Adrian Peterson Sweepstakes ***Officially reinstated (again) and merged***

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It is not a lame excuse it is a reality just as it was a reality for ES and every other back who has played in the NFL. To act as if it does not apply to Peterson is naïve and stupid. He is a human yes he rushed for 2,000 play and the following season 1,200 yards that is a big drop off and was injured. As for what he has earned? he got him money from Minn more than maybe he should have according to most around here even AP supporters have said what Minn paid him was ridicules but he got it. As for Dallas it is not about pinching pennies it is about allocating money to top players like Tyron Smith and hopefully to guys like Free and Martin as well as Dez and other players whom we may want to keep in the future so that we don't end up as some 1 year wonder like a Tampa Bay, 1 run it is over and done and back to being a bottom feeding team.

Doom... I respect your opinion, man. You're a great poster on CZ. But in this case, we just have differing opinions about a player. I'm not going to change your opinion and you're not going to change mine. So I'm going to leave it alone with you. Keep up the great post, dude. Much respect!. :grin:
Or realize the Cowboys have a legit shot at winning it all this year and capitalizing. You can't predict the future. One or two picks aren't going to change the entire direction of our organization. Ask the Browns how those 1st round talent RB's work out (Richardson) or the Giants (Wilson) or the Bucs (Martin) Saints (Ingram)... see where i'm going here?

Dallas NEEDS a RB immediately and I would rather have AP than rolling the dice in the draft. When Romo is done who knows where we will be. Are we going to save draft picks for 3-13 team and regret not going for it all when we had the perfect opportunity?

and AP does not ensure that at all. 1 or 2 picks does change a hell of a lot Martin and Frederick were 1 picks and they have made a big difference in Dallas. 1 pick Dez has made a big difference in Dallas so 1 or 2 picks in this years draft say a DT or a S could make a very big impact. Meantime it does not change the fact that AP is an older player who is still commanding big money not looking to give out discounts and Minn is wanting picks to give him up.
In most cases, I would say the smarter move is take the young RB in the draft over the vet. But only a fool doesn't at least admit that Peterson isn't likely your typical 30 year old NFL player either. So that gums up the water for me.

It all comes down to what we'd have to give up to get him and what we would have to pay him. If the Vikes broke down and we could get him for a third rounder and he restructured his deal, I would absolutely take him. But a 2nd or a 1st for him and/or him playing out his existing contract, I'd likely pass.
It will be interesting to follow the next 2 weeks. As I've mentioned in other threads, you will now probably see Peterson and agent privately and publicly put all kinds of pressure on Minnesota to make a move.The rumors/talk will be everywhere. Only Stephen or Jerry Jones publicly squashing any possibility of this happening will end the speculation.
Don't we find it a tad interesting that neither has done so? Hmmmm...

& neither will...

Silence is golden.
Doom... I respect your opinion, man. You're a great poster on CZ. But in this case, we just have differing opinions about a player. I'm not going to change your opinion and you're not going to change mine. So I'm going to leave it alone with you. Keep up the great post, dude. Much respect!. :grin:

I enjoy the debate and your right I seriously doubt I will change your mind nor will you change mine.
A "known commodity" that is 30 years old, hasn't played in a year.

And has a Hall of Fame career backing him up.

And you bring up bust draft picks. You can do that for EVERY position. Looks like we shouldn't even draft players anymore.

Or maybe we shouldn't guarantee that they will be better than a proven commodity?

Hear that, guys? We might as well give up our draft picks for "known commodities".

Reductio ad absurdum, look it up.
You keep leaving out the REAL possibility that he will play for a lot less than that contract if he goes to Dallas.

A lot less? I doubt it. Would he play for the contract that the Cowboys offered to DeMarco? That's what
Stephen said the Cowboys budgeted for the position which was about 6mil per year. I think he would
probably not...
Seeing as how Peterson is still with the Vikings, there is absolutely no reliable source saying we are in contention for Peterson,

What would or could qualify that wouldn't constitute tampering? I'm gonna need an answer on that. Thanks in advance!

and we seem to like quite a few RBs in this draft; I'll go out on a limb and say we'll never see Peterson in a Cowboys' uniform.

Then you're out on a limb. I'll go out on a limb and say we will. Just don't talk like it's any certainty either way.

Researching options is a smart move, not only for fact-finding but to send a clear signal in negotiations that you have other options. Smart move in all ways.
You keep leaving out the REAL possibility that he will play for a lot less than that contract if he goes to Dallas.

The real possibility? The "best RB in the football" is going to go from making $12 million a year to taking a lot less than an RB people feel he's better than?

This is a similar contract you're looking at for Peterson. And no decent agent in the NFL is going to go for far less than this.
and AP does not ensure that at all. 1 or 2 picks does change a hell of a lot Martin and Frederick were 1 picks and they have made a big difference in Dallas. 1 pick Dez has made a big difference in Dallas so 1 or 2 picks in this years draft say a DT or a S could make a very big impact. Meantime it does not change the fact that AP is an older player who is still commanding big money not looking to give out discounts and Minn is wanting picks to give him up.

Yes those guys do change things, but their are also the Claibornes of the world. AP is a sure thing, to me 3 years of him is worth a first round pick.
Not at all. Just give the other side the same respect you're asking for yourself. And don't mistake your opinion for fact. And make an effort to support your position with facts.

It is a fact he is an older back and this league has seen great RB and yet the age factor has applied to all of them. Be it Walter Peyton, Emmitt Smith and everyone else. That is a reality. Now if you want to explain to me how this does not apply to AP then I'm all ears. To think well AP is different than any RB to have played in the NFL is wishful thinking. If you want to say he can have a good season this coming year I would not disagree with that possibility to say we could draft a young RB and get good production out of them is also a real possibility since RB normally show what they have early on in their careers.
A lot less? I doubt it. Would he play for the contract that the Cowboys offered to DeMarco? That's what
Stephen said the Cowboys budgeted for the position which was about 6mil per year. I think he would
probably not...

Comparing Peterson to Murray is ridiculous though. AP would have finished all those runs that Murray got caught from behind on every time.

Simply put, Adrian Peterson is the greatest running back of all time. Yeah, I said it. The only comparables are Jim Brown and Bo Jackson.

He is the most physical RB in the league, the best home-run hitter, the quickest laterally, one of the fastest vertically, the best receiver, the best pass protector, and by far the most intense runner week in and week out.

And Emmitt Smith is my favorite player of all time, for reference.
Take it easy... We can see beyond our own opinion and there are several of us who just don't share yours
that the Boys should mortgage the farm to obtain an older player when so many good RB's are available this year.

And I can respect that and have no problem with that stance. I understand other fan's concerns. Where I take issue is when people state their opinions as fact while disregarding those of others. But pro or con, none of us knows how this things plays out.

Cowboy's management may well follow your ideas because they did so with Hardy. They seem to just love
players with anger management issues. IMVHO it will be a staggering miscalculation if the front office
scraps the draft to get this player.

And I completely respect your opinion. While I am of the mind that I would be in 'win now' mode and do whatever I can while Romo is still here. And I consider the incidents from the two players unrelated and isolated and not depicting a pattern of poor behavior.
Yes those guys do change things, but their are also the Claibornes of the world. AP is a sure thing, to me 3 years of him is worth a first round pick.

AP is not a sure thing, he blew out a knee and missed an entire season there is no way to know how long he will hold up.
There is proof he is human and 30 year old RB as for the future the draft picks are the future. I want to win as much as anyone I do not want to see Cowboys wasting time on a 30 year old RB. As I said he wants to go to Dallas so damn bad fine come to Dallas on a cheap contract and do not give up any of the top 4 picks and I'm on board outside of that he is an old player on the downhill side of his career and it is stupid to go backwards after Dallas has been doing a very good job of bringing in youth and winning off of it

While I am on the fence in this Peterson debate I will say that over the next 2 years I believe Peterson will still be the best back in football. Not meaning the most productive since so much goes into that. However, even if a rookie back will someday be something special and even with Peterson being 30 and 31 years old over the next 2 seasons I still can say that he will be the most talented back in football. He is the type of threat the entire time he is in the game. The type of player that when you are watching the game you hold your breath for a second when you see the ball get handed to him. You have that moment of "whats going to happen? hurry up and bring him down so he doesn't explode through the middle for 80 yards".....I believe this respect defenses must give him is why he is the best back in the game. You cant rest anytime he is in the game. I wish we kept Murray. But I can admit that he didn't have the explosiveness that Peterson does.....

I have grown to fear rookie running backs....I look back at the last 5 years of drafts and look at all the backs that everyone found reasons to be excited about and I see how they are almost all "committee" running backs or not in the league...

I am still and will remain on the fence until a few weeks into the seasons no matter what.
Comparing Peterson to Murray is ridiculous though. AP would have finished all those runs that Murray got caught from behind on every time.

Simply put, Adrian Peterson is the greatest running back of all time. Yeah, I said it. The only comparables are Jim Brown and Bo Jackson.

He is the most physical RB in the league, the best home-run hitter, the quickest laterally, one of the fastest vertically, the best receiver, the best pass protector, and by far the most intense runner week in and week out.

And Emmitt Smith is my favorite player of all time, for reference.

Doesn't matter how good he is and I agree with you but, the new fiscally prudent Cowboy front office
posted what they were willing to pay for a bellcow RB. I don't think Stephen is going to even 8mil
per year for a 30yr old RB no matter if he is "all world".
AP is not a sure thing, he blew out a knee and missed an entire season there is no way to know how long he will hold up.

No one is a sure thing in a game where 300 pound men are always diving and twisting and piling on to everyone they can get there hands on.
I am intrigued by Todd Gurley but he seems as likely to get injured as old man Peterson. (I wish I were still as old as Peterson haha)
[quote="erod, post: 6069616, member: 31769"]And the odds are, he'll be no better than Joseph Randle. Most aren't. Decent running backs are a dime a dozen, but guys like Peterson are once every 15 years.[/quote]

Once again, a lot of you imply like we should never draft again with your "odds".

And I'm not arguing if Peterson was a great player or not, it's irrelevant at this point. We all know his history, he had a great NFL career. Despite his history, he has been out of football for a season, he is 30 years old; you DO factor that in when you give out contracts. If Peterson came in and said he'd do a one year prove it deal, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'd even do a two year deal if the second year was reasonable as well.

But you guys have to at least see the logic in as to why we wouldn't bring AP in on a big contract or give up a lot to bring him in.
It is a fact he is an older back and this league has seen great RB and yet the age factor has applied to all of them. Be it Walter Peyton, Emmitt Smith and everyone else. That is a reality. Now if you want to explain to me how this does not apply to AP then I'm all ears. To think well AP is different than any RB to have played in the NFL is wishful thinking. If you want to say he can have a good season this coming year I would not disagree with that possibility to say we could draft a young RB and get good production out of them is also a real possibility since RB normally show what they have early on in their careers.

Things to consider.

1. He looks exactly the same as he did as a rookie. Never carried an ounce of fat since he arrived.

2. His last game played, he looked identical to the guy at Oklahoma. Not a sniff of difference.

3. He is one of those naturally built players, not a product of the weight room. He was built like that in high school. Benched over 300 pounds as a 9th grader, and ran a 4.4.

4. And the dude just loves to play, just like Dez. This is still a game to him, not just a job. He runs like a wild mustang, and it just pours out of him. It's infectious, just like Dez.

5. And I want you to think hard about this one, Doomsday. Imagine the stress it will take off Romo if Peterson is still the same back. Imagine the runs that get finished that don't require Romo dropping back three more times on a drive. Imagine the space created for Dez and Witten on a play fake. I honestly think Peterson wins league MVP hands down on this team.

6. Lastly, imagine the fun and buzz this next season will have.

It's worth all the risk. The upside is that grand. I'm telling you, this would send shockwaves through the NFC, and you'd hear a collective....

"OH, ****!"

It would be a blast.

And I'll never forget this.

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