Here. Get educated. Get a clue. Stop siding with the crooked Refs and against your supposed team.
And to answer your question once again, it was not a hold by McGovern. He didn't reach his arms around the DT. He didn't restrict the DT (who was grabbing on to McGovern’s jersey as well) from being able to reach out with his arms for the RB. He did not pull down on the jersey to bring down the DT. He actually let go of the jersey (which you are allowed to hold) as soon as the RB ran by him. That is not a hold by McGovern. It was a flop by the DT which you fell for.
A few thoughts.
1. We have been told on this site that if the defender comes up and under with their arm, which is called a rip move, that reaching across and grasping the jersey/shoulder pad by the offensive lineman is legal. So why does this move create a conflict in the rules? Does the offensive lineman get to bend the rules when the defender uses the swim move? Why does the rip move negate holding? And if that is the case, why do coaches teach the rip move if it cedes an unfair advantage to the offensive lineman?
I have read the rule. Two things here. Is this a way to give the offense an advantage, like pass interference, so the scores will be higher and keep the audience interest? If so, then nothing will be done because this is what the owners want. Which is built in cheating.
However, the offensive lineman seems to have the ability to grasp jersey and shoulder pads on the front when facing the defender, both sides and direct the defender as the offensive lineman pleases. And that is considered within the rules.
Grabbing jersey is still grabbing jersey. Then adding hands inside the arm holes holding pads should be a clear violation of the rules. Yet every game you see these types of holds and nothing is done about it.
2. In this thread someone made mention that this is football and get used to it. Stephen Jones stated you cannot call a penalty on every play. I have seen some of the more vocal defenders of these rules suggest that is the way it goes.
Yet, if you leave these moves to interpretation, as in the video here where the ref told Micah you were on the backside and would have had no influence on the play so I didn't call holding. (Now take that in, the ref essentially agreed it was a hold but decided not to call it because the ref decided he was too far from where the ball was being thrown. Yet the ball was still in the hands of the QB.) How close is this to making the refs the determining factor of who wins and who loses?
I saw another video on YouTube about the last few minutes of the Green Bay game discussing the offsides, this hold, and the PI. The guy was clearly offsides. No problem. I could argue the hold was ticky-tack, but no problem.
But the PI was clear cut, and the defender mugged Cee Dee before the ball arrived. This was not as bad as the Saints receiver getting tackled and no flag. But a gradient of an infraction that went uncorrected.
Now reflect on what Jones said.
You can't call a penalty on every play.
How is this an equitable position for the league to take? Because the alternative is the refs are the ultimate decision makers on who wins.
And at that point, does Vegas influence that decision?