Heck, I have no doubt the officating was the reason okc won last night.
You do realize Dallas had more points in paint right?
You do realize that Marion scores majority of his points in the paint right? According to you he's a spot up shooter.
You do not seem to remember two awful goal tending calls on Dallas and then a blatant non-call on a "block" by serge. All within 5 mins of each other.
You seem to ignore the fact Dirk, who typically gets to the line 9-10 times a game manages 3 times last night. Even though he was getting fouled consistently by Collison.
You must have missed Odem driving three straight times in 1 st half with no calls each time.
I guess any drive by roddy was missed as well, because Terry, Dirk, Marion, and Kidd ( who scores 4 pts a game) were not driving.
You failed to mention Mahinmi fouling out on a awful call, not to mention 2 others where westbrook and 3 step just flail in the lane.
Must have watched a different game than me.