Adrian Peterson Sweepstakes ***Officially reinstated (again) and merged***

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I just wonder if those bashing the move or the conversations leading up to it will be quite as smug or condescending at that point?


oh, i'm sure some will be. others will dance the dance of joyus adjulation that when put together seem to make a cool phrase but on their own, i don't think those are really words.

joyus adjulation.

anyway - i'd rather not see us wrap up in a player his age, a year+ out of football. part of my disdain for peterson at this point has become the endless scenarios posted again and again and again and again that never really said anything new. stay out of some, dive into a few. but much like when (oddly enough) everyone was wet with anticipation for MCFADDEN it drove me freaking nuts. people made crap up like JONES AND THE ARKANSAS CONNECTION!!! which never existed to anyone who actually lived their life beyond cliches and instant phrasing. but day in and day out people swore up and down he would be a cowboy and the difference maker we all needed at the time. it was sure fire, can't miss, gonna happen and here's the few reasons why that many repeated ad naseum.

i applauded the day they said "no more posts until something is new" - and i can also understand where some took offense to it. no matter the issue there are people on both sides of the fence, but these are my main reasons for not wanting peterson. mostly age, money, and questions about can he still do it.

some say sure fire he can.
some said mcfadden was a can't miss.

if peterson winds up a cowboy hell yea i'll cheer him on. not the move i would have made but that's not that uncommon when you think about it. i'm just a spectator that like all, have what i would do if i were GM and that's pretty cool overall. i love an open discussion where we can talk about such things but after awhile the same topic, to me, becomes like fingernails on a chalkboard. say what you gotta say and move on. saying it in every thread a dozen times is just a tad repetitive. no, not calling anyone out in this, just noting a behavior in general that surrounds things like this. good or bad.

so while i don't think peterson will be a cowboy, i didn't think hardy would either. i was wrong there and cool. seems like a great addition and looking forward to seeing him play.

not looking forward to seeing KRAKEN!!!! in 16 dozen formats every week, but that's another story.
anyway - i'd rather not see us wrap up in a player his age, a year+ out of football.

I can see all of those points and I think it comes down to either being patient and responsible or kicking the door in. Those are the two mindsets I see on both sides.

i applauded the day they said "no more posts until something is new" - and i can also understand where some took offense to it. no matter the issue there are people on both sides of the fence, but these are my main reasons for not wanting peterson. mostly age, money, and questions about can he still do it.

I have no problem having one dedicated thread for the subject rather than a new one every time someone has an idea pop into their heads. But when people enter that thread only to bash it is the epitome of hypocrisy and only succeeds in making that person look like a fool.

some say sure fire he can.
some said mcfadden was a can't miss.

No such thing as a sure thing.

if peterson winds up a cowboy hell yea i'll cheer him on. not the move i would have made but that's not that uncommon when you think about it. i'm just a spectator that like all, have what i would do if i were GM and that's pretty cool overall. i love an open discussion where we can talk about such things but after awhile the same topic, to me, becomes like fingernails on a chalkboard. say what you gotta say and move on. saying it in every thread a dozen times is just a tad repetitive. no, not calling anyone out in this, just noting a behavior in general that surrounds things like this. good or bad.

so while i don't think peterson will be a cowboy, i didn't think hardy would either. i was wrong there and cool. seems like a great addition and looking forward to seeing him play.

Kudos to you for saying you were wrong about Hardy. Plenty of forum know-it-alls smugly and arrogantly said there was 'no way' we sign him and then scattered when it in fact became reality, but then quickly came back to run their mouths about how smart they are.
I can see all of those points and I think it comes down to either being patient and responsible or kicking the door in. Those are the two mindsets I see on both sides.

I have no problem having one dedicated thread for the subject rather than a new one every time someone has an idea pop into their heads. But when people enter that thread only to bash it is the epitome of hypocrisy and only succeeds in making that person look like a fool.

No such thing as a sure thing.

Kudos to you for saying you were wrong about Hardy. Plenty of forum know-it-alls smugly and arrogantly said there was 'no way' we sign him and then scattered when it in fact became reality, but then quickly came back to run their mouths about how smart they are.

heh, i'm wrong quite often when it comes to this. i'm not as strong a "fan" of the NFL overall as i used to be and really only keep up with the cowboys and major news hitting major sources. but once it hits i do a little research, i understand the media loves a good lie to sell hits to, and i try to find the truth about situations such as hardys w/o preconceived notions of what happened. so while i didn't think the cowboys would do it after i did some digging, it was cost, not history. at the time i felt when all was said and done he wasn't wrong. just in the wrong relationship. if that were a crime punishable by losing your job we'd all be unemployed.

first line of the article....:)
"The Dallas Cowboys continued to execute their Adrian Peterson backup plan this week"

I'll admit I am a little obsessed with AP coming here. And I do tend to post the same things. It really is all I want to talk about right now, concerning the Dallas Cowboys. I really want it to happen. I keep checking for "new news". I dont have a problem with all the posts being in one thread though....Organization is a good thing.

The mental picture of Adrian Peterson in a Dallas Cowboys uniform, stiff arming and barreling over Philly/NY/Wash defenders, then out running them on a 60 yarder a few times a game, to put the game away and demoralize the opposing team and their fan base, brings a smile to my face.

Its my dream year:

AP rattling off yards, forcing Defenses to stack, then Romo going off to Dez and Witten, twill, beasly.
Hardy churning up double digit sacks with Ro, Lee, and the rest, right behind him feeding off the frenzy.
The entire team, fan base, and franchise, feeding off the frenzy of what could be an unstoppable offense. And as the momentum builds we could do our own "Super Shuffle" knock off...:)

Running through the NFCE like butter.
Racking up stats and TDs and sacks and Ints
Crushing GB, Seattle, AZ ,NO,ATL,Carolina....

Hometown kid, comes back home and pushes his childhood team into the Super Bowl for the first time in over Two Decades.............................

And then seeing Romo hit Witten in the 50th edition of the Super Bowl, to beat NE. I will take Pitt. But I want NE.

All Day? How about All Year. The Dallas Cowboys Need this...................:) I am tired of losing.
heh, i'm wrong quite often when it comes to this. i'm not as strong a "fan" of the NFL overall as i used to be and really only keep up with the cowboys and major news hitting major sources. but once it hits i do a little research, i understand the media loves a good lie to sell hits to, and i try to find the truth about situations such as hardys w/o preconceived notions of what happened. so while i didn't think the cowboys would do it after i did some digging, it was cost, not history. at the time i felt when all was said and done he wasn't wrong. just in the wrong relationship. if that were a crime punishable by losing your job we'd all be unemployed.

I'm right there with ya regarding Hardy i posted he wouldn't come here and I was wrong. I also had no qualms posting after his signing I was wrong. That is why we have this site to post/chat about our opinions. Like you as well when Hardy is out there I will be cheering him on to bring down the opp QB. Now back to the subject matter of this thread. I will be totally shocked if AD is not on this team either by trade or his release leading to him being a FA. I get why the media is all over this seemingly everyday with a new take. However, like you, I enjoy researching and nothing is being reported at this level in Arizona, Jacksonville, or any other potential landing spot. There are just way to many references that all end up with him being here. I'm on that train and have been for darn near a year now. Its gonna happen...but if it doesn't...they darn sure better get a bellcow in the draft.
first line of the article....:)
"The Dallas Cowboys continued to execute their Adrian Peterson backup plan this week"

I'll admit I am a little obsessed with AP coming here. And I do tend to post the same things. It really is all I want to talk about right now, concerning the Dallas Cowboys. I really want it to happen. I keep checking for "new news". I dont have a problem with all the posts being in one thread though....Organization is a good thing.

The mental picture of Adrian Peterson in a Dallas Cowboys uniform, stiff arming and barreling over Philly/NY/Wash defenders, then out running them on a 60 yarder a few times a game, to put the game away and demoralize the opposing team and their fan base, brings a smile to my face.

Its my dream year:

AP rattling off yards, forcing Defenses to stack, then Romo going off to Dez and Witten, twill, beasly.
Hardy churning up double digit sacks with Ro, Lee, and the rest, right behind him feeding off the frenzy.
The entire team, fan base, and franchise, feeding off the frenzy of what could be an unstoppable offense. And as the momentum builds we could do our own "Super Shuffle" knock off...:)

Running through the NFCE like butter.
Racking up stats and TDs and sacks and Ints
Crushing GB, Seattle, AZ ,NO,ATL,Carolina....

Hometown kid, comes back home and pushes his childhood team into the Super Bowl for the first time in over Two Decades.............................

And then seeing Romo hit Witten in the 50th edition of the Super Bowl, to beat NE. I will take Pitt. But I want NE.

All Day? How about All Year. The Dallas Cowboys Need this...................:) I am tired of losing.

Right there with ya man!
Jones is going to make a play for Peterson because it's the sort of move he can't resist. And Stephen Jones is far less likely to talk him out of this trade than the Johnny Manziel situation. Like Terrell Owens a few years ago, Peterson is an aging superstar with a year or two left of productive play. He carries some baggage, but that doesn't matter with Jones.
One way or another, benefitting or not benefitting Dallas, someone, some sports news agency, outlet or individual with access to a real source, will eventually report actual tangible news connected with Adrian Peterson. That day will be a good day finding out whether All-Day will play for the Cowboys someday.
Because the staff is bad at ru

there is no good reason for it... why because you dont agree with others views? lol or because your forums are soooo flooded with great topics to converse on? thats a joke. this is the fan zone... and if a group of fans want to discuss news reports rumors or wishful thinking of the dallas cowboys they should be allowed but because a few dont agree or like the ideas of the many it is shut down. then people who own forums like this wonder why forums are dying as services with less restriction, ie twitter and facebook continue to grow. until one day the only people left on the forums are 10 mods and they sit around and wonder why that is. lol
look at your visits and posts for the last ten years and see how drastically they have decreased... yeah its because people dont want to be stifled and made to feel stupid by some kid in his moms basement with nothing better to do then read every single forum post and make silly rule after silly rule just to make themselves feel better.
now i am kinda rooting for the adrian peterson thing to happen so everyone can see how little these mods actually know and how silly they are.
thats just my $0.02. :D

Admin hat on....

The staff absolutely has a very good reason why we limited the number of Adrian Peterson threads in the Fan Zone. People for/against were bashing away at their keyboards discussing the merits of something that's been nothing but speculation since the infamous phone call between him and Jerry. But there has been nothing solid linking the Cowboys to Adrian Peterson but wishes and dreams. And being that is all it's been, we can't continue to allow the Fan Zone to be dominated by a player who is not a Cowboy. One or two threads is fine. We had six variations of the same topic in the Fan Zone. That's ridiculous. THIS is a Cowboys board, not a Vikings board.

The sticky thread that was posted was real clear.. You can discuss Adrian Peterson ALL you want in the NFL Zone. You can make a veritable cornicopia of threads THERE. In the Fan Zone, THIS is the only thread allowed. Period.

And the next person wanting to bash the staff who work really hard to provide some semblance of sanity to this board, because they can't see their names in lights in the Fan Zone regarding AD speculation, will be BENCHED. I'm not interested in discussing it with you or anyone else via PM. You can think I'm power tripping. I don't really give two good nickles one way or the other, because you've expressed how you felt about me via PM and to be honest, you can go back to whatever board you visit on a regular basis so you won't feel stifled anymore. CZ will survive. I promise you, that.

But what WILL end today is all the staff bashing going on...

/Admin hat off...
The Cowboys haven't had a losing season in a long time.


Yeah, I know the majority of Cowboys fans have been neutered.

Who can blame them? The Super Bowl seems like a magical place, almost like a fantasy or Pipe dream.....It doesn't really exist....

its reserved for only the best of teams and franchises, like NE, Pitt, GB and Seattle..
THIS is a Cowboys board, not a Vikings board.

first line of the article....:)
"The Dallas Cowboys continued to execute their Adrian Peterson backup plan this week"

I'll admit I am a little obsessed with AP coming here. And I do tend to post the same things. It really is all I want to talk about right now, concerning the Dallas Cowboys. I really want it to happen. I keep checking for "new news". I dont have a problem with all the posts being in one thread though....Organization is a good thing.

The mental picture of Adrian Peterson in a Dallas Cowboys uniform, stiff arming and barreling over Philly/NY/Wash defenders, then out running them on a 60 yarder a few times a game, to put the game away and demoralize the opposing team and their fan base, brings a smile to my face.

Its my dream year:

AP rattling off yards, forcing Defenses to stack, then Romo going off to Dez and Witten, twill, beasly.
Hardy churning up double digit sacks with Ro, Lee, and the rest, right behind him feeding off the frenzy.
The entire team, fan base, and franchise, feeding off the frenzy of what could be an unstoppable offense. And as the momentum builds we could do our own "Super Shuffle" knock off...:)

Running through the NFCE like butter.
Racking up stats and TDs and sacks and Ints
Crushing GB, Seattle, AZ ,NO,ATL,Carolina....

Hometown kid, comes back home and pushes his childhood team into the Super Bowl for the first time in over Two Decades.............................

And then seeing Romo hit Witten in the 50th edition of the Super Bowl, to beat NE. I will take Pitt. But I want NE.

All Day? How about All Year. The Dallas Cowboys Need this...................:) I am tired of losing.

^For a second there I thought I wrote this post. :)
Some news today for the AD won't come to Dallas crowd. Regardless of this news he is still coming:)

ESPN's Mark Dominik -- a former NFL GM with the Buccaneers -- believes Adrian Peterson's trade value is a first-round pick and two second-rounders.

Dominik acknowledges no team would likely be willing to give up that much for Peterson, who turned 30 last month and is owed $13 million in salary and bonuses. Nevertheless, it's interesting that such compensation would even be thrown around. Former Browns GM Phil Savage suggested that a second-round pick would be "a more reasonable haul" for a team trading for Peterson.

Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Some news today for the AD won't come to Dallas crowd. Regardless of this news he is still coming:)

ESPN's Mark Dominik -- a former NFL GM with the Buccaneers -- believes Adrian Peterson's trade value is a first-round pick and two second-rounders.

Dominik acknowledges no team would likely be willing to give up that much for Peterson, who turned 30 last month and is owed $13 million in salary and bonuses. Nevertheless, it's interesting that such compensation would even be thrown around. Former Browns GM Phil Savage suggested that a second-round pick would be "a more reasonable haul" for a team trading for Peterson.

Source: Minneapolis Star-Tribune

This makes it abundantly clear why Mark Dominik is a former GM. That compensation is insane.

The Buccaneers are still trying to recover from decisions he made. He's a good part of the reason they're currently drafting #1 overall.
News for the crowd that says he is coming.
SportsDay's Jon Machota answered questions in a chat Friday. Here are some highlights.

Question: Is Peterson one of these guys like Emmitt Smith and Walter Payton, such a rare talent that the 30-year-old "wall" doesn't apply?

Jon Machota: There's no way of knowing until you actually see it, but I would lean toward the side that says he is. He's a physical freak and as gifted as just about any runner that has played the game. Not to mention, running behind this Cowboys offensive line could help significantly in prolonging his career.

Question: Smart move. Cowboys trade their 1st round pick for next year which will (hopefully) be in the 30s for a 2nd and 3rd round pick this year. Could you see any teams jumping on this trade

Jon Machota: I highly doubt they would do that. That's how you get in trouble going forward. Teams that have been successful in the NFL for a long time don't operate that way. I would strongly advise against it.

Question: Any word on how the Cowboys would plan to use Shaq Thompson?

Jon Machota: No and I'm very interested as well. There haven't been many players like Shaq in recent drafts. I think they'd use him as an outside linebacker but I've heard he could play safety and some believe he could even be a good running back. I will try to find that out for you.

Question: If D. Lawrence were lumped in with this class of D-Ends, where would he rank?

Jon Machota: I bet he’d fit in somewhere behind Dante Fowler and Shane Ray and before Owamagbe Odighizuwa as a mid to late first round pick. Nice get for the Cowboys last year. Premium pass rushers are hard to find. I think you'll see a healthy Lawrence take a big step forward in 2015.

Question: If Cowboys cut Brandon Carr to clear room for Peterson, is it possible Mo Claiborne might be called on to start?

Jon Machota: That's a risky move if the Cowboys go in that direction. Claiborne's injury comes with a long rehab process. It's possible that he doesn't get back to 100 percent even by the start of the season. Also, in today's NFL you need at least four good corners. Even with Carr I think the Cowboys need to draft another CB fairly high. If Carr is gone, they'll need to draft two.
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