Adrian Peterson Sweepstakes ***Officially reinstated (again) and merged***

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You want to defend him till the end knock yourself out. That fumble hurt us way more then the dez catch. If you want to keep talking about a player who plays for our some Cowboys fans' most hated rivals maybe you should follow him there.

An argument can be made that most Cowboys fans consider Philadelphia their most hated rivals since more and more younger fans join cowboyszone every day. I would not be surprised if the "most hated" rivalry rational equally divides roughly three ways among all Cowboys fans. Me? The order from most despised to least despised is Washington, Philadelphia, then New York, with kind of a tie between the Eagles and Giants for me personally.

Now back to... What was this thread all about again? :p
Yeah, this defies all logic. I think it has less to do about the subject(s) and more to do with wanting to argue!

People want their Dallas Cowboys fix. Fans want to talk about their team and whats going on with the team.... There is no bigger story for Dallas, and quite possibly the entire NFL, then Murray to Eagles and possibly AP to Dallas....

I guess we could talk about "Would Giants fans rank Romo over Eli" or something...?

I have been to other message boards around the league, and they don't get near as much traffic or least that's what I have noticed... i haven't been to all of them. I have my theory as to why...... But, its a slow news cycle..... And this is what everybody wants to see resolved....where is AP going to play football this upcoming season....If its not Minny, then that will be the biggest story of the offseason, in an offseason that has been nuts....


An argument can be made that most Cowboys fans consider Philadelphia their most hated rivals since more and more younger fans join cowboyszone every day. I would not be surprised if the "most hated" rivalry rational equally divides roughly three ways among all Cowboys fans. Me? The order from most despised to least despised is Washington, Philadelphia, then New York, with kind of a tie between the Eagles and Giants for me personally.

Now back to... What was this thread all about again? :p

Perfectly said. I agree totally. I think many younger fans think the big rival is Philly. And what's funny. pretty much all Eagle fans think they are Dallas' number 1 rival. To me, and you, the Commanders are still our biggest rival. If you lived through seeing George Allen licking his fingers on the sideline, and Sonny Jurgenson/ Billy Kilmer with their single-bar facemasks...Washington is the team you hate most.

An argument can be made that most Cowboys fans consider Philadelphia their most hated rivals since more and more younger fans join cowboyszone every day. I would not be surprised if the "most hated" rivalry rational equally divides roughly three ways among all Cowboys fans. Me? The order from most despised to least despised is Washington, Philadelphia, then New York, with kind of a tie between the Eagles and Giants for me personally.

Now back to... What was this thread all about again? :p

It used to be the Commanders, NY then Philly...

Now , for me at least, its Philly, NY ................Commanders. I dont even consider the Commanders anymore. They have been worse then us for the last 20 years. I know i know, they have made some playoff games etc etc, but it always seems like they are in "free fall" and never "really" a good team, just benefiting from some luck and momentum.....So, the Commanders dont even hit my radar anymore..

I cant stand the Eagles....and tbh, I hate the Giants just as much.

An argument can be made that most Cowboys fans consider Philadelphia their most hated rivals since more and more younger fans join cowboyszone every day. I would not be surprised if the "most hated" rivalry rational equally divides roughly three ways among all Cowboys fans. Me? The order from most despised to least despised is Washington, Philadelphia, then New York, with kind of a tie between the Eagles and Giants for me personally.

Now back to... What was this thread all about again? :p

I agree with the list but would have the pack, steelers, and 9ners as well.


The only reason it is at 40 pages is because the staff limited where and what type of content we can/can not post regarding AD potentially coming to Dallas.
I agree with the list but would have the pack, steelers, and 9ners as well.
That would make for a supersized NFC East division.:D

Green Bay was a little before my time but my all-time/all-league you know what top three list is 1) Washington, 2) Pittsburgh, and 3) San Francisco.

I had good seats for Game One last season. My skin still feels itchy mingling with all the 49er fans that showed up. :( Including my best friend who is also a San Francisco fan. :mad:. And I bought him a ticket! :mad::mad:

Oh well. Nobody's perfect! ;)
People want their Dallas Cowboys fix. Fans want to talk about their team and whats going on with the team.... There is no bigger story for Dallas, and quite possibly the entire NFL, then Murray to Eagles and possibly AP to Dallas....

I guess we could talk about "Would Giants fans rank Romo over Eli" or something...?

I have been to other message boards around the league, and they don't get near as much traffic or least that's what I have noticed... i haven't been to all of them. I have my theory as to why...... But, its a slow news cycle..... And this is what everybody wants to see resolved....where is AP going to play football this upcoming season....If its not Minny, then that will be the biggest story of the offseason, in an offseason that has been nuts....

There is plenty to discuss without wandering off into impossible hypotheticals or debating what Giants fans think about Romo,,, but hey, it's still a free country, do what you like! I was just observing the behavior and considering the cause(s).
There is plenty to discuss without wandering off into impossible hypotheticals or debating what Giants fans think about Romo,,, but hey, it's still a free country, do what you like! I was just observing the behavior and considering the cause(s).

Cool. It a fun debate though.

And it going to be really fun when Dallas sings AP/AD
The only reason it is at 40 pages is because the staff limited where and what type of content we can/can not post regarding AD potentially coming to Dallas.

Well, there is always the option of going to another board and starting multiple AD threads there.
the skins are our biggest rival; the birds are the most hated rival.
Well, there is always the option of going to another board and starting multiple AD threads there.

Yes I have done that since you guys posted the rule. Just giving a reason why this thread is 41 pages long with multiple subjects outside of AD not coming to Dallas. Maybe if we had one in here where you could post that he isn't coming. One where we can post where he may come. And One to debate whether Murray or AD is the better back:).
Yes I have done that since you guys posted the rule. Just giving a reason why this thread is 41 pages long with multiple subjects outside of AD not coming to Dallas. Maybe if we had one in here where you could post that he isn't coming. One where we can post where he may come. And One to debate whether Murray or AD is the better back:).

Always good to be pro active on such matters.
It seems the Eagles have structured Murray's contract quite nicely, they are getting him for cheap in 2015, while 2016 and 2017 is something around $8-$9 million a year. I believe the final two years they have ways of getting out of the contract with little cap hit. He was the slightly cheaper option between he and McCoy. But, they should have just gone to the draft since they already loaded themselves up with RBs.

They kffer d him over 50 percent of the guaranteed money we did. Nothing was cheap about what they paid him.
I'm starting to think this guy is @PoundTheRock with a different screen name.

Look at the screenname, look at the amount of posts I have there. The same people who frequent that forum frequent this one.

Anything else? I'm a secret spy from the Philly boards? I know the location of Area 51? I know who really killed JFK? I'm Demarco Murray himself?

Anything else to go along with your weird Cowboyszone conspiracy theories?
You want to defend him till the end knock yourself out. That fumble hurt us way more then the dez catch. If you want to keep talking about a player who plays for our most hated rivals maybe you should follow him there.

What? It hurt us more than the Dez catch? We had a chance to go and take the lead late in the 4th quarter, the controversial call wiped the chance away. You're really showing your bias here. The only thing that topped that is the fact that the defense couldn't stop Rodgers twice on their final drive.
The only reason it is at 40 pages is because the staff limited where and what type of content we can/can not post regarding AD potentially coming to Dallas.

Well since you spoke against it; I'm going to say I love them doing it. Massive thread to read if one wants and a board that is clean from spam from a every ninny who thought AP might have a chance to come to Dallas and wants to start a thread. Threads should only be started on topics where the subject is not already being discussed.
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