A Female Passenger on Benson's Boat Called for Help

Joe Rod;2074291 said:
Thor and Vera never brought my boat back and I had to walk for many miles to get back to my truck. I later got word that Thor had contracted Gonorrhea and in turn struck Vera down with a bolt of lightening. I suppose, looking back, that it wasn't such a good day after all.
Please post more.

My favorite subject... Racism. But this time, I'll stay out of this one. ;)
IMhO, this is an example of what can happen when you put NFL players actions above everyone else in society. People can/will take advantage of weaknesses. Same thing could easily happen to Pac-man, any day of his life.

At which point Adam Jones would most likely be out of the NFL forever.
Clove;2074309 said:
My favorite subject... Racism. But this time, I'll stay out of this one. ;)
Oh man, it's so much more than that...

Thor and Vera and the yellow potoon. Krispy Kremes vs Dunkin Donuts. There's some gold standard stuff in here.
WoodysGirl;2074318 said:
Oh man, it's so much more than that...

Thor and Vera and the yellow potoon. Krispy Kremes vs Dunkin Donuts. There's some gold standard stuff in here.

The last few times I have eaten Krisp Kremes it upset my stomach and made me light headed. I am a sugar fiend, so I don't know why that would be. I just know that I won't eat them again.
joseephuss;2074323 said:
The last few times I have eaten Krisp Kremes it upset my stomach and made me light headed. I am a sugar fiend, so I don't know why that would be. I just know that I won't eat them again.
Personally, I've never found them to be as good as they were made out to be. I only ate them when someone brought some into the office.

I much prefer the little shop down the street with a huge Donuts sign over it. The line is always outside the door.

BTW, Krispy Kremes aren't in Houston anymore. They lost out to Shipley's, which is just as nasty.
Joe Rod;2074242 said:
I asked Thor, "have you come to join me on my yellow pontoon boat for an enjoyable day?" Thor responded, "Verily". Though his accent was heavy, I deduced that he was looking for "Vera Lee", who was well known in our area as a woman who liked to have a good time. It was amazing that word of her exploits made their way up to Asgard and found the ear of the Mighty Thor.

Vera was delighted to be picked up on my yellow pontoon and meet Thor. Thor and Vera quickly kicked me off of the boat and left me by the shore as I watched them travel out into the water for a no doubt intellectual conversation on the meaning of life. As I watched them depart on my beloved boat, I thought to myself, what a wonderful day.

my avatar wants to talk to you.
joseephuss;2074323 said:
The last few times I have eaten Krisp Kremes it upset my stomach and made me light headed. I am a sugar fiend, so I don't know why that would be. I just know that I won't eat them again.

It must have been the goose lard they use in their biscuit . . . i mean doughnuts.
Joe Rod;2074242 said:
I asked Thor, "have you come to join me on my yellow pontoon boat for an enjoyable day?" Thor responded, "Verily". Though his accent was heavy, I deduced that he was looking for "Vera Lee", who was well known in our area as a woman who liked to have a good time. It was amazing that word of her exploits made their way up to Asgard and found the ear of the Mighty Thor.

Vera was delighted to be picked up on my yellow pontoon and meet Thor. Thor and Vera quickly kicked me off of the boat and left me by the shore as I watched them travel out into the water for a no doubt intellectual conversation on the meaning of life. As I watched them depart on my beloved boat, I thought to myself, what a wonderful day.

Verily it brought a tear to my eye.
About 10 yrs ago I was walking down the street around 9:30 and a cop picked me up and said I fit the description of a guy who just assaulted a couple of other guys. He took me back to the house where the guys couldn't make out if it was me or not. I figure I was going to jail but the cop took me to this graveyard and drove down this long dirt road. He stopped the car and got out. He open the back door and told me to get out. I will never forget the fear i felt then and I wouldn't move. He kept telling me to get out but I knew I was going to die. So he drugg me out of the car and threw me on the ground and walk off a little. Problem was the way he walked was the way out of the graveyard and the other way was deeper into the woods. I sat there in the dirt where he started to beat me with his stick. He must have hit me around 35 times but I didn't feel it because of the adrenaline of being scared. I thought I was gone. Then another sqad car pulled up and it was a black guy. He basically told the officer to put me back in the car and take me home. Which he did. On the way home he explained to me why he did what he did. He said I wasn't gonna kill you but you young guys need to be taught a lesson. If I had a gun I would probably be on deathrow right now. This happen in Savannah, Georgia. The officers name was Cane. I will never forget that.

So I know what Benson was going through. I didn't call my mother but when your thinking your about to die you will be amazed what comes out of your mouth.
joseephuss;2073437 said:
I've been out on the lake and have never been pulled over for a safety check. Granted I do not hang out in Devil's Cove. It would not surprise me if several boats that regularly anchor in Devil's Cove during the weekend are frequently pulled over for safety checks. It is similar to cops hanging out and closely monitoring the people leaving the very busy, popular bars more than the people leaving the small dive bar around the corner.

I've been out to Devil's Cove 4 times, and have been pulled over 4 times. It's pretty common for that to happen.
trickblue;2074063 said:
I'm married to a minority

Just because your wife was sympathetic enough to marry you, is it really fair to saddle her with the "minority" tag too dude!?
Joe Rod;2074142 said:
The water was calm and the air was crisp with just a slight breeze, it was a great day to be out on the water.

Boats, smoats! What's your take on pudding?
Maikeru-sama;2073780 said:
Your comment was not objective in any fashion.

Please forgive me for providing an opinion about your statement.

I mean..., this is a messageboard, gawd forbid we actually have people talking to each other.

I realize that this is a touchy subject for most, but if you re-read the post you quoted, it is objective. Take note that I said "not all". I know that the "race card" is far too often used when someone in the wrong gets caught in a bad light. My experience, with over 4,000 felony arrests, is that the line is used ALOT. Oddly, I have even heard it used during arrests BY black officers. Often times, it is merely the perception of the individual in question. I think one can gauge the general public's tolerance for divisive conduct by the current political scene with Obama and the good reverend Wright. Both have made comments that are offensive to whites and blacks. While there is undoubtedly still racial issues to be dealt with, my personal experiences have NEVER known the type of conduct so many on here immediately assume. This is just a case of someone being held accountable for their conduct. Most people...black, white, asian, whatever....never have any encounter with police outside of a traffic stop (if that). The ratio of police to people make the chances pretty good you never even talk to a cop. If one has had multiple negative encounters with police, there may be another reason besides being profiled....some people are habitual screw-ups (I'll keep it clean). Oh, I wasn't being smart about injecting your comment...I respect your opinion....even if you're wrong.:)
trueblue1687;2074444 said:
I realize that this is a touchy subject for most, but if you re-read the post you quoted, it is objective. Take note that I said "not all". I know that the "race card" is far too often used when someone in the wrong gets caught in a bad light. My experience, with over 4,000 felony arrests, is that the line is used ALOT. Oddly, I have even heard it used during arrests BY black officers. Often times, it is merely the perception of the individual in question. I think one can gauge the general public's tolerance for divisive conduct by the current political scene with Obama and the good reverend Wright. Both have made comments that are offensive to whites and blacks. While there is undoubtedly still racial issues to be dealt with, my personal experiences have NEVER known the type of conduct so many on here immediately assume. This is just a case of someone being held accountable for their conduct. Most people...black, white, asian, whatever....never have any encounter with police outside of a traffic stop (if that). The ratio of police to people make the chances pretty good you never even talk to a cop. If one has had multiple negative encounters with police, there may be another reason besides being profiled....some people are habitual screw-ups (I'll keep it clean). Oh, I wasn't being smart about injecting your comment...I respect your opinion....even if you're wrong.:)

I was backing up one of our black officers one time. He was in the process of arresting one of our local drug dealers (who happened to be black) on a warrant. The subject being arrested was really upset at the black officer. He was telling him he was not a real "brotha" and that he was a disgrace to his people....
Maikeru-sama;2073451 said:
Police Reports are always accurate?

I know most are inclined to give the benefit of the doubt tends to the boys in blue, but a police report still only represents "one side of the argument".

Yes, the law enforcement side.

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