Accountability 101 - RW Blames Romo for Everything... Vid added Post #73

Do you guys actually think all these beat writers made this stuff up???


All these guys just decided to make up a whole bunch of quotes about Roy throwing Romo under the bus???

What color is the sky in yalls world???
newnationcb;3056566 said:
You're just being usually idiotic. If you go back through the thread, you'd notice Hos as being the only one claiming the post was false. That doesn't make a crowd.

Um, lots of people automatically dismissed the story based on who wrote it and who signs the man's paychecks. This isn't a football forum; it's a kangaroo court.

I believed the quotes from the moment I read them and still don't think he was throwing Romo under the bus.

Then you're either a fool or the poster child for cognitive dissonance. Spin away.

2 of the writers present have actually stated that Roy wasn't being malignant and was actually excited about the offense. The author has also gone on radio and clarified the context.

Context is irrelevant. He publicly blamed his QB for his lack of production on the field. If Tony publicly used the "N word" in a calm, cool manner, would that not be a huge story? Would anyone give a damn about "context"?

3 (Josh Ellis, Matt Mosely and Todd Archer) who've written about the interview so far I've gone with the Roy is frustrated headline, speaking frankly about what took plac in the interview without trying to sensationalize anything. Yet, according to you, those, along with the numerous people in this thread, cannot be sane interpretations.

Nobody's "sensationalizing" anything. The controversial quote speaks volumes.

You can harp on all you want about Hos's miscue and try to sensationalize. But you look more and more ******** the more you go on with that.

Um, I'm not the one who rushed to judgment here. I suggest you point your critical glare somewhere else. See you at the pep rally.

Hey, Roy. Get your overpaid, cocky, arrogant *** out of here. Hang on to the balls that get thrown to you, then start talking.

When we traded for you, I was glad: because you're not TO. And I still believe you're not TO... TO puts up numbers.
I won't argue with Roy on this one. I agree.

Passes to him seem to be off (high, low (In the ground), behind, etc). Hurd's pass wasn't exactly on target, he did a helluva job stretching out to grab it though.

Witten has an unusual number of drops this season. Unusual b/c we're used to seeing him catch pretty much everything. But a lot of his drops have been on passes that weren't really on target.

...ok, let me get my fire suit on before y'all begin.
newnationcb;3056566 said:
You're just being usually idiotic. If you go back through the thread, you'd notice Hos as being the only one claiming the post was false. That doesn't make a crowd.

I believed the quotes from the moment I read them and still don't think he was throwing Romo under the bus. I've actually stated already that it's not different from what he's said in the past, including post game this past weekend.

2 of the writers present have actually stated that Roy wasn't being malignant and was actually excited about the offense. The author has also gone on radio and clarified the context.

3 (Josh Ellis, Matt Mosely and Todd Archer) who've written about the interview so far I've gone with the Roy is frustrated headline, speaking frankly about what took plac in the interview without trying to sensationalize anything. Yet, according to you, those, along with the numerous people in this thread, cannot be sane interpretations.

You can harp on all you want about Hos's miscue and try to sensationalize. But you look more and more ******** the more you go on with that.

When did MacMahon say Roy was a hooting and a hollering when making these comments?


He didn't.

You guys are just making stuff up about MacMahon now.

That's classic.

And did you just say BBgun was acting ********?

You are the same guy who tried to call out Broaddus for not criticizing Keith Brooking in his podcast yesterday for his play against the Seahawks.

Brooking led the team with 11 tackles and also had a sack.

That's ********.
EPL0c0;3056594 said:
I won't argue with Roy on this one. I agree.

Passes to him seem to be off (high, low (In the ground), behind, etc). Hurd's pass wasn't exactly on target, he did a helluva job stretching out to grab it though.

Witten has an unusual number of drops this season. Unusual b/c we're used to seeing him catch pretty much everything. But a lot of his drops have been on passes that weren't really on target.

...ok, let me get my fire suit on before y'all begin.

I agree with him too (horror of horrors). Some of Tony's passes are wildly off the mark. The difference is that Tony doesn't publicly belittle Roy when he drops a ball or runs a ****ty route.
bbgun;3056600 said:
I agree with him too (horror of horrors). Some of Tony's passes are wildly off the mark. The difference is that Tony doesn't publicly belittle Roy when he drops a ball or runs a ****ty route.

That being said, I wish Romo would take more responsibility on his crappy passes to the media, so it would get them off of Roy's back. Not saying it's ok for Roy to run his mouth to the media, cause it's not, but you know they and every analyst and fan are blaming him.
Beast_from_East;3056577 said:
All these guys did not make this stuff up about Roy, there is no huge conspiracy here.

Some fans just dont want to accept the truth that Roy is just not that good. The fact that Roy still thinks he is the #1 WR on this team is just laughable, and to top it off by saying that the QB doesnt throw him catchable balls is totally unprofessional and uncalled for.

We got taken to the cleaners by Detroit trading for this stiff. Even if we all go with the conspiracy route and pretend all these quotes were just made up, his production alone doesnt warrant what we gave up for him.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I wanted Roy originally and was in favor of the trade, so I along with Jerry share the blame so I cant throw Jerry under the bus here. But that is water under the bridge, nothing can be done about it now.

bbgun;3056553 said:
You expected the pom-pom squad to be classy and contrite? Hi-larious. Don't try to reason with "my team right or wrong" shills. They're too busy hurling baseless accusations. Just pray for them. Being a Dallas fan means never having to say you're sorry.

i'll never understand why not being on the "hate-wagon" puts you always in the pom pom squad.

i'd get rid of roy today if it would shut the whiners up - but they'd just move onto the next whine cause it's what they do.

whine on.
bbgun;3056600 said:
I agree with him too (horror of horrors). Some of Tony's passes are wildly off the mark. The difference is that Tony doesn't publicly belittle Roy when he drops a ball or runs a ****ty route.

No not yet.

MacMahon is going to make that one up tomorrow.

Wow. I think we need a football game around here.

No, not the Cowboys... But us. All this bickering over what Roy said?

He definitely shouldn't have said this, but even Mosley said on the air that this was just like TO where the reporters were just baiting him, begging him to say something negative. For 20 minutes or whatever, he gave nothing but good answers. Then at the end, he slipped and said something he shouldn't have.

But it doesn't mean he's turning into a mini-TO like so many think... And so many apparently want. Even Mosley said in his blog to not paint Roy as anything like #81.

BTW, of course tone of voice matters. How can anyone deny that?
theebs;3056549 said:
do you think that because of the way you interpreted the comment or because he just wouldnt do it.

He did it two weeks ago on the hardline, but it didnt get attention because ESPN wont glorify stuff from the ticket. DC posted it a couple of weeks ago, roy blamed romo directly for him not getting the ball.

I hope it doesnt become more of a problem. Roy has to be smarter and leave his ego at the door. Lots of guys have learned the hard way here to do that, its his turn.
It's like this, I watch the video and Roy is smiling, polite with reporters, honest. I read McMahon's commentary and you would think exactly the opposite was true. Mosely uses the same quote as MacMahon, but does he come across as Roy is throwing Romo under the bus? Archer doesn't even use the quote. All 3 of them admit (MacMahon via GAC) that Roy is not being negative or pointing fingers.

Where is the hype for the story?

I'll tell you where. In the name of the player. If nothing is wrong, invent something wrong and use hyperbole to maximize the shock value.

That to me is sensationalism and as usual, some people ate it up. Typical.
sometimes i think if all the emotes ran off together and populated a tropical island, never to be seen online again, some people wouldn't be able to post anymore.
iceberg;3056606 said:
i'll never understand why not being on the "hate-wagon" puts you always in the pom pom squad.

i'd get rid of roy today if it would shut the whiners up - but they'd just move onto the next whine cause it's what they do.

whine on.

Hate Wagon?

How about the 'I believe what I see and hear' wagon.

That's the better definition.
iceberg;3056606 said:
i'll never understand why not being on the "hate-wagon" puts you always in the pom pom squad.

And I'll never understand why not being a reliable stooge for all things Valley Ranch puts you in the "hater/negative nancy/go find a new team" squad.

i'd get rid of roy today if it would shut the whiners up - but they'd just move onto the next whine cause it's what they do.

whine on.

If the situation calls for it, we will. Perhaps you overlooked the 24-7 media whiners.
EPL0c0;3056594 said:
I won't argue with Roy on this one. I agree.

Passes to him seem to be off (high, low (In the ground), behind, etc). Hurd's pass wasn't exactly on target, he did a helluva job stretching out to grab it though.

Witten has an unusual number of drops this season. Unusual b/c we're used to seeing him catch pretty much everything. But a lot of his drops have been on passes that weren't really on target.

...ok, let me get my fire suit on before y'all begin.

Funny how Austin doesnt seem to have a problem catching the dam ball. Maybe Austin is just better than our other WRs???

Hey Roy, this aint UT and you arent playing against North Texas here. The ball is not going to hit you in stride every dam pass. You know, you might just have to reach for a ball or dive for a ball occassionally at this level.

Talk about high balls, did anybody watch Coloston Monday night??? Brees throws that ball about 10 feet in the air and Coloston goes up in traffic over everybody and comes down with it. Did Coloston go to the media and say how Brees needs to hit him in stride and not hang him up in the air like that???

The main difference between TO and Roy is that while both piss and moan, at least TO produced on the field. What I would give to have that 1 and 3 back.:bang2:
bbgun;3056613 said:
And I'll never understand why not being a reliable stooge for all things Valley Ranch puts you in the "hater/negative nancy/go find a new team" squad.
You'd be hard pressed to find too many negative topics about the Cowboys in which you weren't "on the side" of negativity. It's to a point where people question whether you're even a Cowboys fan.

There are people that are unfairly criticized as "negative nancys", but bbgun you can't quite make that claim.

That's just reality.
Hostile;3056609 said:
It's like this, I watch the video and Roy is smiling, polite with reporters, honest. I read McMahon's commentary and you would think exactly the opposite was true. Mosely uses the same quote as MacMahon, but does he come across as Roy is throwing Romo under the bus? Archer doesn't even use the quote. All 3 of them admit (MacMahon via GAC) that Roy is not being negative or pointing fingers.

Where is the hype for the story?

I'll tell you where. In the name of the player. If nothing is wrong, invent something wrong and use hyperbole to maximize the shock value.

That to me is sensationalism and as usual, some people ate it up. Typical.

Tim MacMahon is writing direct quotes.

And his readers read it and don't like what they hear coming from the players mouth.

But it's Tim MacMahon who is in the wrong here.


First we say the messenger is a liar.

Then we shoot him when we find out the message was legit.

Why would anyone want to deliver messages to Cowboy's fans?

Hostile;3056401 said:
Archer must be lying. He has so much less credibility than McMahon.

Holy cow, people are so automatic to accept the worst about this team.

No. You're wrong about that.

SOME people are automatic to accept the worst of Roy Williams so it can fit into their little " I told you so " agendas.

Orly Taits could come out on FIX News claiming that Roy Williams is not a citizen, therefor he shouldn't be allowed to play for the Dallas Cowboys, and THIS people would swallow it bait, hook, and zinker, and smile afterwards.
wileedog;3056542 said:
So is Mosely in on the conspiracy with MacMahon?

Apparently Clarence Hill is as well:
"It makes me look like crap," Williams said. "The only thing that keeps me going is cause I know I’m not. I know what I am. I know what people are trying to make me be. I know I’m not that."

Williams has no answers when asked to explain the difference between his numbers and those of receiver Miles Austin. Williams has 14 catches for 249 yards and two touchdowns. Austin has 26 catches for 563 yards and six touchdowns.
"He gets the ball thrown correctly," Williams said. "I’m stretching, falling, doing everything. My balls are everywhere."

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