A Wise Old Cowboy Once Told Me


The Duke
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bbgun;2296001 said:
And I'm saying that's a weasily, disrespectful cop-out. This loss had nothing to do with "lack of desire" or "not bringing our A game." We got our ***** kicked in all phases of the game. There's no evidence that Washington "wanted it more." Deal with it.
So say it. Who cares? I don't.

How 'bout the first two paragraphs?

It doesn't matter how much mud and dust you kick up in the front stretch. It's how much mud and dust you're kicking up in the back stretch that counts.

See the 2007 New York Giants as an example. Started the season 0-2, got hot right when it mattered, and took care of business.
How about them? Are either of them wrong? No, but they offer a possibility so it upsets your tummy.

You effectively dismissed yesterday's loss and insinuated that we'll mimic the 2007 Giants by magically turning it on at season's end. Based on what, exactly? Wishful thinking? So yes, you clearly do want to forget Sunday's debacle and fast forward to December. Lessons learned? Zilch. Humility gained? Nada.
No I didn't. I said it is possible to still finish the season and the task at hand.

Then there's this:

Our Defense doesn't have enough pride or heart. A couple of guys play with fire. For the most part the concept seems to be "react fast to what the Offense does." I would rather see them have to react to what we are doing. We have some good personnel, but they aren't taking enough pride in how good they should be. There's no excuse for it.

Again, you make it sound as if we're our own worst enemy. That it's inconceivable that the other team might be better or have played better. That our own failings can be chalked up to a bad day, or a lack of concentration, or a dearth of so-called "pride." This isn't manning up; this is classic excuse making. Something's rotten in [strike]Denmark[/strike] Dallas, and you're merrily whistling past the graveyard.
I stand by every word. I don't care if it causes you to have a hissy fit to read it either.

And the coup de grace:

I still believe we are the best team in the NFL, when we have our heads in the game and play with some heart. I still believe the Super Bowl goes through Texas Stadium. I also believe this team needs to pull their heads out of a dark, smelly place and play with some fire.

Again with the cliche-ridden "we're the only team that can stop us" bull****. Based on recent history, no one has the right to be this arrogant or optimistic. No one.
Oh boy, let me go get my Kleenex your sad story is tearing me up.

Sigh. "It's Commanders Week, Part VIII: Hos shows no class." Mea culpas were never your strong suit.
Damn right. Not when I am right. You wouldn't know class if you had 10 on your schedule.



The Duke
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MichaelWinicki;2296014 said:

Man, this is going to be good!

Good ole' BB went straight for the kill!

That's a double shotgun blast right into the chest!

Let's see how Hos recovers... er... replies. :D
Are you kidding? That was a softball.


Star Power
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The bbgun criticism fest is out if full force during 'Skins week, magnifying the greatness of the opponent, and minimizing the 'Boys. I can't say I'm surprised.


Mr. Buckeye
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MichaelWinicki;2296014 said:

Man, this is going to be good!

Good ole' BB went straight for the kill!

That's a double shotgun blast right into the chest!

Let's see how Hos recovers... er... replies. :D



1st Round Pick
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MichaelWinicki;2296038 said:
This team had a chance to make a "statement" yesterday. They could have shown the would that this team is the team to beat this year.

But instead, at 7:15PM EST time last night, they needed to change their Depends.

They also had a chance to make a statement against Green Bay and they did.

Same with Philly.

They played like crapola yesterday no doubt. But why does it have to be more than that? Why cant it just be they played like Crapola?

Now they suck all together? Geez


The Duke
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MichaelWinicki;2296068 said:
Well sometimes even badminton can be made interesting if the proper tone is set. :)
Next you'll finally be talking about tiddly winks and it will give him the advantage in the conversation.

Shotgun blast? Bull, that wasn't even worthy of a defective squirt gun.

Oh "look at Hos, he is disrespecting the Commanders. Boo Hos, Boo Hos."

I half expected some kind of kazoo and cheesy party hat.


Junior College Transfer
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Hostile;2295897 said:
I am being dead serious, I think Wade has sealed his fate by this Defense not being aggressive enough. Stew will be gone right beside him and Dom Capers is likely to be brought back. I don't care who leads the Defense. Hell, I'm rooting for Wade to get the job done. I just want someone who is going to let these guys beat someone up. I will take a few flags if it means teams are scared as hell.

I know you are dead serious.
And I agree re Wade and mildly aggressive defense.
And not to belabor the point, but when a team has this array of defensive players (what, eight of them are first-found picks?) there is no excuse for this lackluster play. Unless of course, a very laid-back Wade and an overmatched Stew are heading the defense.
When and if the Wade regime is gone, I want a fire-breathing DC in the mold of Buddy Ryan (with or without the charm) who will kick butt ON EVERY PLAY. A HC/DC who will have players competing to get the most sacks, tackles or tipped balls. Who don't stand around looking bewildered.

Plain and simple, this a bunch of defensive players who are uninspired and greatly misguided in scheme and technique.


NFL Historian
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MichaelWinicki;2295738 said:
A wise old Cowboy told me beating up "kindergartners" the next three weeks doesn't mean much...

But when you poop your pants facing a real team--that's what separates the championship teams from the pretenders.
So far we're 2-1 against what I would consider "real" teams. The Bengals and Rams should be victories, impressive victories at that. Arizona has a good offense, but if the Jets can destroy them through the air, then so should we.

Tampa has a good D. They could present a stiff challenge

I just want to see steady improvement from weekto week leading to the Giants game.


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SultanOfSix;2296061 said:
The bbgun criticism fest is out if full force during 'Skins week, magnifying the greatness of the opponent, and minimizing the 'Boys. I can't say I'm surprised.

I guess you missed the game yesterday, just like you've been missing the point for years now. I admire your consistency.


Well-Known Member
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bbgun;2296113 said:
I guess you missed the game yesterday, just like you've been missing the point for years now. I admire your consistency.

Considering we ran the ball eight times intentionally for no reason whatsoever making us one dimensional, I think it's a hard case to establish the Commanders as a better team, considering they squeeked by ARizona and New Orleans...


Star Power
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bbgun;2296113 said:
I guess you missed the game yesterday, just like you've been missing the point for years now. I admire your consistency.

You have no point. Your incessant criticism and negative blabbering of the team you supposedly root for is tiresome.


The Duke
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SultanOfSix;2296124 said:
You have no point. Your incessant criticism and blabbering of the team you supposedly root for is tiresome.
Even when you criticize the team it isn't enough.

I guess I should Nancy Kerrigan one of them and be thrown in jail. That would prove my loyalty to the team.

The problem is I know me and I'd go for the kicker and right now that might be a really bad move. He actually has earned some praise.


Star Power
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Hostile;2296137 said:
Even when you criticize the team it isn't enough.

I guess I should Nancy Kerrigan one of them and be thrown in jail. That would prove my loyalty to the team.

The problem is I know me and I'd go for the kicker and right now that might be a really bad move. He actually has earned some praise.

The team is talented. I think it's not coached well right now which can be fixed, but I am not that optimistic about its will or passion to win as a whole, except for a few players on the team. They seem to take criticism defensively instead of a drive to overcome the fear of failure or to prove doubters wrong. They also seem to be too complacent.


The Duke
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GimmeTheBall!;2296105 said:
I know you are dead serious.
And I agree re Wade and mildly aggressive defense.
And not to belabor the point, but when a team has this array of defensive players (what, eight of them are first-found picks?) there is no excuse for this lackluster play. Unless of course, a very laid-back Wade and an overmatched Stew are heading the defense.
When and if the Wade regime is gone, I want a fire-breathing DC in the mold of Buddy Ryan (with or without the charm) who will kick butt ON EVERY PLAY. A HC/DC who will have players competing to get the most sacks, tackles or tipped balls. Who don't stand around looking bewildered.

Plain and simple, this a bunch of defensive players who are uninspired and greatly misguided in scheme and technique.
I like Wade. I really do. I would like him a lot more if I could see something other than an "I'll take the blame for this one or we were 13-3 last year."

A lot of people didn't like the Pearlman story about Jimmy being a jerk to Robert Jones on the team flight. I did. I think we need a little of that.

If he can't get angry, maybe Jerry will. I'd rather see the best veterans on the team take charge than anything.


New Member
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Good post Hostile. The only thing I disagree with is this...........

"We haven't seen the mighty Cowboys at home yet. Instead they've been the drugstore Cowboys at home. That has to change."

We did see it once in 2006. The Colts game, I think they were 10-0 and we just took it too them on defense, and Romo managed the game well.


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Hostile;2296052 said:
So say it. Who cares? I don't.

How about them? Are either of them wrong? No, but they offer a possibility so it upsets your tummy.

No I didn't. I said it is possible to still finish the season and the task at hand.

I stand by every word. I don't care if it causes you to have a hissy fit to read it either.

Oh boy, let me go get my Kleenex your sad story is tearing me up.

Damn right. Not when I am right. You wouldn't know class if you had 10 on your schedule.


That's it? A string of snarky one-liners? Where can I get my victory cup engraved?


NFL Historian
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Hostile;2296137 said:
Even when you criticize the team it isn't enough.

I guess I should Nancy Kerrigan one of them and be thrown in jail. That would prove my loyalty to the team.

The problem is I know me and I'd go for the kicker and right now that might be a really bad move. He actually has earned some praise.
For some bizarre reason this brings gto mind the Sony commercial where Peyton Manning is holding back the San Diego Chicken.

"No, Hos, No!"

Yes, I'm nuts.


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SultanOfSix;2296124 said:
You have no point. Your incessant criticism and negative blabbering of the team you supposedly root for is tiresome.

Incessant? There hasn't been much to complain about this year. The problem is that the "my team right or wrong" shills can't stomach any criticism, no matter how cogent or justified. Ever. Not after a so-so victory, and not even after a loss. You're just as predictable, and not in a good way.


Star Power
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bbgun;2296202 said:
Incessant? There hasn't been much to complain about this year. The problem is that the "my team right or wrong" shills can't stomach any criticism, no matter how cogent or justified. Ever. Not after a so-so victory, and not even after a loss. You're just as predictable, and not in a good way.

And yet, you still complain. You're just as predictable, and not in a good way.