After the season is over I dont think anyone will argue on Merriman

dbair1967;1099751 said:
sure we could have had them, and nither one would be doing the same thign here that they are in SD

I dont know why this is so hard for people to get, but the SCHEME does make a difference...we dont do ANYTHING that looks like what San Diego does


The article escapes me, but there was one posted yesterday or the day before yesterday by JJT, which it talked about Ware and was explaining this very thing you are speaking of.

The Scheme here is not as aggressive as other models.
GoinForSix;1099666 said:
We could have also had Jerry Rice, Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, Shaun Alexander, Tom Brady, etc.

My point is that its ridiculous to debate over hypotheticals, I know its fun and helps to pass time but essentially its just a mute point.

Six, I agree with your point....that being said may I make an editorial correction....

the point is not "mute" is "moot"...even though some folks on here need to be on "mute" more often. ;)
mickgreen58;1099756 said:
The article escapes me, but there was one posted yesterday or the day before yesterday by JJT, which it talked about Ware and was explaining this very thing you are speaking of.

The Scheme here is not as aggressive as other models.

Because Zimmer is an incompetent tool ;)
STSINAZ;1099752 said:
merriman would have 5 by now if he was in our system.

We haven't had any opposing quarterbacks trip over their center's feet and lie on the ground for a "sack," so that's one less he'd have in our system. And you can take away a few more when the quarterback scrambled away from other pass-rushers, since everyone knows we don't have anyone who can get to the quarterback. That leaves a couple when he was left 1-on-1 with a running back, and everyone knows Zimmer isn't creative enough to get those kind of matchups. So where would he get those five sacks from? He certainly doesn't get them by beating tackles with pass-rush moves, which would be necessary in our system.
STSINAZ;1099739 said:
wrong as usual? thats funny...and you use the fact that since jeff ireland and bill parcells have skins on the wall they are right? so by your logic that point can be made on any of the draft you see how your point is skewed a little...i guess jacob rogers, peterman.etc.etc.etc...were good because they picked them and they have skins on the wall...come on man you have to come a little harder than that...seriously...i understand all the different stats other than sacks but as far as what this team needs.....we dont need another average run of the mill, get my 8 sacks in a 3-4 defense that needs me because i am one of the only passrushers. We need a force there that would be feared....teams fear merriman, they just swat ware away with no name LT's with no help....if I wanted to be mediocre and just have someone who can stop the run, the pass and get to the qb occasionally...well we had that already and his name is al singleton..he also put on 20 pounds for you too
Okay, much better without the all caps. Now if we can try paragraphs you might actually be onto something.

Wrong as usual. Yeah, let's just say I often think you just don't get it. That's just my opinion. You don't have to agree or be insulted though I'm pretty sure that you're going to feel like I've insulted you.

I didn't say Ireland and Parcells are always right. That's your imediate defense against a belief I called you inadequate. I didn't, but that's beside the point most likely. Oh, and trust me, you don't want me to come any harder in a debate. Better for you if I lob softballs. I've seen how offended you can get over the smallest of disagreements. Come to think of it that might play a role in why I said "as usual." Ya think? I can clarify that if it isn't readily obvious to you what I'm talking about.

Now let's try and address your analysis of "what this team needs." I'll forget for a minute that you're not a guru of the gridiron to whom I should pay extra close attention to and give you the time of day on this subject. If a guy is told to go after the QB on every play how would you adjust to his pass rush?

Since I don't believe you'll get the right answer, I'm going to answer it for you. You use Draw plays and allow him to bull rush up the field wide and send the RB into the hole he just vacated for a carry or for a dump off pass. Don't believe me? Watch film of how teams attack Lavar Arrington.

You can't do that with Ware. Why not? I'm glad you asked. Allow me to explain it to you. Because he plays the run and pass coverage much, much better than Merriman. Yes, I will grant you that Merriman puts more pressure on the QB, but he is a bit of a liability in coverage on a TE if he has to adjust for that. He is not as good a tackler on the runs either.

Did I mention character?

Hard enough for ya? :D
STSINAZ;1099752 said:
well why didnt we just draft an o linemen with that pick then cause we already had what ware is now...his name is al singleton...pretty stupid...i guarantee you they want ware to get sacks...merriman would have 5 by now if he was in our system...LT had 21 one year didnt he? didnt he reak havoc? need to have a better comeback than that d bare

LT had huge sack totals in the 1980's...most likely we are trying to incorporate alot of the same things Parcells did in the 1980's now, and that just doesnt work...also, LT was a huge mismatch for virtually every offensive lineman he went up against...he was a one of a kind player that the league had never seen at that point

I'm sure they do want Ware to get sacks...but San Diego has alot more than Merriman getting sacks...he doesnt even lead his team in sacks...they CREATE alot of mismatches and unblocked pass rush opportunities with their array of blitz their games dude, I cant tell you how many times a game they have somebody come totally unblocked at the QB...on the other hand I can probably count on one hand how many times THIS SEASON we've had guys go untouched to a QB

I know the simpletons cant get this, but I dont understand why...the scheme DOES make a difference...put Wade Phillips here and you'd see an entirely different type of 3-4 defense ran...same thing with somebody like Belechick or Dick LeBeau...our version is nothing like those teams

STSINAZ;1099081 said:
he's at 5.5 sacks now compared to 2 sacks for ware...and will probably hit 12 or 13...ware probably will be right around 8 again...i dont think there will be any argument that we should have drafted merriman..he is a beast...teams are worried about him and they account for him like they do for roy williams...just think if we had two players like that on our team! bad move jerrah...should have drafted the better passrusher...he is a game changer while ware is just a good player...merriman will be great if he is not already...and i dont want to hear about this zimmer bend but dont break defense...i see ware rushing ALOT AND HE JUST CANT GET THERE...BOTTOM LINE
I guess some people will just never get it.

Roy Williams currently leads the league in receiving yards. I suppose you think he is the best WR in the NFL now right?
Hostile;1099788 said:
Okay, much better without the all caps. Now if we can try paragraphs you might actually be onto something.

Wrong as usual. Yeah, let's just say I often think you just don't get it. That's just my opinion. You don't have to agree or be insulted though I'm pretty sure that you're going to feel like I've insulted you.

I didn't say Ireland and Parcells are always right. That's your imediate defense against a belief I called you inadequate. I didn't, but that's beside the point most likely. Oh, and trust me, you don't want me to come any harder in a debate. Better for you if I lob softballs. I've seen how offended you can get over the smallest of disagreements. Come to think of it that might play a role in why I said "as usual." Ya think? I can clarify that if it isn't readily obvious to you what I'm talking about.

Now let's try and address your analysis of "what this team needs." I'll forget for a minute that you're not a guru of the gridiron to whom I should pay extra close attention to and give you the time of day on this subject. If a guy is told to go after the QB on every play how would you adjust to his pass rush?

Since I don't believe you'll get the right answer, I'm going to answer it for you. You use Draw plays and allow him to bull rush up the field wide and send the RB into the hole he just vacated for a carry or for a dump off pass. Don't believe me? Watch film of how teams attack Lavar Arrington.

You can't do that with Ware. Why not? I'm glad you asked. Allow me to explain it to you. Because he plays the run and pass coverage much, much better than Merriman. Yes, I will grant you that Merriman puts more pressure on the QB, but he is a bit of a liability in coverage on a TE if he has to adjust for that. He is not as good a tackler on the runs either.

Did I mention character?

Hard enough for ya? :D

You see you Tucson boys are all the all have a sarcastic arrogant taint to everything you say. If you think that makes you superior then I would defer to your talking louder statement.

As far as your last statement. How elementary it was. So you are saying that Ware isnt getting sacks because he is laying back for the run first? I get you on that but, and I dont know if you have a comprehension problem, as I said before isnt what he is doing right now the same we would have gotten out of Burnett or Singleton? I know Singleton doesnt play that side so spare me that retort. Singleton or Burnett would be better IMO than Ware right now the way he is playing. They have better runstopping and covering skills. The reason Ware is in there is to get the QB and he isnt doing it! I guarantee you a winner like Parcells is not saying well this is the defense we run. We dont want Demarcus to get to the guys are clueless!

I will spell this thing out for you so you can understand. If I remember correctly Parcells said that Ware may be the next LT. Do you remember that? Then in the offseason all I heard was how great he was going to be this. If this is all he does this year and finishes with 7 sacks I am going to be severely disappointed and you should be too! You see the defense we have does allow for a bunch of sacks if you can get them. As I said before LT racked up OVER 20 sacks in this defense. It's man on man. He has to beat the LT. That's all he has to do. He has shown that he cant do it. Even against no namers. I thought he would be better than this. I think you guys are making excuses for him. If you guys knew a little more about football you wouldnt do that. You would state the obvious. The guys needs more THAN 2 MOVES! I mean how hard is that for you to understand? I really cant help you if you dont. You are just wasting my time.
dargonking999;1099087 said:
Fine Merrriman is better. GReatest guy to ever play OLB. But at the end of the season, when we finish with a bettter record, better Def, and a SB Ring, Merriman still would be the loser

I swore to myself i would ignore these stupid post forever, but....i cant sit here and let anyone say some crap like this. No matter who is better, or which team is better.....ect, there is absolutly no reason to call Shawne a loser, he is about the nicest person ever, a very charitable person and he is extremly respectful. You have no clue. Have your opinion on whos is better but knock it off with that name callin.....

dbair1967;1099802 said:
LT had huge sack totals in the 1980's...most likely we are trying to incorporate alot of the same things Parcells did in the 1980's now, and that just doesnt work...also, LT was a huge mismatch for virtually every offensive lineman he went up against...he was a one of a kind player that the league had never seen at that point

I'm sure they do want Ware to get sacks...but San Diego has alot more than Merriman getting sacks...he doesnt even lead his team in sacks...they CREATE alot of mismatches and unblocked pass rush opportunities with their array of blitz their games dude, I cant tell you how many times a game they have somebody come totally unblocked at the QB...on the other hand I can probably count on one hand how many times THIS SEASON we've had guys go untouched to a QB

I know the simpletons cant get this, but I dont understand why...the scheme DOES make a difference...put Wade Phillips here and you'd see an entirely different type of 3-4 defense ran...same thing with somebody like Belechick or Dick LeBeau...our version is nothing like those teams


Look i know the scheme's matter...but Ware should have more sacks dont you think? or at least more pressures? if you dont think so then you are aiming very low and that would tell me why you are debating this thing so hard...AND

the bottom line to all of this is this...the way Demarcus Where? is playing now would be like comparing Roy (Merriman) to Adrian Wilson (Ware). Sure Wilson is good but he doesnt scare you. You dont have to worry about where he is all the time. With Merriman you do. That basically the point of this whole post. I always have to convince the homers. Sometimes they never get it. I think the homers have been infected by the zimmerism's........bend but dont break BS...bend but dont break is like a prevent are playing not to have to be aggressive on defense...gets players that are monsters.

Merriman, Roy, a Big aggressive DT. Players like that. Dominators. That's how you win championships. The Bears have a defense like that right now.
STSINAZ;1099922 said:
You see you Tucson boys are all the all have a sarcastic arrogant taint to everything you say. If you think that makes you superior then I would defer to your talking louder statement.
Paragraphs...and just like that, sense can be made of the rambling. Well, until he goes into the all caps 7th grade tirade at the end again.

I'm not a Tucson boy. I grew up in New Mexico and Texas. I never said I was superior to you. I won't apologize for your assessment of what wasn't said.

stsinaz said:
As far as your last statement. How elementary it was. So you are saying that Ware isnt getting sacks because he is laying back for the run first? I get you on that but, and I dont know if you have a comprehension problem, as I said before isnt what he is doing right now the same we would have gotten out of Burnett or Singleton? I know Singleton doesnt play that side so spare me that retort. Singleton or Burnett would be better IMO than Ware right now the way he is playing. They have better runstopping and covering skills. The reason Ware is in there is to get the QB and he isnt doing it! I guarantee you a winner like Parcells is not saying well this is the defense we run. We dont want Demarcus to get to the guys are clueless!
No, we couldn't have gotten the same out of Burnett or Singleton, because they most likely would have been taken out of the game in Nickel situations rather than turned loose. Ware is getting pressure on the QB and that will translate into sacks. Remember, 2 of the QBs we have faced are mobile and the assignment on them was contain first. If you need help on that, raise your hand. Us Tucson boys are charitable that way.

What you fail to apparently comprehend is the difference in the schemes being run by the 2 teams and that both are being successful in their own ways. For instance, statistically the Cowboys are the #1 defense in the NFL against the rush as far as yards allowed. Ware is an integral piece of that success because he is very good at sniffing out sweeps and screens. I'm quite sure that while you were looking at the sack stats that fact wasn't obvious. No fault of yours there I suppose. [/sarcasm off]

stsinaz said:
I will spell this thing out for you so you can understand. If I remember correctly Parcells said that Ware may be the next LT. Do you remember that? Then in the offseason all I heard was how great he was going to be this. If this is all he does this year and finishes with 7 sacks I am going to be severely disappointed and you should be too! You see the defense we have does allow for a bunch of sacks if you can get them. As I said before LT racked up OVER 20 sacks in this defense. It's man on man. He has to beat the LT. That's all he has to do. He has shown that he cant do it. Even against no namers. I thought he would be better than this. I think you guys are making excuses for him. If you guys knew a little more about football you wouldnt do that. You would state the obvious. The guys needs more THAN 2 MOVES! I mean how hard is that for you to understand? I really cant help you if you dont. You are just wasting my time.
Are you going to sit there and soberly tell me LT registered 20 sacks in his 2nd season? That's the litmus test you're placing on Ware?


No, seriously...


Prove to me Ware has a liability Junior. prove to me our defense is suffering and he's the cause of it. Prove to me that he is failing in the scheme we are asking this team to play. Until then, all you're doing is pissing and moaning about nothing. That's right, nothing.

Don't bring this weak crap into a discussion with me. Come harder. If you can. I won't hold my breath okay?
Just for a second as "Rich" posted earlier in the thread, that we had Jamal Williams and Castillo rushing the passer along with Ware. When Ware goes wide and has his man beaten, he has no body to tackle since the QB is still sitting there at 7 yards back.

When Williams pushes the pocket up the middle and Castillo needs help, that leaves Ware to destroy the QB. Before we proclaim Merriman God, we need to have the same pressure from the middle and we need to blitz way more like the Chargers do.
Why are Merriman threads not moved to the NFL section?

Please some mod put this where it belongs ....... and tell the person who keeps writing them to place them in the correct section.
StarAmongStars;1099332 said:
I had Merriman graded as a top 5 overall prospect before the 2005 draft, Ware in the middle of the first round (right where we picked him).....don't get me wrong I'm glad we got ware and think he is going to get better, but I would take Merriman anyday over him because of better overall raw talent.

You blame everyone here of being a Cowboys homer for pointing out the obvious fact that Ware is a much better overall LB "the reason we drafted him over Merriman"

The fact is you are and always will be a Merriman Homer, And will never let anyone here live it down for the rest of his carear.
Ware continually make unbelievable tacles in the flat. Merriman can't even wrap up a reciever gets ran over giving up a game winning TD. Ware makes that tackle
STSINAZ;1099931 said:
Look i know the scheme's matter...but Ware should have more sacks dont you think? or at least more pressures?

Ware has more pressures than Merriman.
AdamJT13;1100056 said:
Ware has more pressures than Merriman.

There is a big difference between merriman and ware...merriman puts fear into teams like roy does...i would rather have someone that does that... a player like that changes the have to account for him...he does things that you cant put a stat on. I would rather have game changers wouldnt you?
AdamJT13;1100056 said:
Ware has more pressures than Merriman.


Do not mess up people's opinions by introducing the correct facts into the equation! :lmao:
STSINAZ;1100060 said:
There is a big difference between merriman and ware...merriman puts fear into teams like roy does...i would rather have someone that does that... a player like that changes the have to account for him...he does things that you cant put a stat on. I would rather have game changers wouldnt you?

Teams also must account for Ware. Most LT's cannot handle him one on one. He often forces double teams.

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