After the season is over I dont think anyone will argue on Merriman

Hostile;1099941 said:
Paragraphs...and just like that, sense can be made of the rambling. Well, until he goes into the all caps 7th grade tirade at the end again.

I'm not a Tucson boy. I grew up in New Mexico and Texas. I never said I was superior to you. I won't apologize for your assessment of what wasn't said.

You act like a tucson have picked up their ways.

No, we couldn't have gotten the same out of Burnett or Singleton, because they most likely would have been taken out of the game in Nickel situations rather than turned loose. Ware is getting pressure on the QB and that will translate into sacks. Remember, 2 of the QBs we have faced are mobile and the assignment on them was contain first. If you need help on that, raise your hand. Us Tucson boys are charitable that way.

what are you talking about? there is no guarantee singleton would have been taken out of the game? that's a cop out that is used when you have nothing viable to say. Ware is not getting the pressure all of you thought he would I will tell you that. If you say so you are lying. Let me tell you something if you are dominant you dont worry about the QB you are facing you go and get him! LT never worried about that. If Ware was the next LT he wouldnt either and to tell you that truth I dont think he is. So you are telling me that he is thinking about containing a QB so he doesnt rush as hard? your logic doesnt make sense. It's not his job to do that. That would be the spy's job or whoever is designated to do that. You know that right? And Ware would never be designated that. From what I saw he was trying his butt off to get to the QB on every play that he rushed. He never hesitated. He rushed the same way he always had. He only has two moves. It didnt matter which QB he was facing. Next.

What you fail to apparently comprehend is the difference in the schemes being run by the 2 teams and that both are being successful in their own ways. For instance, statistically the Cowboys are the #1 defense in the NFL against the rush as far as yards allowed. Ware is an integral piece of that success because he is very good at sniffing out sweeps and screens. I'm quite sure that while you were looking at the sack stats that fact wasn't obvious. No fault of yours there I suppose. [/sarcasm off]

I saw that. Come on man you will have to try harder to get me. But I think the two have nothing to do with the other. You may try and make the parallel but there is none in this case because on 3rd down he isnt getting to the QB...neither is hardly anyone else. I could see if we were putting alot of pressure you could make that parallel but the fact that he only has two moves and is struggling should tell you different. I guarantee BP is talking a whole bunch of mess about it too!

Are you going to sit there and soberly tell me LT registered 20 sacks in his 2nd season? That's the litmus test you're placing on Ware?

NO but LT reaked alot more havoc every year he played..especially in his rookie year....have you compared the stats? I guess not or you wouldnt have stated what you did. You really didnt address what I said. I guess I know why now, there was nothing you could say. Until this guy goes off like you and I thought he would there is a problem IMO. We drafted the wrong guy.


No, seriously...


Prove to me Ware has a liability Junior. prove to me our defense is suffering and he's the cause of it. Prove to me that he is failing in the scheme we are asking this team to play. Until then, all you're doing is pissing and moaning about nothing. That's right, nothing.

Junior? You dont even know who you are talking have the wrong man with that statement. You are the one who is assuming they are asking him to lay back...what are you talking about? They are telling him to get to the QB when he rushes and he cant! are you not watching the games? Just because he cant get to the QB has nothing to do with the run defense. When he rushes he bolts right for the QB...everytime....he cant get there..he has two moves...we have no passrush...teams have all day..Carr had all day! are you a true fan? what is wrong with you? Are you drunk tonight? I want a passrush and thought we would have one...we dont...its minimal...if you cant get to Carr you have problems...every other team will see...Canty cant get to the QB...Spears cant...Ellis can sometimes..and now we have another Ellis...beautiful...just what we needed...we would have been better off drafting a serious O linemen if we were going to get a glorified Al Singleton...

Don't bring this weak crap into a discussion with me. Come harder. If you can. I won't hold my breath okay?

Dude you are closed...all your points were blown out of the water...i guarantee you everyone sees it!
STSINAZ;1100070 said:
Dude you are closed...all your points were blown out of the water...i guarantee you everyone sees it!

wrong again.
zrinkill;1099949 said:
Why are Merriman threads not moved to the NFL section?

Please some mod put this where it belongs ....... and tell the person who keeps writing them to place them in the correct section.

good question - please rid us of this merriman daily crap!
STSINAZ;1100060 said:
There is a big difference between merriman and ware...merriman puts fear into teams like roy does...i would rather have someone that does that... a player like that changes the have to account for him...he does things that you cant put a stat on. I would rather have game changers wouldnt you?

Teams don't fear Merriman any more than they fear Ware. When they watch film, they know that he doesn't do all that much on most of his sacks.

A quarterback trips untouched and falls down, Merriman is closest -- it's a sack. Oooh, frightening. Two other guys beat their man and hit the quarterback, who scrambles right into Merriman, who still is being blocked. So fearsome.

Please. Teams are more afraid of a guy who can embarrass a left tackle and sack the quarterback before he even has a chance to throw than they are of a guy who gets blocked for several seconds and then wraps up the quarterback as he tries to scramble.
STSINAZ;1099081 said:
he's at 5.5 sacks now compared to 2 sacks for ware...and will probably hit 12 or 13...ware probably will be right around 8 again...i dont think there will be any argument that we should have drafted merriman..he is a beast...teams are worried about him and they account for him like they do for roy williams...just think if we had two players like that on our team! bad move jerrah...should have drafted the better passrusher...he is a game changer while ware is just a good player...merriman will be great if he is not already...and i dont want to hear about this zimmer bend but dont break defense...i see ware rushing ALOT AND HE JUST CANT GET THERE...BOTTOM LINE

After this hour is over I think there will be another poster on my ignore list.
bro trust me no one fears 2 move one....he has two moves...where are all these karate moves he was working on?
STSINAZ;1100085 said:
bro trust me no one fears 2 move one....he has two moves...where are all these karate moves he was working on?

Face it you have no stats to back up your points... How do you quantify who teams fear more?? Do you have a connection with the OCs of all these teams?

Then Adam shows you that Ware has more QB pressures than Merriman and you ignore it. "But... but.... but.... ummmm.... Ware has only two moves... I mean Where??":rolleyes:

The only stats you can point to are a couple more sacks... which as Adam once again told you are attributable to being blocked by RBs, falling on QBs who have tripped to the ground, etc.
all i know is that for our team i would rather have a dominating passrusher considering we have none! we dont need a run stopper we have them...ellis, singleton...burnett...james...akin,,,,we need a freaking passrusher!
Don't flame me, but...

...didn't one of Ware's first sack this year come when the Commanders tried to block him with just Ladell Betts?

EDIT: I just watched the video of that sack and it was TJ Duckett. Link:
STSINAZ;1100096 said:
Who Has More Knockdowns? Last Year Merriman Had 10 More Than Ware

A knockdown?

Please do tell where you came up with a stat like that.

Another Merriman vs. Ware thread.

Can we wait a few seasons before passing judgement? Most of you are ready to put Merriman in Canton.

I say that Merriman will prove Bill Parcells and JJ right given time. He will pull a Ricky Williams.
eman721;1100102 said:
Don't flame me, but...

...didn't one of Ware's first sack this year come when the Commanders tried to block him with just Ladell Betts?

EDIT: I just watched the video of that sack and it was TJ Duckett. Link:

Why would anyone flame you for stating the truth?

Ware had a sack against a running back earlier this season. Last year, he got one against an H-Back/tight end. But the vast majority of his sacks have come when he beat an offensive tackle -- and usually when he flat-out abused them. (See )

Merriman? Not so much.
AdamJT13;1100116 said:
Why would anyone flame you for stating the truth?

Ware had a sack against a running back earlier this season. Last year, he got one against an H-Back/tight end. But the vast majority of his sacks have come when he beat an offensive tackle -- and usually when he flat-out abused them. (See )

Merriman? Not so much.
Eh, people just seemed to be flaming anyone that would say anything that could be remotely construed as pro-Merriman in this thread. My pointing out that one of Ware's sacks was "cheap" b/c it came against a RB could have set someone off, lol.

But yeah, after watching your video, only his third sack against the Panthers last year came against anyone other than an OT. So, 8 of his 10 career sacks came from abusing an OT. Also, none of his sacks have been cheap in the sense that someone else applied the pressure and the QB just drifted into an awaiting Ware.

Do you know of any videos that contain footage of all of Merriman's sacks? I wouldn't mind counting up how many came against backs/TEs or were cheap ones that he really wasn't responsible for.

P.S. I never get tired of watching Ware put Barron on his *** last year and then chasing down Jamie Martin. That was a thing of beauty.
eman721;1100123 said:
Do you know of any videos that contain footage of all of Merriman's sacks? I wouldn't mind counting up how many came against backs/TEs or were cheap ones that he really wasn't responsible for.

I can post a video with all but one of Merriman's sacks from last season. I should have it on Youtube by tomorrow or Friday.
AdamJT13;1100130 said:
I can post a video with all but one of Merriman's sacks from last season. I should have it on Youtube by tomorrow or Friday.
That'd be awesome.
Good sweet mother - he needs to have a day like that against Carolina. Our entire line pressured him too.
DallasDW00ds0n;1099103 said:
so what? we played the Texans where sacking Carr is like expected atleast 7 times in every game. ware couldnt even reach him.

cue hammer hitting nail on the head.
I was horribly disappointed and concerned that we never laid a hand on Carr.
I expected Ware to have at least 2 sacks this game.

No doubt that Merriman is more of an impact player than Ware. Its still a marathon vs a sprint but right now Merriman is the better player. Ware is a good player too, but not scary good like Merriman has been so far.
I do still think that coaching also has a lot to do with it. I think the last person we had to have double-digit sacks was Haley who was coached up elsewhere and brought here as a FA in his prime, and he also didn't much listen to the DC coaching staff. We have a pretty horrible history of drafting and developing, which really go closely together, passrushers. Whether scheme or talent development or whatever the reason, we're just not good at it. I've often wondered if the the Ware and Merriman situation were reversed, if the media would be hyping Ware and if Merriman would be a just better-than-average OLB in our scheme....

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