I have been handcuffed a handfull of times. The most recent was when I was helping my wife at her school after hours. One of the new teachers had set the alarm without checking to make sure all of the teachers had signed out so when we went to copy some papers we tripped the silent alarm. About 20 minutes later on our way back to her room, we walked around a corner to 5 cops with their guns trained on us. While two cops candcuffed us, the others kept their guns on us. I had to tell my wife to shut up because this was the first time she had ever been patted down and she was throwing a fit. If you are smart, you don't do that to people with guns aimed at you. They wouldn't allow her to go to the car and get her school badge as proof, so we had to wait for the principal to come before they released us.
Turns out that about a week earlier they were fired upon by some punks who had busted into another school to steal computers. The public schools have computers from teh 90s, I don't know why they would choose there to steal.