A Wise Old Cowboy Once Told Me


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
bbgun;2296202 said:
Incessant? There hasn't been much to complain about this year. The problem is that the "my team right or wrong" shills can't stomach any criticism, no matter how cogent or justified. Ever. Not after a so-so victory, and not even after a loss. You're just as predictable, and not in a good way.

Are you mad at the posters, or are you mad at the team?



The Duke
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bbgun;2296176 said:
That's it? A string of snarky one-liners? Where can I get my victory cup engraved?
Wherever they engrave toilet paper trophies.

I could care less. Nothing you posted was impressive, relevant, or even interesting.


The Duke
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bbgun;2296202 said:
Incessant? There hasn't been much to complain about this year. The problem is that the "my team right or wrong" shills can't stomach any criticism, no matter how cogent or justified. Ever. Not after a so-so victory, and not even after a loss. You're just as predictable, and not in a good way.
People are complaining. It just isn't enough to suit you. No one cares.

I think they sucked yesterday. Showed no desire. These things are not compliments.


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*****ing just to ***** isn't the same thing as constructive criticism.

it is remarkable to me that anyone who doesn't complain about every little mistake is a homer to the negative nancies here.


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5Stars;2296212 said:
Are you mad at the posters, or are you mad at the team?


I'm mad at people who show no class or try to spin yesterday's defeat as some sort of "accident." How many more "accidental" 100-yard games will Santana Moss have before we concede that the problem is us? Or that the same old problems haven't been fixed? Again, this is a day for anger and accountability, not mealy-mouthed excuses.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Idgit;2295864 said:
CL, if you're going to tough it out, will you PM me when it's safe to return to this board later in the week? I can't take it.

I think you're smarter than I am. This is ridiculous. I need to check out for a while, too.

I probably won't be able to help myself, though. :banghead:


The Duke
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bbgun;2296246 said:
I'm mad at people who show no class or try to spin yesterday's defeat as some sort of "accident." How many more "accidental" 100-yard games will Santana Moss have before we concede that the problem is us? Or that the same old problems haven't been fixed? Again, this is a day for anger and accountability, not mealy-mouthed excuses.
That's really funny.


It's ultra classy to constantly be pissy with your fellow fans. We should all genuflect to your magnanimous gestures of class and erudition.

Naw, I think I'd rather eat a hot dog.


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Hostile;2296226 said:
Wherever they engrave toilet paper trophies.

I could care less. Nothing you posted was impressive, relevant, or even interesting.

I'm crushed that I don't have your approval. And I'll take "unimpressive" over "embarrassing" any day of the week. You have the latter covered as it is. By all means, please continue with Gaslight Monday.


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Hostile;2296259 said:


No excuses. You flat out [strike]wanted it more and[/strike] outplayed us today.

Congrats. Good luck against Philly next week.

It's ultra classy to constantly be pissy with your fellow fans. We should all genuflect to your magnanimous gestures of class and erudition.

Actually, I've been quiet as a lamb for months now. You just can't handle any kind of dissent, esp after a loss. "The Zone" and "reality" will never be synonymous, so just get over it.


It aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun
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A wise old man once told me "some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug"

It's only one loss guys and the best is still yet to come. We lost 1 game out of 4. Thats a quarter of the season, if we follow that mode we'll end up 12-4 and make the playoffs. I hate losing, especially to the Commanders, but they beat us and it is what it is....

There is alot of football left and still alot of work to do to improve this team.


The Duke
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bbgun;2296260 said:
I'm crushed that I don't have your approval. And I'll take "unimpressive" over "embarrassing" any day of the week. You have the latter covered as it is. By all means, please continue with Gaslight Monday.
Where I come from saying that the other team "wanted it more" is one of the best compliments you can give them. It says they played with heart, pride, and effort. It is giving them credit for being professional and passionate.

It's obvious that means something entirely different to you. According to you it is basically a pejorative. I don't even want to know how that BS works.

I'll continue with Gaslight Monday because I know you will continue your Mock Opera.

Your soapbox is made out of popsicle sticks. That "Gaslight" enough for you? Or is that more Vaudeville?


A Mere Flesh Wound
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bbgun;2296246 said:
I'm mad at people who show no class or try to spin yesterday's defeat as some sort of "accident." How many more "accidental" 100-yard games will Santana Moss have before we concede that the problem is us? Or that the same old problems haven't been fixed? Again, this is a day for anger and accountability, not mealy-mouthed excuses.

Here here....absolutely right. This team always has excuses when they lose.

No leadership on or off the field.


The Duke
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bbgun;2296277 said:

No excuses. You flat out [strike]wanted it more and[/strike] outplayed us today.

Congrats. Good luck against Philly next week.

Actually, I've been quiet as a lamb for months now. You just can't handle any kind of dissent, esp after a loss. "The Zone" and "reality" will never be synonymous, so just get over it.
The truly funny thing about this commentary is that you actually believe there's no dissent being expressed.

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pitiful. Sort of reminds me of a drag queen show. You know, really fake and over done.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
festus;2296282 said:
A wise old man once told me "some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug"
I like that quote. Short, sweet, and to the point.


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Okay, I draw the line when drag queens are getting insulted! They are innocent in this.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
WoodysGirl;2296323 said:
I like that quote. Short, sweet, and to the point.

I had a Cowboy tell me once that, "You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil has to be lead."

I could never figure that one out! I think he was drunk?


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Hostile;2296308 said:
Where I come from saying that the other team "wanted it more" is one of the best compliments you can give them. It says they played with heart, pride, and effort. It is giving them credit for being professional and passionate.

It's obvious that means something entirely different to you. According to you it is basically a pejorative. I don't even want to know how that BS works.

There's no evidence they "wanted it more," nor did we give less than maximum effort. Sometimes, getting whipped on both sides of the ball just happens. It has nothing to do with lack of desire. Michael Phelps didn't "want it more"; he was just plain better. Nor did his opponents try to spin their defeats in such a lame manner. Can you not find a way to compliment the Skins minus the self-serving caveats?


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gbrittain;2295694 said:
I think the Dallas defensive coaches and the players are mentally weak.

I do not see a kill mentality on this team at all. If any team in the NFL should play all out aggressive defense it is the Cowboys.

If the Dallas D were to get burnt and be forced to survive a shoot out, our offense could bail them out.

Instead we play defense like our offense is incapable of scoring. It should be a huge embarassment to our coaches and players that Dallas has yet to force an interception. Embarassing.

Did you see the Chicago goal line stand against Philly? The chances of Dallas doing that are slim to none.

What I would give to see an agressive attacking defense.

My thoughts exactly, especially when I watched the goal line stand by Chicago.

Our defense is a HUGE disappointment, given the number of 1st and 2nd round picks we have devoted to the defense and I'm not sold on Phillips & co to solve it


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bbgun;2296362 said:
There's no evidence they "wanted it more," nor did we give less than maximum effort. Sometimes, getting whipped on both sides of the ball just happens. It has nothing to do with lack of desire. Michael Phelps didn't "want it more"; he was just plain better. Nor did his opponents try to spin their defeats in such a lame manner. Can you not find a way to compliment the Skins minus the self-serving caveats?

yes he did, did you watch him win by 1 hundredth of a second? He was behind and just put his heart into it, and wanted it more then the other guy.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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bbgun;2296362 said:
There's no evidence they "wanted it more," nor did we give less than maximum effort. Sometimes, getting whipped on both sides of the ball just happens. It has nothing to do with lack of desire. Michael Phelps didn't "want it more"; he was just plain better. Nor did his opponents try to spin their defeats in such a lame manner. Can you not find a way to compliment the Skins minus the self-serving caveats?

What is your issue with this, bb? Like Hos said, "Wanting it more" is a huge credit to them and a huge discredit to us. It's in no way "self serving". Why are you trying to make it anything more than that?

Surely you realize that football is an emotional game and that energy and emotion play a huge part in who wins, right?

If you're trying to argue that they are simply superior to us talent-wise, then why are you upset at the loss?