2012 London Olympics thread *Spoilers*

So last night the opening ceremony. I knew they could not top Beijing, which I thought was the best ever Opening Ceremony. However, I did not expect it to absolutely suck.

I hated it. When Meredith Viera and Matt Lauer have to explain what you are seeing and the significance of it, snooze alert.

They pumped in real sulphur smell for the Industrial Age part? Yes, because sulphur smells so wonderful. Whose idiotic idea was that? Yes, I want to pay a fortune to witness this live so i can gag on the smell of rotten eggs.
Arch Stanton;4636360 said:
I've only got 24 Channels of HD coverage 24/7. :)

Hates you, I do!

Especially since I should have it too. Guess that's what I get for waiting til opening day to set things up though.

I have been punched in the procrastinator!
VICTORY HAS DEFEATED YOU, michael phelps!!!

please tell me no one has used that one yet!
so I just checked in to NBC to see some competition of some sort and what do I get? Ryan Seacrest telling me who got the most tweets from the opening ceremony. good grief
Don't really care either way for the ceremonies.

Not sure what is expected.

One thing I thought was funny though was that the US squad had more iphones recording videos than a good number of countries had participants......combined.

That's nice.

Oh, as is this. Guess this guy scored the first medal for the US.


Nicely done.
WoodysGirl;4636283 said:
USA women's volleyball team is beasting... I ref junior high volleyball and there's nothing like watching good volleyball play.

I love it. I played in high school and it looked nothing like that. LOL. Awesomeness.
I watched the opening ceremonies on Canadian TV and them zipped through the American version later. (My wife PVR'd it) There was a completely different feel to the broadcasts. Beijing's ceremonies were the most spectacular I've ever seen, but unlike Hos, I didn't think the London version sucked. Your view may depend on where you're from.
Phoenix;4634736 said:
Thought maybe having a general Olympics thread might be handy. Of course I could be wrong...

So I heard that a legally blind archery dude broke a world record today?

Yup-- most spectators killed or wounded...

ethiostar;4635642 said:
A very drab opening ceremony.....very British....lol.

And yet, no Monty Python... I'm disgusted, or as the Scots would say, disgoosted...
silverbear;4636994 said:
Don't look now, but you just stepped on your johnson...

I thought his address was a takeoff on where Napoleon was in final exile.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4636881 said:
Team USA plays at 8:30 am tommorow. Why so early? :banghead:

I remember waking up at 2:30 in the morning to watch Canada win the gold in hockey when the Olympics where in Japan. To me that's part of the whole Olympic experience.
Shocker - lots of rain in London. Lot of tennis is on hold, but enjoying watching Maria Sharapova on the covered center court :)
JonJon;4637132 said:
I think they fight later.

I saw one fight last night he was losing all the way and KO'd the guy in the last possible second (3:00 round 3). Would have lost if not for that

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