Adrian Peterson Sweepstakes ***Officially reinstated (again) and merged***

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That would strengthen my point that he isn't willing to take a significant pay cut. Why would he? He is the best running back of all-time. Why accept less money that what Marshawn Lynch is getting or get paid the amount of money that guys like LeSean McCoy or DeMarco Murray are getting.

To come home and win a championship with the team he grew up rooting for.

And i'm pretty sure he's mentioned the rift was because of the organization's handling of his whole legal situation. Supposedly, they just treated him like a leper and even some prominent Minnesota political figure came out on public record condemning him before it had a chance to run its course.


KalEl 94
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That would strengthen my point that he isn't willing to take a significant pay cut. Why would he? He is the best running back of all-time. Why accept less money that what Marshawn Lynch is getting or get paid the amount of money that guys like LeSean McCoy or DeMarco Murray are getting.

He would accept a cut to play in DAL not MIN. That's the point. He wants to finish his career in Dallas


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I have more confidence in AP, then I do any rookie, for this upcoming season. Which is one year into a 3 year window;

I actually see it as irresponsible on higher levels, NOT to bring in AP, when he becomes available...considering Romos window.....

What exactly is the goal in Dallas?

Yeah sure, if he isn't available then, bring in the rookie and roll with it....

I give that first rounder up and pay him. Just the act of having Adrian Peterson in a Dallas Cowboys uniform will be financially beneficial for the Franchise. Roll in a few NFCE crowns, playoff games in Dallas and maybe a few Super Bowls...... and were worried about a 2nd or 3rd round draft pick and an extra 4-5 million?

Exactly............we have a three year window fellas, that's it. Once Romo decides to hang up the cleats and we turn the reigns over to somebody like Weeden, Vaughan, or whoever else, we are going to suck. It really will not matter who the RB is when that happens so worrying about how much longer Peterson plays is moot. If he can give me 3 good seasons, then I think that might be enough to get us over the top while we still got Romo.


KalEl 94
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Exactly............we have a three year window fellas, that's it. Once Romo decides to hang up the cleats and we turn the reigns over to somebody like Weeden, Vaughan, or whoever else, we are going to suck. It really will not matter who the RB is when that happens so worrying about how much longer Peterson plays is moot. If he can give me 3 good seasons, then I think that might be enough to get us over the top while we still got Romo.

Agree with everything accept that we will suck when Romo is gone. The future is very bright with JG at the helm and the FO making smart decisions on draft day and during free agency. JG is building a legacy here not a flash in the pan.

Jerry wants AD to help strengthen a chance at a ring for Romo and Witten. IMO it's just a matter of time before we see breaking news that AD has been traded to our Dallas Cowboys to start an incredible run at multiple Championships!!


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He would accept a cut to play in DAL not MIN. That's the point. He wants to finish his career in Dallas

Taking a pay cut is one thing. Taking a 25% pay cut is another. And you are suggesting he take a 40% to 50% pay cut. That is absurd.


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I guess there's no point in discussing this any further. Because I am completely and utterly stunned that there are Cowboys fans who think an unproven rookie drafted in the 4th or 5th or 6th or 7th round is more valuable to this team than taking a chance on Adrian Peterson.

Simply stunned beyond belief.

Astonishing isn't it.

I actually read in another thread that we should just roll with McFadden and Randle, don't waste draft picks on the offense, go all defense in the draft.:facepalm:

Apparently we have the best offensive line that has ever been created in the history of football, at any level. We apparently can just take a fan out of the stands and he could get 1500 yards behind this line.:laugh:


KalEl 94
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Taking a pay cut is one thing. Taking a 25% pay cut is another. And you are suggesting he take a 40% to 50% pay cut. That is absurd.

Again how do you know that he hasn't been asked to do that already by MIN? It is not absurd for an extremely competitive guy who wants to play for his hometown and favorite team. He's tired of losing.


KalEl 94
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Astonishing isn't it.

I actually read in another thread that we should just roll with McFadden and Randle, don't waste draft picks on the offense, go all defense in the draft.:facepalm:

Apparently we have the best offensive line that has ever been created in the history of football, at any level. We apparently can just take a fan out of the stands and he could get 1500 yards behind this line.:laugh:

Well that's kind of right. AD is a huge fan of the Cowboys and he could get 1500 yds!!:grin:


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Exactly............we have a three year window fellas, that's it. Once Romo decides to hang up the cleats and we turn the reigns over to somebody like Weeden, Vaughan, or whoever else, we are going to suck. It really will not matter who the RB is when that happens so worrying about how much longer Peterson plays is moot. If he can give me 3 good seasons, then I think that might be enough to get us over the top while we still got Romo.

Yep, exactly echoes my thoughts on the subject. :thumbup:


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Play it smart

Have a short board of about 3-4 RBs in this class that we feel comfortable carrying the load...if we don't land any of those backs...pick up the phone and call the vikes


I'm not comfortable relying on anyone else out of this class


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Again how do you know that he hasn't been asked to do that already by MIN? It is not absurd for an extremely competitive guy who wants to play for his hometown and favorite team. He's tired of losing.

I don't know if the Vikes asked him to take a pay cut. Never said I did. I also don't think it matters. We are talking about the pay cut he would have to take in order for the Cowboys to afford him. I bet he is glad you are not his agent as you are fine with him cutting his income in half. At age 30 and nearing the end of his career, giving back 40% to 50% of his income seems rather illogical.


Well-Known Member
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Play it smart

Have a short board of about 3-4 RBs in this class that we feel comfortable carrying the load...if we don't land any of those backs...pick up the phone and call the vikes


I'm not comfortable relying on anyone else out of this class

Rookie won't have to carry the load. McFadden, Randle, maybe Ryan Williams, and the rookie.


KalEl 94
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I don't know if the Vikes asked him to take a pay cut. Never said I did. I also don't think it matters. We are talking about the pay cut he would have to take in order for the Cowboys to afford him. I bet he is glad you are not his agent as you are fine with him cutting his income in half. At age 30 and nearing the end of his career, giving back 40% to 50% of his income seems rather illogical.

He's not giving it back if he's being asked to take a cut from his current team. You see my point?


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He's not giving it back if he's being asked to take a cut from his current team. You see my point?

No, I don't. If he is getting paid less in 2015 than he did in 2014 or what he is currently scheduled to make in 2015, then that is a pay cut. It doesn't matter which team ends up paying him for 2015. If it is less money it is a pay cut. If Dallas trades for him do you really expect him to negotiate his contract down 40%? I don't.


KalEl 94
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No, I don't. If he is getting paid less in 2015 than he did in 2014 or what he is currently scheduled to make in 2015, then that is a pay cut. It doesn't matter which team ends up paying him for 2015. If it is less money it is a pay cut. If Dallas trades for him do you really expect him to negotiate his contract down 40%? I don't.

That's exactly what I expect. What alot of people here don't get is the extreme desire the man has to finish his career as a Cowboy. His dream has always been to play for them.


Well-Known Member
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Play it smart

Have a short board of about 3-4 RBs in this class that we feel comfortable carrying the load...if we don't land any of those backs...pick up the phone and call the vikes


I'm not comfortable relying on anyone else out of this class

To this fan, the running back position is just that valuable.
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