Bill * Parcells. I loved it when Jerry brought him in. Absolutely loved it.
My aunt told me that she didn't respect him at all and that I'd see it soon enough. It took three seasons.
I would have paid the moving expenses to get him out of here when they brought in Bledsoe. I think I outright yelled things I can't even censor here when we signed that POS. I have to hold myself back from typing my feelings about that waste of a fetid steaming pool of diarehitic dog turds that is Billy Parcells.
I thought for sure Julius was going to be the next Dorsett and like another member, I'm sold that 34-32's overbearing maniacal psycho games ruined him.
Terrell Owens. The first authentic jersey I ever bought. Got lots of replithentics, but no real deal $300 jobbers except TO. Now I'm glad to see him gone.
ESPN. At one point they were a respectable news and sports network. Now I think they're a cross between Lifetime and Oprah with a little View thrown in.