Adult Language 88 Irvin stated "Cowboys Already Making Off Season Plans"


Cowboys 24/7/365
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And don't forget, wanted to draft all-world high round QB talent like Paxton Lynch and Johnny Manziel....
Good point.

The only two good QBs this franchise has had since Aikman have been via pure, blind luck.
Tony Romo? Yes. Sean Payton basically pulled him out of a hat.

Dak Prescott? I criticize Jerry Jones' GM decisions, a lot, but Prescott was scouted, evaluated and selected approximately where draft gurus expected any team to have drafted him. Perhaps it is fair saying Prescott's selection was lucky but it was far from pure and/or blind.

That was a huge reason why I thought (and still do) that signing Dak was a must. Though, I expected them to do a bit more around him. Like, anything. At all.
Any expectation hinges upon Jones making competent short- and long-term football management decisions. I will leave it at that.


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when Irvin says THIS we should listen. What hes saying is, they done quit. Hes telling all of us if we wanna hear and listen, he knows something more or he wouldn't have said it. I trust it. Jerry gave up on the team during free agency, so the players are doing the same of their gutless owner. The big issue I have with players quitting is THOSE dues are paid big money to do a job well done! They are just as bad snake oil salesmen as Jerry and Stevie in my book! See one Micah , Diggs, Ceedee, Hooker, and many others that made business decisions.


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the team is a microcosm of todays problems. Good coaching and leadership COULD have nipped this in the bud but sadly we have an enabler and passivist as HC. Micah making plans..where was the passion yesterday? Where was dudes on the sidelines getting in each other's faces? Where were the coaches getting fiery? I saw NUTHIN but pouty players that looked defeated. THEY QUIT.


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I think many players on this team, including guys who got paid large, have made post retirement plans since the week leading up to the GB game. Lots of guys have eaten the celebrity cheese, so now podcasts, personal brands, and swag selling are their real business. They are just using their status as Dallas Cowboys as a marketing strategy to what they all find more important.

America's Cowboy

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Out of all the former players, Irvin is the biggest homer. He is so passionate about the Dallas Cowboys and hates when they lose. If he is upset perhaps we should listen cause he is usually positive about this team and defends them no matter what.

There is a problem with this team. From Jerry to the coaches all the way to the players. Changing one or two things won't fix it.

Starting from the Packers playoff game these players, defense mostly, have quit. I'm not sure if they don't believe in McCarthy or it's just get paid and don't have that drive to win anymore but it's something.
Blah, blah, blah. Irvin just sounds like you guys. He has big access to Jerry. Instead of spewing his hate, why doesn't he offer some advice to Jerry on how to fix this team?

America's Cowboy

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The reason there aren’t answers to this team’s flaws is because this FO sat on it’s hands and has done jacksquat following the GB debacle.

Now they are looking like deer in the headlights when everyone and their mother was saying we should fire MM, sign Henry or draft a RB etc etc etc…

Your anger should be directed squarely at Jerry Jones who is the most responsible for this mess. Not at the players and fans who are exasperated at this GM for failing to do a good job for the past 28 years and counting.

JJ has earned every ounce of the anger and frustration he is getting.
That blabbermouth should direct his anger at Jerry, not the team! That's the problem. He won't do it though, because Jerry is his lifeline. So Irvin has become a troll just like many of you. Absolutely worthless drivel.


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Six minutes. 23 seconds. Criticism of players. Criticism of coaching. Criticism of team attitude and direction. And not one second of criticism devoted for front office management. Hilarious.
Man its hard to watch Irvin Sell out for Jerry but its been happening for a couple years now.


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I think 2025 has always been Jerry's plan for a major overhaul and a bunch of players know this is their season to shine IF they wanna return.
And, yet, Jones re-signed Dak to a market-setting contract immediately prior to the season start.

If he really wanted a major overhaul, he would have let Dak play out the current contract and reassess at the end of tge season.... among many other thins he could have done, but didn't


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I think 2025 has always been Jerry's plan for a major overhaul and a bunch of players know this is their season to shine IF they wanna return.
If 2025 was the major overhaul, he would not have extended Dak. I would say by the end of this season there would be no GM or owner in.the league who would give Dak the contract Jerry just did. PS. Full Stop.


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He sounds just like you guys. Absolutely useless and worthless drivel.
And by useless and worthless drivel, you mean 100% correct?

I called this a 7-8 win team before the season started. They haven't won a home game in 2024 and been embarrassed. I told you to trade bland. Sign and trade CeeDee and not to resign Dak.

Your valuable solution is to cosign anything the FO does and blame everyone else for not cheering loud enough.

I get you have to cope with your failure, but we aren't the enemy my man

America's Cowboy

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And by useless and worthless drivel, you mean 100% correct?

I called this a 7-8 win team before the season started. They haven't won a home game in 2024 and been embarrassed. I told you to trade bland. Sign and trade CeeDee and not to resign Dak.

Your valuable solution is to cosign anything the FO does and blame everyone else for not cheering loud enough.

I get you have to cope with your failure, but we aren't the enemy my man
In other words, you wanted to tank this season and the next 2-3 as well. How is that fixing this team? It isn't.

Weren't you also all for the Trey Lance trade? How has that worked out?


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And, yet, Jones re-signed Dak to a market-setting contract immediately prior to the season start.

If he really wanted a major overhaul, he would have let Dak play out the current contract and reassess at the end of tge season.... among many other thins he could have done, but didn't
He could have but I'm 100% convinced, Dak was never leaving. Whether they extended him in March, August or March 2025, he was never leaving.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Man its hard to watch Irvin Sell out for Jerry but its been happening for a couple years now.
I think a survey of members, posed with the question 'Who is the second biggest hype person for the Dallas Cowboys?', would overwhelmingly show most see Michael Irvin in that capacity. Personally, I do not have any problem with Irvin being a cheerleader. He is excellent at it.

However, Irvin has been very rarely publicly critical over Jerry Jones as general manager. That stance is not unusual of former players but Irvin is the loudest of the bunch also. His reputation is essentially and always boastfully saying it 'like it is'.

This is another occasion where Irvin does not identify and vocalize fault with a culprit connected to the coaches and players' performing poorly. It is not unlike Irvin standing in front of and staring at a bunch of trees but he still cannot make out any trees.