Things You're Not Good At


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not letting things bother me.

car repair or general car know-how.

not purchasing Elvis/Cowboys stuff on ebay...despite many trips to the doghouse.

accepting change.

confrontation....I usually avoid it.

passivity......I hate it yet I notice the trait in me.

not over-eating.


drinking water.....Im no where near the daily requirement.

not drinking too much coke/pepsi....I can blow thru a 12 pack in a day or 2...easy.

traffic....I cant stand signal lane changers....speeders....texters.....slow drivers.....and folks in the early morning who refuse to TURN THEIR DAMN LIGHTS ON BECAUSE WE CANT SEE YOUR STUPID-***.

sitting during Cowboys games.

not yelling during Cowboys games.

paying attention.

being a people person...Im not...I hate them.

trying new things...I dont....I hate change.


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I'm clumsy. I cannot stay on my feet for the life of me. I will find that one crack on a staircase and I'm down...I can trip on those flat escalators at the airport. .I always spilt my milk as a kid. Hard to just ride a bike. I'm a guy like Samule Jackson's character in "Glass' I will find a way to break something on me.

*Broken my nose twice never in a fight
*Knocked my front tooth out twice never in a fight\
*Messed my knee up in basketball but also falling down stairs
*Broke my wrist getting hit by a car on a bicyle
*Broke my collarbone falling off a porch
*Dislocated my thumb in volleyball

But you think I'm bad, my brother hurt himself in Ping Pong getting stitches twice and pulling his back out. I didn't know Ping Pong was a contact sport?
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Anything mechanical. When I was going on active duty in the Navy, the CPO administering the test to reveal where I might be a fit, called me into his office and I remember this like yesterday because it's been this way all of my life. He said "you scored in the top 5% except in one area, mechanical/technical". Then he held up a screwdriver and said "what do you think this is and which end would you use"? He busted out laughing and said he'd never seen a score so lopsided and it was obvious I am not a dummy but how have I lived that long?

I am just not good with my hands and I do envy men that can make furniture like my daughter-in-law's Dad, he made the grandchildren some great wooden toys for Christmas and they looked beautiful under the tree while they played with the haul I bought from Amazon.

I jest, and always have about men that are really good around the house, because I really am envious of their ability to not be dependent on service people. However, most of them can't write stupid poetry and I can and life evens out. And I am a better mixologist and I ain't putting a grill together but I can cook on one.

BTW, putting a gas grill together when we moved into the neighborhood in Baton Rouge was how I met the neighbors...….and the fire department.

The Fonz

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I'm clumsy. I cannot stay on my feet for the life of me. I will find that one crack on a staircase and I'm down...I can trip on those flat escalators at the airport. .I always spilt my milk as a kid. Hard to just ride a bike. I'm a guy like Samule Jackson's character in "Glass' I will find a way to break something on me.

*Broken my nose twice never in a fight
*Knocked my front tooth out twice never in a fight\
*Messed my knee up in basketball but also falling down stairs
*Broke my wrist getting hit by a car on a bicyle
*Broke my collarbone falling off a porch
*Dislocated my thumb in volleyball

But you think I'm bad, my brother hurt himself in Ping Pong getting stitches twice and pulling his back out. I didn't know Ping Pong was a contact sport?
I have a friend who is like that too he always knocking things around ...I for one always have issue with tying my shoes no matter what I do they always come off.

The Fonz

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I can do a lot of things in life, but wrapping Christmas presents is not one of them. I just cannot perfect that art. It looks like a 2 year old wrapped the gift.


This must be something you did



"You want some?"
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Join the others in "Any form of skating".

My ankles... For whatever reason simply will not keep me upright.


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limit hold em/stud poker..there's an art to it i swear harder than no limit. I try to fold through on ring games that have multiple poker games; stud. no limit, limit, pl omaha, etc.
Yeah, completely different games. It's no longer about trying to bet people out.


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I can do a lot of things in life, but wrapping Christmas presents is not one of them. I just cannot perfect that art. It looks like a 2 year old wrapped the gift.

"If your present looks like it was wrapped by a drunk TRex, it's from me!!!!"

Me too. I'm awful.

Art. Can't even draw stick figures. They look like drunk martians.

I took art one time in high school because I was out of electives. I remember making some panoramic pic of something or another. Teacher gave me an A, said it was some of the best abstract art she'd ever seen. My response: "It was supposed to be a deer." She didn't change my grade though!!!!