An interesting question to ask...

Born in 1969, fan since the age of five, no joke!

On a side note: While bandwagon fans irritate me, what really ticks me off are people who say that your not a true fan if your not from, or live in, the same area as your favorite team. I've lived in California most of my life, and I lived and breathed Cowboys Football for just about all of that time!
purgatoryruss said:
well I'm 35 and can produce the pictures of me running around in my Cowboy jammies.

35 and you still wear Cowboy jammies?:eek:hno: With footies and everything?
Been a fan since forever. Never knew any other team besides the 'boys.

However, I don't see nothing wrong w/folks jumping on during the 90s run. The star is big enuff to hold everybody...

More fans just make it shine that much brighter, IMO.
I was born in 1980. The first Cowboys game I remember was against the St. Louis Cardinals somewhere around 1985. Been a fan ever since, though it was hard to keep my 9 year old attention span on the 1-15 version. But the 90s definitely made up for it. I believe my first favorite player was Too Tall Jones. I just thought the nickname was cool.
Born in '66, loved'em since 76, Roger almost beating the steelers, the shotgun, Drew, in the centenial game hooked me.
I have been a fan since I was about four years old. I'm not sure what game it was but I can remember my family watching the Cowboys. For some reason the Star on the Helmet did it for me.

I also remember being in the 1st grade living in the small town of Fort Stockton, TX, watching Tony Dorsett run for 99 yards against the Vikings with 10 men on the field. I was allowed to stay up and watch Monday night football if I took a 3 hour nap after school.

I see the same thing in my son as he gets older. He is slowly becoming a Diehard Boy's fan. The best thing about being a Cowboy's fan is that there are alot of haters out there. But there is still only one good enough to call"AMERICAS TEAM."
man do i get shafted i was raised in the 90's :'( i was born in 87 but i didn't start watchin football tell i was like 6 or im screwed...but never liked another team but dem boys!
I hear ya on that 1 win. Sunday night football was awesome vs the Skins.
Been with them since 78 -- 10 years old living nowhere near Dallas -- cried when Jackie Smith dropped that pass in 79 -- and the entire day after the game.
growing up in PA, Steeler fans were falling out of trees , so when everyone else took the Steelers in the superbowls I took the Cowboys......

I liked coach Landry a whole lot ,but when Jerry took over and hired Jimmy I was estatic...It was time for a change we were going No where in a hurry....

I wish he would have handled it a little different , but any Cowboy fan had to know the change was over due....

I know my thoughts on this are not going to be popular , but back then we were hurting....
Do any of you think we would have taken Rocket Ismail #1 over all instead of R.Maryland if Ismail would have went to the NFL?????
WoodysGirl said:
Been a fan since forever. Never knew any other team besides the 'boys.

However, I don't see nothing wrong w/folks jumping on during the 90s run. The star is big enuff to hold everybody...

More fans just make it shine that much brighter, IMO.

I don't mind the ones who jump on the bandwagon when were winning. but for those who jump off when things aren't going as well don't expect to have seat waiting for you when things turn around. Those people can continue watching from the sideline. Once a Cowboys fan, always a Cowboys fan, thru thick and thin.

My two sons ( 3 and 5) are already continuing the family tradition as 3rd generation cowboy fans. one of their favorite sayings is How bout dem Cowboys followed by Commanders suck - Which they love to tell my wife who is a Commanders fan. My most memorable non game moment was when my oldest son told Lavar Arrington the Commanders suck at Wizards game.
I was born in 84, so however old I was when I started liking football, I was a cowboys fan.
I was born in Dallas in 1960...Don't care about Basketball, Baseball or any other sport except for Nascar. I remember Dandy Don, Bob Hayes & Bob Lilly...Staubach, Dorsett, Newhouse & Hollywood...Too Tall Jones, Too Mean Martin & Randy White...Danny White, Hogeboom & and untested rookie named Aikman...The Playmaker, The Moose and a little 5' 9" 209 lb running back out of Florida that everyone said was too small and too slow to mount up to much, but would take your breath away everytime he touched the ball. To all of them & to all of us ...." How 'Bout them COWBOYS!!! "
I was a K C fan as a young child,but became a Cowboy fan by 10 yrs. of age. Can anyone say Doomsday or Roger the Dodger ,Duane Thomas or Bullet Bob Hayes,and of course my favoite.......Randy White
HTownCowboysFan said:
How many of y'all have been a fan of this team - and THIS team only - prior to, oh let's say, 1990?

An interesting dynamic methinks to see how many of "us" are long-timers (such as moi), bandwagon jumpers since the days of Jimmy, Jerry, and the 'boys, or those who are becoming new fans.

Me. I can trace my fandom back to 1972-73. I can remember a game against the Chargers around there. Been a rabid fan ever since. I would cry when we lost as a kid. Been a great ride and I take pride in being a cowboy fan. We have a great following and its something any two strangers more then likely have in common, no matter where you are you have a good cahnce of finding some boys fans.

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