4th Quarter, 3 TD Lead, Meaningless Game


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If I'm Garrett, I don't even consider playing Romo. Nothing good comes from it, only bad.

And if I"m Romo, I don't particularly want the home stadium sendoff, for that matter. I want to play and to compete while I can. The rest is window dressing.

Then he shouldn't be active. According to your, nobody wants him to play and you're afraid of what the media thinks. So he should be inactive. The team should have a backup to take meaningless snaps and protect the starter, just like any smart team does. If that's not Romo, he shouldn't be taking up an active spot on gameday.


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Hmm, its not worth the risk to play your back -up, but is worth the risk of leaving your starter out there for the entire game after you just watched a playoff bound team lose their starter for the duration? And you didn't even suit up the other guy? Coach Jones knows best, I guess.....

His comments once again make things look worse, not better.


Fattening up
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Then he shouldn't be active. According to your, nobody wants him to play and you're afraid of what the media thinks. So he should be inactive. The team should have a backup to take meaningless snaps and protect the starter, just like any smart team does. If that's not Romo, he shouldn't be taking up an active spot on gameday.

He's active in case of injury, obviously. Teams use backup QBs differently, and we clearly weren't interested in resting a rookie phenom v. a playoff-quality opponent. He's only getting better with reps.

That said, when your backup is a probowl quality player in his own right, and you live in the most intense media market in the NFL, you don't invite a potentially divisive storyline unnecessarily. And apparently Garrett agreed with that idea.


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And they didn't even suit up Sanchez. Weird. They suited up a back -up they are afraid of playing?

Not just weird, dumb. If there's 'no way' they're playing Romo, he shouldn't be taking up an active roster spot while Sanchez is inactive.

Whatever the behind the scenes thinking, it's not a wise football decision.


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He's active in case of injury, obviously. Teams use backup QBs differently, and we clearly weren't interested in resting a rookie phenom v. a playoff-quality opponent. He's only getting better with reps.

If they want to continue to keep Romo in bubble wrap, they need an actual backup QB to play. And no "teams" use backup quarterbacks like this - afraid to put them on the field. That's just dysfunction at work there. If you have no intention of playing him, don't. But have a plan that doesn't involve putting your actual starter at unnecessary risk.

That said, when your backup is a pro owl quality player in his own right, and you live in the most intense media market in the NFL, you don't invite a potentially divisive storyline unnecessarily. And apparently Garrett agreed with that idea.

Smart organizations don't make on-field decisions based on 'what the media might think'.


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Not just weird, dumb. If there's 'no way' they're playing Romo, he shouldn't be taking up an active roster spot while Sanchez is inactive.

Whatever the behind the scenes thinking, it's not a wise football decision.

Whoever said that "there's no way they play Romo"?

Is it not obvious that he immediately enters the game in the unfortunate event that Dak gets injured?


Fattening up
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If they want to continue to keep Romo in bubble wrap, they need an actual backup QB to play. And no "teams" use backup quarterbacks like this - afraid to put them on the field. That's just dysfunction at work there. If you have no intention of playing him, don't. But have a plan that doesn't involve putting your actual starter at unnecessary risk.

Smart organizations don't make on-field decisions based on 'what the media might think'.

Agree to disagree.

And smart organizations manage media storylines and the effects they have on teams all the time. "Put it in 3 inch headlines: we will win the ball game."


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Whoever said that "there's no way they play Romo"?

Is it not obvious that he immediately enters the game in the unfortunate event that Dak gets injured?

And the part where the meaningless snaps in a victory where your starter needs to be protected are accounted for how?

Oh, that's right, they're not.

Because we have to worry about what the media might think or about possibly hurting Romo's feelings.

Great plan...


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Agree to disagree.

Of course you do. No matter what this team does, you'll find a way to spin it into a positive, somehow, someway. That round peg will somehow fit in that square hole.

And smart organizations manage media storylines and the effects they have on teams all the time. "Put it in 3 inch headlines: we will win the ball game."

And this relates to risking your starting quarterback to injury how exactly? It doesn't. It only reinforces my point above. Here's a hammer to make your job easier.



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No one in their right mind would interpret Romo taking the field for a few drives as a quarterback controversy, especially after a performance like Dak h̶a̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶n̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ has had all year.{/QUOTE]

Fixed it.


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And the part where the meaningless snaps in a victory where your starter needs to be protected are accounted for how?

Oh, that's right, they're not.

Because we have to worry about what the media might think or about possibly hurting Romo's feelings.

Great plan...

What in the world are you even talking about?

Whoever said that Romo was kept out of the game because his feelings might be hurt otherwise, or that the media might take it a certain way?

Why all the sudden does Dak need to be protected and pulled from the game?

Romo's role is to step in for Dak in the event that he gets injured. Why is this so confusing?


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What in the world are you even talking about?

Whoever said that Romo was kept out of the game because his feelings might be hurt otherwise, or that the media might take it a certain way?

Why all the sudden does Dak need to be protected and pulled from the game?

Romo's role is to step in for Dak in the event that he gets injured. Why is this so confusing?

A back-up QB's role is also to protect the starting QB from getting injured up multiple TDs in the 4th quarter of a meaningless game. Romo cant do that job for some reason, yet they didn't even suit up Sanchez. Its one of the more puzzling things I have ever seen in football. Fortunately, Dak didn't get hurt--but there is still one meaningless game to go.


Fattening up
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Of course you do. No matter what this team does, you'll find a way to spin it into a positive, somehow, someway. That round peg will somehow fit in that square hole.

Resting Dak/playing Romo is not a no-brainer. There are reasonable arguments to both sides. I presented the logic of the play-Dak side. You can give the crotchety old man routine a rest.

And this relates to risking your starting quarterback to injury how exactly? It doesn't. It only reinforces my point above. Here's a hammer to make your job easier.

It doesn't relate to risking the QB. It related to managing media perception, obviously. Smart teams do that.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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I am bummed for Tony that he didn't get to take the field and get a proper send off, and for the fans who didn't get a chance to give him one.
He will get a proper send off after Dak's Cowboys win the Super Bowl. That'll include something along the lines of a bye Felicia.


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Everyone's like don't worry it'll be fine, he'll get to play the last game next week. Umm... hello? The whole point was so that the home crowd could give him a standing ovation because it could possibly be the last time we get to see him playing at home as a Dallas Cowboy. Now we're supposed to be happy with him getting to play in the 4th quarter of a road game in Philadelphia where the fans absolutely despise him and on the field where his career basically ended two years ago when he got injured there? I'm disgusted that Romo didn't get the proper send off. I really am.