3 lost fumbles - 3 ints by the QB = 1-3


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Russell doesn’t turn it over. Opps you forgot that part.
russell wilson has had one fumble. and 2 interceptions....vs. 3, 3 for Dak, two of the interceptions coming at the very end of the game in desperation times. so in essence 3 fumbles and 1 int, vs. 1 fumble and 1 int....

so your entire argument is based on 2 fumbles? is that it?

ooppss you forgot to mention defenses. they give up 27. LOL. if we traded their defensive scores with dallas. Seattle would be 1-3 and we would be 3-1

too dang funny


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It was 14-14 vs Cleveland and the turnovers made it 28-14. Same thing happened in Seattle. Stop with the excuses. McCarthy said the number one thing this team must correct is the turnovers.
I am not as concerned about Dak's turnovers. with that make shift OL. with an unproven UDFA starting at RT, we had to shift Martin to RT at one point in seattle game. looney is in an out, so we put in a rookie. smith has been injured for 2 games. ... stablize the OL and some of the fumbles will go away...I am not worried about Ints as he has had 3, two coming in the last plays of the game....and we are throwing a LOT of passes. Zeke fumbles are very concerning....very very concerning. he did it last year too fumbling in crucial times of the game ala 4th down conversion against NO in a close game.....as a RB you simply have to take care of the ball.

now with that said. we are middle of the pack in turnovers. within 1 turnover offensively of 10 other teams that are bunched together, so its not an inordinate amount of turnovers. however, the defense has a single turnover all season....ONE....by comparison, chiefs, seattle, colts are league leading....they give the ball back to the offense in good field positions and further more stop the other team from scoring. once again we have the worst field starting position offensively....average starting position is 23 yards line....worst in the league, which means we have the longest to go to get scores. means we have had one opportunity to drive a short field to score. that's a HUGE disadvantage to the offense.


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I am not as concerned about Dak's turnovers. with that make shift OL. with an unproven UDFA starting at RT, we had to shift Martin to RT at one point in seattle game. looney is in an out, so we put in a rookie. smith has been injured for 2 games. ... stablize the OL and some of the fumbles will go away...I am not worried about Ints as he has had 3, two coming in the last plays of the game....and we are throwing a LOT of passes. Zeke fumbles are very concerning....very very concerning. he did it last year too fumbling in crucial times of the game ala 4th down conversion against NO in a close game.....as a RB you simply have to take care of the ball.

now with that said. we are middle of the pack in turnovers. within 1 turnover offensively of 10 other teams that are bunched together, so its not an inordinate amount of turnovers. however, the defense has a single turnover all season....ONE....by comparison, chiefs, seattle, colts are league leading....they give the ball back to the offense in good field positions and further more stop the other team from scoring. once again we have the worst field starting position offensively....average starting position is 23 yards line....worst in the league, which means we have the longest to go to get scores. means we have had one opportunity to drive a short field to score. that's a HUGE disadvantage to the offense.
Well you should be concerned because McCarthy and Jerry Jones sounded very concerned about it today.

Whiskey Cowboy

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and my guess is about 40 are points resulting from an offensive turnover
7×6=42. That would mean the defense allowed a touchdown on nearly all of them. Don't
and my guess is about 40 are points resulting from an offensive turnover
So the defense gives up points after every turnover? Is that normal? I don't think that's normal. Does the offense need to clean up the turnovers? Yes. Can they? Yes, especially with Smith back at LT and anyone not named Steele at RT.

That said, if the offense wasn't playing catch up all game they wouldn't need to throw the ball all game and open themselves up for turnovers. That's what people are not considering when they reference said turnovers. Two interceptions were essentially desperation plays, two fumbles were the RT getting beat like a mule allowing instant blindside pressure. How many of those are eliminated with a consistent run game and semi-competent pass protection?


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Yep. It pains me to watch teams win games with their quarterback sucking. Romo never got the luxury of having good field position and Dak looks to have to fight the same way.

Romo is classified as being a hero around these parts (on this site and in Cowboys fandom in general). Both him and Dak are in identical situations. God awful defense and having to do it all. Yet one is blamed and trashed by so many and those same people praised Romo and gave him every excuse in the book. I don't get it. Although,Romo never came close to the putrid defense Dak has to deal with this year.

No QB in this league can win with the circumstances you ask Romo and Dak to win under. Which is win the game every single week on your own. Get zero help from defense and special teams. Go watch around the league. The all great Mahomes has won games scoring 23 and 26 and not playing that great at all. Why? His defense kept him in the game and made plays themselves. Wentz just won a game where he had 11pts in the final minutes. Meanwhile, Dallas defense gives up 24pts a quarter. And not even mentioning all the special teams blunders this season. Imagine starting on the 1 yd line and 4 yd line in because of kick returns. Imagine not having punt returns go anywhere. This offense is asked to drive the length every single time.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Yep. It pains me to watch teams win games with their quarterback sucking. Romo never got the luxury of having good field position and Dak looks to have to fight the same way.
Romo didn’t have great defenses either but they did help him with better field position more frequently than Dak gets. The defense and special teams also scored more often when he was QB. As an example, in 2015 the defense and special teams scored twice when Romo was the QB and he only played 3.5 games that year. Dak has only had 4 total defensive and special teams touchdowns in 4.25 years.


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Lots of stuff to clean up. Mostly on Defense but there are turnovers. 2 picks were from Cooper being soft on his routes but Dak chose to try to squeeze them in. Fumbles are on Dak. And ones on Elliot hurt. Sunday’s was on a 20 yard run that would have had us rolling.

We are giving up over 35 points per game. Lol. Who wins those games, ever.

That's what the OP and several others are overlooking.
Dallas is scoring an average of 31.5 points per game, our defense is allowing an average of 36.5 PPG.
Our defense is allowing every game to turn into a shootout.

Fans need to look at where the game is actually being lost.......the DEFENSE! You can't allow 36 points per game and expect to win games!
Yes TOs need to be cleaned up, but the defense allowing 36 PPG is the true elephant in the room.
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For everyone that is butt hurt right now and wants to defend player's turnovers...


This makes Zeke's turnovers slightly worse than Dak's as they have all led to points. Dak getting the ball swatted out of his hands is partially his fault, but can be shared with the swiss cheese line we have in place. Fun times.

So is a defense that allows 36.5 PPG average.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If the defense does it's job and holds teams to 21 or less we are a playoff caliber team.
That is all.


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Ok, how many of those INTs were from Dak just airing it out because they had no hope left and he was just trying to get something down field? How many of those fumbles are because our O-line is absolute hot garbage - rookies, UDFAs, and washed up superstars. If you are going to blame someone for turnovers blame Zeke, his are 100% his fault. If you actually watch Dak play his ability to get anything done with the amount of pressure he is facing is rediculous. His pocket is the smallest I have ever seen on any given play compared to most NFL teams.

Also, I seem to remember the same people talking about Dak's turnovers now as being the ones who used to say, when he never turned it over but only had 200 yes/game that he "couldn't throw the deep ball" or "I'll believe in Dak when he throws 400+ yards" well here ya go. That much production comes with some turnovers.


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If you swap Wilson and Dak we’re easily 4-0 IMO.

OK, lets rush right out there and grab one of those many Russ Wilsons that are just waiting out there to be hired! I didn't realize there were so many of them to choose from.


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Turnover differential is the killer. Both zeke n dak need to do better. Hell Dak could honestly have like 4 -5 more interceptions then he does. Two of them were the luckiest missed int ever


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How’s that OL play been? URFA’s starting at tackle. Connor Williams has sucked, again. Smith hurt, again.

Does the OL play impact the QB?


"We Are Penn State"
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I'm not crazy to think Dak is fully to blame but his turnovers were at critical points in the game
It's always easier sitting back watching. Unless you're in someone else's shoes, one shouldn't criticize. The man was under severe pressure on winning that game.

Try pointing out the positives on our quarterback. You'll have a lot more to discuss.


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It's always easier sitting back watching. Unless you're in someone else's shoes, one shouldn't criticize. The man was under severe pressure on winning that game.

Try pointing out the positives on our quarterback. You'll have a lot more to discuss.

Did said QB turn the ball over at critical points of the game for the last three weeks? Yes or no?