot in Cabo. This team needs a run stuffing DT and a ball hawking safety.
He doesn't have to run for a thousand yards to make a difference to the team. When he's in the game defenses have to account for him which leaves openings in the passing game. It's just like a good receiver. Say a speed guy like Jackson if he's not accounted for he'll torch a defense so he has to be doubled that opens things up for the rest of the offense whether he catches the ball or not.

No different with a standout running back.


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You people amaze me. I'm not saying be a homer. I don't know if this team is a true contender or not. But Zeke and Amari have one bad game and you want them gone. Amari is tied for the lead in TD's. Zeke had played pretty well so far this year. Most teams would kill to have both a back and receiver like these two. I hope Zeke and Amari go off today to shut you guys up. My goodness.
Most teams? There’s 8 teams with RB’s who have been more productive than Zeke and I doubt most teams would want to pay him as much as we did. People are already laughing at the Rams after what CJ Anderson came in and did after giving big money to Gurley. We won’t be far behind.

For the record, I think he’ll have a great game today against the 26th ranked rush defense. He does play good against the worst defenses in the league.


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He's not Zeke the great. He's actually the Prophet Ezekiel. Ezekiel was God's chosen man and messenger. Ezekiel proclaimed the Words of God to the children of God, the Israelites. Ezekiel was both a prophet and a priest.


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Most teams? There’s 8 teams with RB’s who have been more productive than Zeke and I doubt most teams would want to pay him as much as we did. People are already laughing at the Rams after what CJ Anderson came in and did after giving big money to Gurley. We won’t be far behind.

For the record, I think he’ll have a great game today against the 26th ranked rush defense. He does play good against the worst defenses in the league.

Didn't the Saints have the 26th ranked defense? Whoopsie.


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Lol, he’s got so many of you fooled. So he bullies women, bullies a security guard, knocks out a DJ, gets thrown out of a club for almost getting in a fight with another DJ, his college roommate moves out because he partied too much and even his own dad said he was worried about him in the NFL and moved closer to him when he was in college because of his behavior.

But hey, pay a few thousand dollars out of the 90 million he’s made for a funeral and drop a few K in the Salvation Army bucket and he’s suddenly a role model. Lol, what a joke, like that erases everything. There have been several evil historical figures that did nice things for people, are they role models too?

I’m not saying he’s evil but to act like a few small generous acts erase all the unrole model like things he’s done is naive. Most NFL players donate time and money to charities but a lot of people don’t recognize it or they don’t make headlines because they’re not trying to use it as a cover up for what trash they are.


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I don't think Zeke is trash, I think he's a man child who only cares about money and having a good time so I would not have paid him.


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Put Vegas Security guard uniforms on the opposing team, a couple of hot redbones on the sideline for the rest of the season and Zeke will get 3000 yards

And then get 25 yards and shut down in the playoff loss. :clap:


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He doesn't have to run for a thousand yards to make a difference to the team. When he's in the game defenses have to account for him which leaves openings in the passing game. It's just like a good receiver. Say a speed guy like Jackson if he's not accounted for he'll torch a defense so he has to be doubled that opens things up for the rest of the offense whether he catches the ball or not.

No different with a standout running back.

My God man!!!

You have to be more than a decoy when you are the highest paid RB in the league. Zeke will get his yards because he gets his carries and this is a great offense. But you need to win big games for us and be unstoppable. Like Emmitt used to do. Remember those days?

And 9 TD's is not going to cut it. He should be 18-25 TD's easy in this offense.