American Idol season 11

Jessica can do this!!!! Im rooting for her hard.

Hopefully, tomorrow is a great show.
LOL! I love how they introduced the two at the start of the show.

"A 21 year old pawn shop worker VS. a 16 year old POWERHOUSE".

Yeah, they aren't pushing anyone.


This is crazy.
Cajuncowboy;4569849 said:
LOL! I love how they introduced the two at the start of the show.

"A 21 year old pawn shop worker VS. a 16 year old POWERHOUSE".

Yeah, they aren't pushing anyone.


This is crazy.

Her last song, the one that is supposed to be used as her first single was AWFUL. What a terrible song choice for her.

If you go off the last song, Phillip wins. But Idol is going to rig it to pick the winner they want either way lol.
I think Phillip won it with that last song. It was nice. Jessica's sucked hard ones.
Well they stayed true to themselves.
Jessica was boring as ever and P2 was steady and very good.

Phillip should win this thing and if the real stats are revealed it won't be close.
Where can I send money to buy a Phillip Phillips album? Just take my money.

Dude should win in a landslide.
One of the most lopsided finals ever.

Jessica waaaaaay over-sings Whitney, is not any better song two, and is flat out lost when she can't mimic a diva on her single.

Phillip killed all 3...and he is doing it needing surgery.

Now watch Jessica win. Leaving me 100% certain a fix was in since America made the right call weeks ago.
Not trying to make this a gender and race thing but the last 5 out of 6 winners have been white males so posters like Cajuncowboy and others might be onto something with them thinking the fix is on for Jessica to win!
pjtoadie;4570063 said:
Not trying to make this a gender and race thing but the last 5 out of 6 winners have been white males so posters like Cajuncowboy and others might be onto something with them thinking the fix is on for Jessica to win!

the show wants jessica to win because phillip is way too much like the 4 other winners(WGWG=white guy with guitar). JMO
kristie;4570088 said:
the show wants jessica to win because phillip is way too much like the 4 other winners(WGWG=white guy with guitar). JMO

Phillip is nothing like ANYONE Idol has ever had.

He is probably the most talented all around contestant they have ever had.
blindzebra;4570099 said:
Phillip is nothing like ANYONE Idol has ever had.

He is probably the most talented all around contestant they have ever had.

that is very arguable because i believe david cook is the most talented all around contestant that show has ever had in all the years i've watched. he can sing circles around phillip & is much more creative in terms of composing & arranging songs to suit his musical style. there's no doubt in my mind about that.

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