Anonymous Eagles player calls out Carson Wentz


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If y’all read the quote... yea there is no way an NFL player said that lmao. Sounds like a stats geek.

Whatever helps you sleep at night!

How about the previous 2 reports of teammates anonymously ripping Wentz, both in the last year. Were those fabrications as well?


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The eye test were we didn't see Dak use his leadership abilities to lead the team past the Jets. And what is this leadership ability we hear people claiming come from anyway, the "eye test" or hearsay?
Ah yes..Good ole eye test that has zero quantifiable metrics.... If leadership abilities is quantified by lead a team to victory...then Dak only trails Brady since 2016....but but!!

You can't have it both ways....

Gangsta Spanksta

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LOL you say this as if Wentz has been any better. What’s Philly’s record again?

I'm not big on Wentz either. He's to fragile for one thing. I think Dak has improved some aspects of his game this year, but this whole Leadership thing, if I don't buy it I am going to call it. Last year we heard all about how Dak inspires those around him to play better because he is a leader, but this year we didn't see any of that against the Jets. And this whole Dak is a great leader started all because a former dallas cowboy said that is what he heard players from the current team saying in the locker room. So people are basing that judgement on what they heard someone else say of what someone else said. It's not like we saw footage of Dak talking to people in the jets game and then saw them improve and come back and win the game. Heck, I wouldn't even want to hear people praise Aikman about what a great leader he is after a loss. Save that for the wins.


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Sounds cowardly and doesn't sound like a player who wants to help their team. Wouldn't this be something to discuss with Wentz?
I agree that it’s cowardly, but you have zero clue whether they’ve discussed it with Wentz or not. It’s not an “either or”.

Would you agree that Wentz being called out by teammates anonymously, in THREE separate reports all over the last year, seems to indicate that he’s lacking as a leader?

Even if it’s just a small handful of guys doing the “calling out”, you’ve never heard reports like this about Dak. Not even when Dak was struggling for the 2nd half of 2017 or 1st half of 2018.

Hell, Tom Brady’s been playing for 20 years and you’ve never heard something like this about him either.

These aren’t total coincidences.


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How about the previous 2 reports of teammates anonymously ripping Wentz, both in the last year. Were those fabrications as well?

I don't follow the Eagles obviously but has any player on that team come out and strongly defended Wentz? If it was just a few sour grapes malcontents you would think there would be Eagle players going on the record to defend Wentz.


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LOL you say this as if Wentz has been any better. What’s Philly’s record again?
@Gangsta Spanksta is trying to have it both ways....
Dak only trails Brady in wins since 2016 lol

There argument or evidence is self defeating..

Eye test QB whisperers are weird breed!!

Gangsta Spanksta

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Ah yes..Good ole eye test that has zero quantifiable metrics.... If leadership abilities is quantified by lead a team to victory...then Dak only trails Brady since 2016....but but!!

You can't have it both ways....

And then the same people who say that we are not allowed to make up our own minds by what we see will also start using the term "The It Factor" when it makes them feel good. Anyway talking about quantifiable metrics, it seems absurd to brag that your quarterback is such a good leader when ya hanging at .500. Or for that matter, what examples do you have of this year of Dak being a great leader? As for my "eye test" well it was referring to that I haven't seen anything yet to show his leadership abilities for the season. What are you going by, last year's hearsay?


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sounds like a divided team to me.

no wonder their coach went full desperation mode this week.....he's got a total mess on his hands.


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I don't follow the Eagles obviously but has any player on that team come out and strongly defended Wentz? If it was just a few sour grapes malcontents you would think there would be Eagle players going on the record to defend Wentz.
Yes, to be fair, after the PhillyVoice article came out a bunch of Eagles publicly defended Wentz and called the report BS.

I don’t put much stock into that, since that’s what his teammates are supposed to do. At least publicly. I have no doubt that many of Wentz’s teammates like him just fine, probably a majority of them.

But the reports weren’t fabricated. Their sources included “more than a half dozen” Eagles players.


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Wentz may have the potentially higher ceiling buts it’s clear that mentally he’s not a natural leader. When things get tough you can see he gets flustered. Foles was as cool as a cucumber.


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I don’t put much stock into that, since that’s what his teammates are supposed to do. At least publicly. I have no doubt that many of Wentz’s teammates like him just fine, probably a majority of them.

Agree, there is a big difference between asked about Wentz off the record and being asked to talk on live TV about teammates calling Wentz a Dbag.


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Even more mind-numbing are those that create threads based off useless and anonymous quotes, lol.
So useless that Wentz’s teammates had to publicly defend him the last time it happened?

Three such reports in the last year. That’s what smart people refer to as a “trend.”

Why aren’t any of these “useless” reports coming out about Dak???? Or anyone who isn’t named “Carson Wentz”????


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Ah yes..Good ole eye test that has zero quantifiable metrics.... If leadership abilities is quantified by lead a team to victory...then Dak only trails Brady since 2016....but but!!

You can't have it both ways....
Lol....i was just about to metion beat me to it.


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Why aren’t any of these “useless” reports coming out about Dak????

Because the "Dak Sucks" threads that Cal Poly starts don't even have anonymous reports to reference.


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And then the same people who say that we are not allowed to make up our own minds by what we see will also start using the term "The It Factor" when it makes them feel good.
You more than welcomed to formulate your opinion and in group forums is the proper place...but you shouldn't be surprised either that "own mind" (opinion) is being questioned when all other quantifiable metrics attributed to QB success favor Dak. These are facts and even if you include this year even at .500 Dak only is still leading in positional stats or is in the Top Tier.....facts without opinion..

Anyway talking about quantifiable metrics, it seems absurd to brag that your quarterback is such a good leader when ya hanging at .500. Or for that matter, what examples do you have of this year of Dak being a great leader?
LOL..truly convenient that you'd choose to attribute leadership opinion after a 3 game loss?

So for conversation sake let's visit this question after 3 more games.. I doubt you'd see any leadership qualities in we won the next 4... because if Dak was a stock his past performance and record indicate supreme levels of Leadership.

Agree to revisit?
for my "eye test" well it was referring to that I haven't seen anything yet to show his leadership abilities for the season. What are you going by, last year's hearsay?
Last time I check QBs were judged by 3 games, 6 games into a 16 game season...

What are you going by.... that's right "eye test" which is absurd. It allows folks to henpick...pick and choose...whatever fits there opinions...

The Metrics are set....Dak is a Top Tier QB by NFL standards...


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Richard Sherman once ripped Russell Wilson. Not sure it was valid, but ar least he had the guts to do it openly.. he ripped Pete carroll, too. His angst was understandable. Play should have been handoff to lynch. That's on carroll. Richard felt Russell should have changed the call. Stuff happens.


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Because the "Dak Sucks" threads that Cal Poly starts don't even have anonymous reports to reference.

lool, you know what’s worse than anonymous reporting? Self reporting that you’re a “war hero” because “i g0t mie dD-two14!!!”
