It's cool. I just had to needle you a bit on it!
But not really winning anything of significance in 2015. At best, they could be the 10-6 Eagles of 2014 who won enough to screw up their draft pick and nothing more.
No, neither do I. If they're sticking to that, they can keep him, his bloated contract, and all the headaches that come with a disgruntled player. But I don't think it's 'wasting money' to add the league's best running back to this Cowboys team. He's better than Murray, that's why he deserves to be paid more. $13 million? No chance. But he's worth more than Murray.
That window closes with Romo
anyway, regardless of whatever this team does or does not do with Adrian Peterson. But Peterson is the league's best running back until proven otherwise. Only a few Cowboys fans would say any different.
And, any bias aside, I think anyone would be hard-pressed to come up with a more talented offensive lineup than what the Cowboys would have for 2015 with Peterson.