Adrian Peterson Sweepstakes ***Officially reinstated (again) and merged***

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Andre Johnson... Made him play out 2014, then released him this offseason.

A good example, but I have two questions:

Do you think his desire to leave Houston was as strong or as loud as Peterson's expressed desire to leave Minnesota?

And on a related note, do you in retrospect think the Texans made the right decision?
He's going to be super hard to trade with his existing contract. The Vikings are not going to just let him walk
like Dallas did with Orton or Rat.

The contract does not have to stand as is. Once traded, his new team will restructure him, give him a signing bonus, and bring the cap number way down. When you trade for a player his contract is not guaranteed, so there is no cap hit for ripping it up and basically giving him a new deal.
I've been saying all everywhere (especially on here) about Dallas wanting Peterson...yet ZERO evidence from the Cowboy FO that it would occur.
Not sayin' it won't, just sayin' :)

Did you not catch the original name of this thread.."Fish says cowboys not ....." so take that as opposite...means he is coming and gives you a legit source....
If he doesn't show up for training camp and games he gets fined game checks... That 12mil goes down pretty fast
if he decides to stay at home. I think the Vikings will draft a running back anyway and so they don't have to do anything
with AP if he decides to stay away.

They already drafted his replacement...McKinnon
A good example, but I have two questions:

Do you think his desire to leave Houston was as strong or as loud as Peterson's expressed desire to leave Minnesota?

And on a related note, do you in retrospect think the Texans made the right decision?
1) Yes... Actually louder, since he genuinely was ready to move on and didn't want to start over again with a questionable QB situation. I haven't seen anything that says Peterson really wants to leave. Doesn't mean he doesn't want. Just haven't seen anything quoted from him.

2) Nope. He had more value last year and they released him for nothing. I also believe the Texans org tossed a whole bunch of loyalty-shaming BS his way for even wanting to leave. They didn't do all out PR blitz that the Vikings have done to show they want him to return. Texans split the fan base against AJ, even though he was a good soldier for them.

That said, I still wouldn't have wanted to trade for AJ either. Cowboys haven't been lucky with trading for high priced veterans. lol
He's going to be super hard to trade with his existing contract.

Agreed. And I'll go a step further and say he's impossible to trade with his existing contract. But I do not believe that the Vikings themselves want to honor that deal either. Any team he plays with next will be on a new contract.

The Vikings are not going to just let him walk
like Dallas did with Orton or Rat.

Completely agree again, but I'm not above giving up something for him, not including a 1st round draft pick.
I've been saying all everywhere (especially on here) about Dallas wanting Peterson...yet ZERO evidence from the Cowboy FO that it would occur.
Not sayin' it won't, just sayin' :)

Well if any evidence or something being said came out, it would be tampering, And we all know how much Goodell would love for us to make that mistake so your point is irrelevant
1) Yes... Actually louder, since he genuinely was ready to move on and didn't want to start over again with a questionable QB situation. I haven't seen anything that says Peterson really wants to leave. Doesn't mean he doesn't want. Just haven't seen anything quoted from him.

No direct quote saying "I want to leave Minnesota", but everything leading up to it.

2) Nope. He had more value last year and they released him for nothing. I also believe the Texans org tossed a whole bunch of loyalty-shaming BS his way for even wanting to leave. They didn't do all out PR blitz that the Vikings have done to show they want him to return. Texans split the fan base against AJ, even though he was a good soldier for them.

That said, I still wouldn't have wanted to trade for AJ either. Cowboys haven't been lucky with trading for high priced veterans. lol

That was the point I was getting at, the handled it as poorly as they could have and ended up not only looking bad for mistreating a franchise hero, but getting nothing in the process.

I don't think the Vikings are stupid enough to follow that example.
Agreed. And I'll go a step further and say he's impossible to trade with his existing contract. But I do not believe that the Vikings themselves want to honor that deal either. Any team he plays with next will be on a new contract.

Completely agree again, but I'm not above giving up something for him, not including a 1st round draft pick.

Werent they also talking about trying to restructure him before all of this happened?
Dorsett did.

Did Eddie Lacy?

No, I believe The 49ers knocked the Packers out of the playoffs in Eddie Lacy's first year. I can't remember the last time a team won a super bowl with a rookie RB. Where is Percy when you need him?
Andre Johnson... Made him play out 2014, then released him this offseason.

Yup, that is the last one I remember as well. How did that turn out for the Texans and how much did it cost them? If the Vikings keep AP, they are going to spend a TON of money on him and they have ZERO chance of going to the super bowl.
Werent they also talking about trying to restructure him before all of this happened?

There was rumor of it (not surprising consider the contract is ridiculous!), but nothing official that I had seen.

My personal belief is that they approached Peterson and Dogra about it in private already and were told to pound sand and to release him, and that's how we have this stalemate.

Keep in mind that they've had several face-to-face meetings already and are not one bit closer to any sort of resolution.

He won't play, they won't release him, so the only alternative to break the stalemate is a trade.
No direct quote saying "I want to leave Minnesota", but everything leading up to it.
Again, nothing by AP suggesting whether he wants to leave or not.

That was the point I was getting at, the handled it as poorly as they could have and ended up not only looking bad for mistreating a franchise hero, but getting nothing in the process.

I don't think the Vikings are stupid enough to follow that example.
Personally, I don't care what the Vikings do or don't do. What they do or don't get in return in trade... as long as it doesn't involve the Cowboys. :)
Yup, that is the last one I remember as well. How did that turn out for the Texans and how much did it cost them? If the Vikings keep AP, they are going to spend a TON of money on him and they have ZERO chance of going to the super bowl.

Good for them! One less NFC team to worry about.
Again, nothing by AP suggesting whether he wants to leave or not.

So "uneasy" about a return to the Vikings, "anxious to start a new chapter", "we'll see" when asked if he'll show up for offseason workouts. None of those direct quotes suggest wanting to leave to you?

Personally, I don't care what the Vikings do or don't do. What they do or don't get in return in trade... as long as it doesn't involve the Cowboys. :)

OK, so you're on record as not wanting the Cowboys to deal for him. That explains things and thanks for being honest.
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