A Female Passenger on Benson's Boat Called for Help

WoodysGirl;2074327 said:
Personally, I've never found them to be as good as they were made out to be. I only ate them when someone brought some into the office.

I much prefer the little shop down the street with a huge Donuts sign over it. The line is always outside the door.

BTW, Krispy Kremes aren't in Houston anymore. They lost out to Shipley's, which is just as nasty.

Hey I remember Shipley's...I used to eat them when I was growing up in Bryan/College Station.....good donuts when I was little....but then again what sugary snack wasn't good when I was little.
trueblue1687;2074444 said:
I realize that this is a touchy subject for most, but if you re-read the post you quoted, it is objective. Take note that I said "not all". I know that the "race card" is far too often used when someone in the wrong gets caught in a bad light. My experience, with over 4,000 felony arrests, is that the line is used ALOT. Oddly, I have even heard it used during arrests BY black officers. Often times, it is merely the perception of the individual in question. I think one can gauge the general public's tolerance for divisive conduct by the current political scene with Obama and the good reverend Wright. Both have made comments that are offensive to whites and blacks. While there is undoubtedly still racial issues to be dealt with, my personal experiences have NEVER known the type of conduct so many on here immediately assume. This is just a case of someone being held accountable for their conduct. Most people...black, white, asian, whatever....never have any encounter with police outside of a traffic stop (if that). The ratio of police to people make the chances pretty good you never even talk to a cop. If one has had multiple negative encounters with police, there may be another reason besides being profiled....some people are habitual screw-ups (I'll keep it clean). Oh, I wasn't being smart about injecting your comment...I respect your opinion....even if you're wrong.:)

It is just odd that you make the above comment in bold, when neither of us was there.

Now, if you were stating that as an opinion, that would be different, but clearly you are positing it as a fact, which it is not.
heavyg;2073776 said:
Whats really strange is there is a case I saw on fox news this morning of several officers in Philadelphia pulling some robbery suspects of a vehicle and literally beating the crap out of them. No one has even mentioned that here. And it was just a small blurb on Fox news. The beating was far worse than the Rodney King beating. What I saw on the tape this morning IS police brutality. Pepper Spraying someone for non-compliance is not.
it IS brutality if it is unwarranted. You nor I have any idea if it was or wasnt.
trueblue1687;2074444 said:
I realize that this is a touchy subject for most, but if you re-read the post you quoted, it is objective. Take note that I said "not all". I know that the "race card" is far too often used when someone in the wrong gets caught in a bad light. My experience, with over 4,000 felony arrests, is that the line is used ALOT. Oddly, I have even heard it used during arrests BY black officers. Often times, it is merely the perception of the individual in question. I think one can gauge the general public's tolerance for divisive conduct by the current political scene with Obama and the good reverend Wright. Both have made comments that are offensive to whites and blacks. While there is undoubtedly still racial issues to be dealt with, my personal experiences have NEVER known the type of conduct so many on here immediately assume. This is just a case of someone being held accountable for their conduct. Most people...black, white, asian, whatever....never have any encounter with police outside of a traffic stop (if that). The ratio of police to people make the chances pretty good you never even talk to a cop. If one has had multiple negative encounters with police, there may be another reason besides being profiled....some people are habitual screw-ups (I'll keep it clean). Oh, I wasn't being smart about injecting your comment...I respect your opinion....even if you're wrong.:)

So just because you have never dealt or experince any of these issues means that most people don't go through this stuff man ignorance is bliss.
dogunwo;2074502 said:
it IS brutality if it is unwarranted. You nor I have any idea if it was or wasnt.
I think what I saw in the video WG sent me more than qualified as excessive.
DaBoys4Life;2074506 said:
So just because you have never dealt or experince any of these issues means that most people don't go through this stuff man ignorance is bliss.
Actually Bliss is a Fort in West Texas.

Wonder who will know what the heck I am talking about?
theogt;2073442 said:
I'm sure it looked like they were beating him up when they sprayed him for resisting arrest.

It sounds like it was a good idea for them to pull him over constantly for a "safety check" because they eventually caught him drinking and boating.

Yes, because we all know you are guilty in this country until proven innocent! :bang2:
FuzzyLumpkins;2074246 said:
You can think thats all funny and what not but there are more than likely thousands of people especially in the south that are in jail for rapes and murders they did not convict. Mostly due to 'good ole boys.' Read about Marcus Dixon's story and get back to me.

Thats what really gets me. The 'cops' in question here are more or less Parks and Wildlife. You know the guys that jack with you if you dont have a fishing license or the types that jack with you if youre driving on the beach. They arent ecologist or environmentalists the are the equivalen of thugs with a badge and if not for some arbitrary law would be considered extortionists in every shape of the word.

The fact they asked for a safety inspection first should send up red flags. That measn they didnt have probable cause to pull him over based on teh way he was driving. This is the 'you had a busted taillight crap that cops use all the time. The if he asked him to do a field sobriety test on the boat why ask him to do another one?

The whole thing stinks. It sounds to me more like a cop thats looking for an excuse to arrest someone rather than having a real reason. Its typical but at the same time despicable.

FuzzyLumpkins;2074261 said:
Actually the University of Michigan did a study that concluded there were thousands. It made the New York Times.


I did read the link... and nowhere did it mention "especially in the South"...

Did you add that on your own?

If I misread it, I apologize...
Sorry, but the police are getting more and more quick to use the taser or pepper spray and it's getting ridiculous.

I'll take Benson's word over JBT Jack-booted thugs....although these guys were probably in shorts....
Doomsday101;2074193 said:
No problem. My High School was in a small town in the middle of Houston called Spring Valley and these cops were at our school every day. So growing up I had similar feelings about cops as some here do now.

However I started having an understanding of a few things which is anytime you encounter a cop show respect for the badge meaning don't jump out of your car with an attitude all that does it put the cop on the defensive right off the bat and it goes downhill from there.

If you have a complaint then tell it to the judge or call the internal affairs office of the police department but getting into it with a cop on the streets is a battle you will not win. I think if some put themselves in the shoes of the police and what they face I think many would have a better understanding of them.

My brother lawn is a cop; a guy from my fraternity is precinct 4 constable (happens to be the same precinct that patrols my neighboorhood); A guy I played lacrosse with is also HPD I know lots of cops and what they have to deal with it is a hard job
Hostile;2074508 said:
Actually Bliss is a Fort in West Texas.

Wonder who will know what the heck I am talking about?

Which is an oxymoron by every word I been there:ralph:
I read every single word of this thread and the only thing I learned was that Thor is a playa playa.
DallasEast;2074688 said:
I read every single word of this thread and the only thing I learned was that Thor is a playa playa.

No you didn't. Some of it was deleted.
trickblue;2074664 said:
I did read the link... and nowhere did it mention "especially in the South"...

Did you add that on your own?

If I misread it, I apologize...

You didn't misread it. It said nothing of the sort.
Bach;2074691 said:
No you didn't. Some of it was deleted.
I didn't log back onto the forum until this evening. Were any of posts that were deleted originally made by DaBoys4Life?

Please say yes.

And don't make me beg.
Hostile;2074507 said:
I think what I saw in the video WG sent me more than qualified as excessive.

No doubt several of the officers will most probably be fired. Having said that, the occupants of the car just shot three people on a Philly street corner and it was witnessed by an officer which is why you see so many police involved in the stop. One of the suspects got away on foot. This is on the heels of the murder of a Philadelphia Police Officer (husband/father of 3 young children) who was shot 5 times with an AK-47 the other day during a car stop after an armed robbery of a bank. One of his killers is still on the loose, one was arrested and one was killed in a shootout with police. This is the 3rd Philly cop violently killed in the last year or so. Unfortunately, suspects who just shot three people on a Philly street corner are probably going to be arrested forcefully and violently; there's no easy way and it's rarely pretty.
DallasEast;2074701 said:
I didn't log back onto the forum until this evening. Were any of posts that were deleted originally made by DaBoys4Life?

Please say yes.

And don't make me beg.


I don't know, I just like leading you on

great job besting eduncan! ;)

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