4th Quarter, 3 TD Lead, Meaningless Game


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I've never had any problems with you before, perhaps you can explain what you mean in a better way about your statement "If Dak gets hurt, you instantly get better at the position, so no anxiety there. Let the kid play!" How am I misunderstanding that statement as nothing less than trolling?
Now wait a minute, you're all over the place here. You didn't say I was trolling, you said I contradicted myself.

Simply put, it's an opinion. It doesn't mean anybody stinks or played bad tonight. A lot of people thought that even after Steve Young won the MVP in 1992, that Joe Montana still would have given the 49ers a better chance to win it all that year. Young and the 49ers losing in the NFC championship as a home favorite that year didn't do anything to quiet that notion.


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Now wait a minute, you're all over the place here. You didn't say I was trolling, you said I contradicted myself.

Simply put, it's an opinion. It doesn't mean anybody stinks or played bad tonight. A lot of people thought that even after Steve Young won the MVP in 1992, that Joe Montana still would have given the 49ers a better chance to win it all that year. Young and the 49ers losing in the NFC championship as a home favorite that year didn't do anything to quiet that notion.

I know what you are saying. You are saying Dak getting injured would improve the Cowboys by letting Tony come back. That is your opinion, and I am telling YOU to go back under the rock you crawled from under. Dak is now. Dak is the future. And no, you can't have DeMarco Murray back either.


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I don't agree this game was meaningless. Our offense had been erratic the last few weeks for various reasons, and we really needed to see if we could get it together at home, where we will be playing two playoff games if all goes well. We certainly passed that test against a good team, so that is settled. We're ready.

It does make the game in Philly pretty much meaningless, though. But, we have to play it, so we might as well put it to the Beagles and go into the bye with big smiles on our faces.

As far as Romo goes, I'm sure Garrett will put him in for a few farewell snaps at AT&T, probably in the 2nd game if we have the first game locked up in the 4th quarter. Tonight would have been premature.


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I know what you are saying. You are saying Dak getting injured would improve the Cowboys by letting Tony come back. That is your opinion, and I am telling YOU to go back under the rock you crawled from under. Dak is now. Dak is the future. And no, you can't have DeMarco Murray back either.
You must be amazingly drunk right now. If you would have just said this right away you could have already been asleep. Instead you led us all on some wacky goose chase about who contradicted what that was a waste of time. And now it is time for you to put on your dink and dunk game manager jersey on, crawl under your rock, and sleep it off. There's work tomorrow.


Least-Known Member
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You must be amazingly drunk right now. If you would have just said this right away you could have already been asleep. Instead you led us all on some wacky goose chase about who contradicted what that was a waste of time. And now it is time for you to put on your dink and dunk game manager jersey on, crawl under your rock, and sleep it off. There's work tomorrow.
So what was your meaning behind "If Dak gets hurt, you instantly get better at the position, so no anxiety there. Let the kid play!"?

Ultra Warrior

6 Million Light-years beyond believability.
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All he did was hand off to mcfadden. It wasnt even worth putting Romo in.
Actually, he did throw a pass ( incomplete ) after the 3 TD lead. Still not a good enough reason to have him still out there. I mean, after all, they pulled Zeke, who could have just as easily have been taking those hand offs. JG flirting with disaster & thankfully it didn't blow up in his face. Now we just hope a couple of our starters that got injured last night, will be fine for the Playoff run.


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Meaningless games in the regular season exist? Lol and anybody thinking the Giants won't try to win Sunday is crazy. They don't want to go in the playoffs on a two game slide, but if they do I guarantee they're one and done


When Jerry, when?
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Barring injury, next week @Philly might be the last chance to give Romo a snap as a Dallas Cowboy.

I thought Garret would have brought Tony into the game in the 4th qtr. It was the last home game, and the crowd would have responded with gratitude for Tony.


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The QB thing is done.. we are riding Dak and lets hope he doesn't fall in a screaming heap when we play a good defence. However I thought it was stupid not to put Romo in for the last 10 minutes of the game.. mainly to give him some first team reps (in case we actually need to use him in the playoffs) and it smacks of an organisation that is scared to see anything other than what they have chosen.. lest they look like fools.

Would it have been great to give Romo a send off? yep.. does it insult him to play keeper while handing to RB for the last 10 snaps? Not really.. he has accepted the job as back up and that is his role.

Dak played another great game.. and he looks very impressive every time the OLine gives him all day to throw. However this wasn't about Dak.. this was about a coaching decision that seems wrong to me. 3 TD lead in a game that means little and you leave your starting QB out there? What about a botched snap that dislocates a finger (see Carr), or a tangle of feet that sees him get a strain? Or any one of a million things that can go wrong on a football field. That is why the convention is to trot out your backup.

However it seems our coaching staff is making it clear who the MVP on this team is.. Zeke was pulled early and wrapped in cotton wool without any hesitation after that 'slam'.. and even before then he had played minimal snaps. Methinks they know that Zeke is going to be the difference maker in the end.


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I'm well aware that Romo didn't start unit '06, which makes Dak's season much more impressive.

This time last year, Dak was in Starkville.

Romo had two years in the system before he started, and Dak's season is better, and his team is better.

Romo fans LOVE their stats…Dak's are better.
Actually, Romo had three years in the system. He was inactive the entire 2003 season.

The truly remarkable fact is that there are only two times in NFL history where a quarterback did not play a single down as a quarterback for at least two seasons and eventually became a starter for at least one season.

The really interesting part is that they both had the same Head Coach. Tony Romo was one, Jeff Hostetler was the other.

When people discuss how good Romo is they seem to forget the commitment into his deveopment by Bill Parcells and Sean Payton. He did not enter the NFL with the attributes and skills to become a starting quarterback. If he had then he would have been drafted. He was not overlooked, he was raw and was fortunate to be developed by the only group of coaches that would have been willing.

Dak, on the other hand was coached in college by a guy that demanded the focus and commitment typically expected of professionals. It has served Dak well.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I am bummed by fans who think we owe Romo (or anybody else) anything.
He's been paid.
Other playoff teams aren't worried if their backup QB gets playing time. I don't get it. Tony will get his moment in the sun. He'll probably sign a one day contract and retire as a Dallas Cowboy.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Fans like you are so busy dreaming of how great you think Romo was, that you're too blind to see the truly historical greatness right in front of you.

This QB that you want to replace already has a BETTER FIRST SEASON than Romo — across the board.

Romo, in his entire career, had ONE season better than this year — Dak's rookie season.

But, please continue with the insanity.

Here endeth the lesson.
