Adrian Peterson Sweepstakes ***Officially reinstated (again) and merged***

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Some people here are gonna be on suicide watch when McFadden rushes for more yards than AP this year.
Again they wont show their cards till the game is over.---trade deadline

Again, they've said they aren't releasing him or trading him. Game over. Those are the cards. You aren't making the decisions, they are.
Again, they've said they aren't releasing him or trading him. Game over. Those are the cards. You aren't making the decisions, they are.

I know teams say one thing and do another, sometimes they play hardball and try to bluff, you think it's over and I don't, only time will tell.
Are they going to pay him $13MM? Hell no! They still are holding out hope for SOME kind of trade. If we offer them Brandon Weeden they would be overjoyed for us to take that albatross of a contract. All lip service by the Vikqueens just to try to get some Doritos for AP. Book it.
Why do the Vikings have to pay him if he is holding out?

Because he isn't yet. Once mandatory team activities begin, then he can officially hold out and he will be fined. He doesn't really get paid until the regular season, but he will not hold out that long.
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