Thats why it's called American Idol, you see some that love Haley, some hate her. The fact that America gets all of the control over who wins the show is awesome to me.
Some dislike Pia for standing still, but then watched Thia actually have fun and she had her worst vocal performance yet. There are tons of singers who made a living off of just belting on the mic like Celine and Mariah. Others who dance but can't sing well like J-Lo and Britney, and then the handful that do both well.
I have a feeling Pia will loosen up after the comments the Judges made so we will see what happens. She has the look, she has the voice, does the have the right style though?
Haley has a unique voice, but she does sound whiney at times.
Lauren is the most rounded in my opinion. She looks like a pro on the stage and sings well. She'll most likely end up a country/pop singer.
Scotty is really good, but will only be country.
Stefano sounds just like Bruno Mars, so that will be the death of him. Bruno has hits, we don't need a clone of him.
Casey and Paul are unique, but there isn't always a place for unique on the radio. How often do you turn on the radio and say "wow that was a cool song, havn't heard that before"? Probably not very often lately.
Naima is "cool" but she doesn't really look that great, she doesn't sing that great, and truthfully doesn't dance that great. There has to be a 1000 people who are better than her at all 3 things. I can't see her making it.
Thia looks and sounds like a Disney records singer. Maybe she'd fit in well there?
I def agree that Durbin is just like Adam Lambert. If you want to argue on who is better, that's fine but the fact remains that they sound very similar.
Jacob can probably have a very successful Gospel career, but there is 0 chance he'll win and be their superstar.
It's really hard putting your finger on who has the best shot at this point.