I realize that this is a touchy subject for most, but if you re-read the post you quoted, it is objective. Take note that I said "not all". I know that the "race card" is far too often used when someone in the wrong gets caught in a bad light. My experience, with over 4,000 felony arrests, is that the line is used ALOT. Oddly, I have even heard it used during arrests BY black officers. Often times, it is merely the perception of the individual in question. I think one can gauge the general public's tolerance for divisive conduct by the current political scene with Obama and the good reverend Wright. Both have made comments that are offensive to whites and blacks. While there is undoubtedly still racial issues to be dealt with, my personal experiences have NEVER known the type of conduct so many on here immediately assume. This is just a case of someone being held accountable for their conduct. Most people...black, white, asian, whatever....never have any encounter with police outside of a traffic stop (if that). The ratio of police to people make the chances pretty good you never even talk to a cop. If one has had multiple negative encounters with police, there may be another reason besides being profiled....some people are habitual screw-ups (I'll keep it clean). Oh, I wasn't being smart about injecting your comment...I respect your opinion....even if you're wrong.