Adam Schefter: "There's not a player in football with more leverage right now than Dak Prescott."


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I don't get the whole "Dak has all the leverage" crap I keep reading. If they want to move on from him, he has none.
Exactly. I have to want a pecan pie for the baker to have any chance of selling me a pecan pie. Much less at a premium price.


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Every day that goes by , Chokota Fanbois pee their collective panties he is not signed .
With competent mgmt., I'd feel certain he was done here. Since that's not a luxury we have, I can't be certain til it's official.

If it happens, I will be so glad the era has ended. It's been rough knowing you had no real chance before the season even started. I fully acknowledge that we may not find answers afterward, but gosh, at least there will be some mystery.


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With competent mgmt., I'd feel certain he was done here. Since that's not a luxury we have, I can't be certain til it's official.

If it happens, I will be so glad the era has ended. It's been rough knowing you had no real chance before the season even started. I fully acknowledge that we may not find answers afterward, but gosh, at least there will be some mystery.
No worries. Trey Lance is a phenom.


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When was he getting paid 20% of the cap???

Restructuring does not equal payment. Payments and cap are not the same thing.

So if Dak signs a 4 average of $40M per year and Jethro decides to pay have Dak at 8%, 8% 8% then 25%, that is Dak's fault?
Paid??? It's CAP allocation that matters, not payment. He got PAID $75m in 2021.

As for CAP%, his allocation in 2024 is 21.2%. His next contract, at 3/4 year will be close to 20%.....calculations are that a $61m per contract would average out at 20%. Yep we can Void Year as we go, however, that's offset by the $40m that's still outstanding on the existing contract.

Hang if you're blaming Jerry for restructuring, how do you think he got the CAP saving to keep Martin, Tyron and sign Gilmore and Cooks. This is the basis of this whole argument, the elite high CAP% paid players have to step up and work with less.


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What ended up being bad was restructuring Dak to basically pay for Dead Cap.
So if you're against restructuring you're in favor of a straight evenly prorate his contract? How do you then have the CAP to retain, say the O-Line that he needed, or maybe Cooks?

You cant have it both ways or use hindsight and say we should have xyz. This time last year, the whole fanbase was in unison as to how optimistic we were.....that wouldnt of happened, without the restructuring.

If anything, the strategy was to restructure....because it didnt matter as Dak would be successful AND THE EXTENSION WAS ALL BUT GUARANTEED ......and then came GB and the whole plan that possibly included that legendary ALL-IN, in 2025 and maybe 2026 went up in smoke as Jerry realised we are miles away (regardless of whether we have/have not got Dak).


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
When Dak leaves Dallas will have nothing at the QB position.
So what, as all that is leaving us is an empty calorie stat machine who can't match up against playoff teams.
5-1 does that # ring any bells with you bud?


Star Power
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So what, as all that is leaving us is an empty calorie stat machine who can't match up against playoff teams.
5-1 does that # ring any bells with you bud?
It’s also not true anyway. Before Trey was injured and the 49ers stumbled onto the fact that Purdy could play, Trey was already playing in real games despite how green he was.

Chasing6 is more pro-Dak than anything else. And anything or anyone that has a even a chance of taking Dak’s position away from him will get his anti-take, whatever it maybe, e.g., “wasting” a 4th round pick and $5 million of not-his-own money on Trey, as if either was going to put this team over the top into the SB and win it if JJ just didn’t go out and grab Trey.


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Right. They'll have to find another QB. But if "who else ya got?" is going to be the excuse to pay him, why should he stop at 60M? Why not 80M a year, who else ya got?
He has already stated he wants fair market value. Just because our GM has no idea what he is doing, that does not make Dak a villain.


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Every day that goes by , Chokota Fanbois pee their collective panties he is not signed .
I could care less if he is signed. He will be playing somewhere. If not signed we will not make the playoffs for how many years? How many QB's will it take?


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Like anyone believes that.

Any other GM/Owner would have fired MM and made Dak a post-June 1st cut.
They have chosen to deflate the talent that surrounds him and set him up for a major fall in the eyes of the NFL world this coming season.
Be happy that Daktrash is still on the team.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Really do you don't think QB's have bad games.

Tom Brady had his worst passer rating in a playoff game in the 2009 AFC Wild Card game versus the Ravens on January 10, 2010, with a 49.1 rating.
So his failure is just one game?

Yes...I was just talking about that one game for keep it focused.
. A "bad passer rating"? That include gifting the other team 14 easy points in the first half...when he knows the defense was struggling?
Does that include throwing a brainless interception to pacify a sulking WR?

Your "but but what about ___" is a cowards way out. I will certainly talk about Dak's failures without needing to bring up every other failure.

Dak doesn't need your memaw protection...he's a grown boy.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Who called Dak elite? I've never said Dak was elite, so why would you bring that word into the conversation?

Now to answer your question, his GB game was bad. But so was Lamb's, Parsons, the entire defense, the running backs and the coaches.... but why do yall bring up only one player in that GB game when the entire team and coaching staff performed like trash?

Now that I've answered YOUR question, let's see if you'll finally answer mine.

1. How can a quarterback that "sucks" be in the top 10, become All Pro WITHOUT a functioning running game and be in MVP considerations?

2. What other quarterbacks in history that "sucked", were in the top 10, became All Pros WITHOUT a functioning running game and were in MVP considerations?

I'll politely wait....
So you are saying you have never seen anyone say "elite" with Dak? Well okay...I don't believe that, but we'll move on. I NEVER said YOU said it, mkay? Just general conversation...which includes more than just you.

If I think you said something I'll be very specific about, usually a quote.

1) I have never said he sucks. I'll (politely) wait for you to find a quote. What I did say is he has some serious concerning trouble in the big/playoff games. Yes, players, teams, coaches...all have "bad games". I'm not gonna list them all just to talk about Dak. The GB game...throwing a brainless interception to mollify a sulking WR is not leadership. It's not just a "bad passer rating". It's a thoughtless decision that should concern everyone. Then he did it again, 'though not quite as stupid. All the while knowing (or should) our defense was struggling and doing nothing would have been better.

2) I do not know the answer to this question and could not care any less about it.

Thank you for your polite patience.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Always strikes me odd that such knowledgeable fans, willing to argue non stop want others to provide them proof of things that are common knowledge. He made a really broad statement that I said I disagreed with. If ya'll wanna stick with the whole players and teams don't judge their opponents, by all means do so.
Always strikes me as odd that when people make a claim, they refuse to back it up. Even when the claim is allegedly ubiquitous and "common knowledge"...which should make it extremely easy to find some examples.

I sometimes ask for sources just to make sure we're on the same page.


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He has already stated he wants fair market value. Just because our GM has no idea what he is doing, that does not make Dak a villain.
I know Dak isn't a villain, LOL!! It's about respect. He could play for peanuts, and it wouldn't change his life. My problem is his contract. He wasn't worth the first contract they gave him, he's not worth fair market value now. The reason I say this is because they had to keep pushing his contract down the road. The part he wasn't worth just to field a competitive team. You want to do that all over again? He's a 20-30M cap hit QB. He's not worth cap hits over that. Not many QBs are.


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I know Dak isn't a villain, LOL!! It's about respect. He could play for peanuts, and it wouldn't change his life. My problem is his contract. He wasn't worth the first contract they gave him, he's not worth fair market value now. The reason I say this is because they had to keep pushing his contract down the road. The part he wasn't worth just to field a competitive team. You want to do that all over again? He's a 20-30M cap hit QB. He's not worth cap hits over that. Not many QBs are.
I you believe that you have no realistic understanding of the QB market.

They did not have to keep pushing his contract down the road. That is what GM Jethro chose to do.