And so it begins...

superpunk said:
Thereby stating that there are no prima-donnas on the Skins now.

And that's just not true.

(I know what he was doing.)

It was more to point out how rare it is to have a TRUE primadonna. Alot of teams don't have a guy who if it's not about him, he's unhappy. I guess Sean Taylor is the closest thing right now the Skins have to having one. But, I think it's partly due to his youth. Terrell Owens has been one his whole career.
Kittymama said:
Oh, & I'll add another primadonna for you redstinks fans--Antwaan Randle El. Just wait. Let's see what happens with him the first time he doesn't get a pass thrown his way, or a badly thrown one. You're totally kidding yourselves if you think he isn't a prima donna. There's a reason the Steelers were willing to let him go.

I guess you could be right. I haven't prejudged any of our new players.
JohnLockesGhost said:
It was more to point out how rare it is to have a TRUE primadonna. Alot of teams don't have a guy who if it's not about him, he's unhappy. I guess Sean Taylor is the closest thing right now the Skins have to having one. But, I think it's partly due to his youth. Terrell Owens has been one his whole career.

Yeah these guys aren't primadonnas:

ASHBURN, Va. - Commanders running back Clinton Portis and safety Sean Taylor were fined by the NFL on Thursday for uniform violations in last Sunday night’s game against Philadelphia.

Portis was fined $20,000 for wearing black shoes, which did not match the rest of the team, and also for wearing striped socks and an unapproved eye shield. Taylor was hit for $5,000 for the striped socks.

The burgundy and gold striping made the socks look like barber shop polls. Taylor had them on both legs, Portis on one.

Last year, both were fined twice for socks violations, the first time $5,000 apiece and the second time $10,000.
JohnLockesGhost said:
It was more to point out how rare it is to have a TRUE primadonna. Alot of teams don't have a guy who if it's not about him, he's unhappy. I guess Sean Taylor is the closest thing right now the Skins have to having one. But, I think it's partly due to his youth. Terrell Owens has been one his whole career.

Sean Taylor - Brandon Lloyd
All I can say is that you people that are getting all bent over this report about TO have a long, rough road ahead.


You may not make it.
superpunk said:
Sean Taylor - Brandon Lloyd

Everytime these Redstink roaches open their mouth they end up swallowing their foot!

If anybody can handle him it's BP. Either things will be okay or he'll put BP and Bledsoe into retirement!
Bull Frog said:
Yeah these guys aren't primadonnas:

Main Entry: pri·ma don·na javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/')
Pronunciation: "pri-m&-'dä-n&, "prE-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural prima donnas
Etymology: Italian, literally, first lady
1 : a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization
2 : a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of a team

Look, I didn't like that sock thing either, but in order to fit the definition (#2) a player needs to find it difficult to play as part of a team. Portis and Taylor, while young and brash, are still team players. Both have said numerous times that all they really want to do is for the team to win.
There is nothing wrong with Portis, IMO. The sock thing was lame, but I don't think it was anything special.

But Taylor, Lloyd, and may (maybe) El are all Prima Donnas. Taylor took a step back, by working out with the team this offseason (he did that, right?), but his track record is dismal - so he's not off the hook yet. Lloyd is an ENORMOUS prima donna, and it's going to be interesting to see how he does getting alot less balls thrown his way. I mean, he only catches 40-some percent of them anyway - what's gonna happen when the opportunities come less often?

DBoys said:
That is the attitude that will bring about the very thing your complaining about. It is the same attitude the 49ers used and the Eagles. The thing that will keep the relationship healthy is BP shooting im straight and not trying to manipulate him.

The guy is the best receiver in the game and he has a voice. You got to talk to one another and build a relationship.

but Bill treated LT differently, he let him do his own thing, as long as he remained competitive, now if TO is losing his competitive grip, and is doing this, then there's a problem, but I haven't seen it from the reports, so I'm going to hold off on biting my nails
Another TO thread or just plain gossip. And now back to football........

Did you know some odds makers have the Cowboys at 10/1 to win the SB? That's much better than last years 200/1. If you take that info as we are an inproved team then it is good news.
superpunk said:
There is nothing wrong with Portis, IMO. The sock thing was lame, but I don't think it was anything special.

But Taylor, Lloyd, and may (maybe) El are all Prima Donnas. Taylor took a step back, by working out with the team this offseason (he did that, right?), but his track record is dismal - so he's not off the hook yet. Lloyd is an ENORMOUS prima donna, and it's going to be interesting to see how he does getting alot less balls thrown his way. I mean, he only catches 40-some percent of them anyway - what's gonna happen when the opportunities come less often?


From what I've seen Lloyd does seem like a primadonna. I hear he's a wannabe rap star too, lol.

Thing is, though, you are not digging deep enough on your 40%. It's well documented that he only had 4 drops last year. The other misses were due to poor QB play. I understand you like to pretend Lloyd only catches 40% of the balls thrown his way, but at least be informed on what that number means.
Whoever thinks wearing striped socks, black shoes, and an eye protection device that wasn't approved by the league, is a primadonna, needs to sit down and try to figure out the meaning of the word.

Sure, Clinton Portis is an attention *****. Whatever, it's his personality. Alright, Sean Taylor is a thug- they aren't primadonna's though, that's for damn sure.
Kittymama said:
You mean like Sean Taylor follows protocol? (Show me where spitting in someone's face is protocol.) Go throw bricks in your own glass house.

Obviously that incident was uncalled for. Sean Taylor, however, didn't spit in his teammates face.

All I was trying to say was that since TO is under the medias microscope, he knows that everything he does is going to be analyzed ten times over. That being said, he should go out of his way to not even give the impression that he's doing anything dramatic or detrimental.

What I said was very easy to understand, very unbiased, and very elemantary. Since you were unable to comprehend this juvenile concept, and proceded to take a personal attack at me, I set up a toaster in your bathtub. Go play with it.
illone said:
From what I've seen Lloyd does seem like a primadonna. I hear he's a wannabe rap star too, lol.

Thing is, though, you are not digging deep enough on your 40%. It's well documented that he only had 4 drops last year. The other misses were due to poor QB play. I understand you like to pretend Lloyd only catches 40% of the balls thrown his way, but at least be informed on what that number means.

I'm pretty sure I dug deep enough. And you can blame it on the QB all you want -- he's been consistent in his suckiness, regardless of the QB. I understand you like to pretend he doesn't suck, but at least be informed on how consistently dreadful he's been when it comes to catching passes thrown his way.

That really has nothing to do with the prima donna thing, though. That deals more with him reconciling himself as a #2 receiver, when he fancies himself on of the best in the game.

this is what happens to kids raised by their Grandmother... I would say something mean but its only August!!!
superpunk said:
I'm pretty sure I dug deep enough.

Pretty sure?

Why not be 100% sure so as to not post false information. See, it's well documented by those that keep these stats that Lloyd had 4 drops last year. I'm sorry that doesn't do squat for your argument, but superpunk, you lost this one.
illone said:
Pretty sure?

Why not be 100% sure so as to not post false information. See, it's well documented by those that keep these stats that Lloyd had 4 drops last year. I'm sorry that doesn't do squat for your argument, but superpunk, you lost this one.

Find where I said anything about "drops", and then declare yourself the victor, ok, fella?
illone said:
Pretty sure?

Why not be 100% sure so as to not post false information. See, it's well documented by those that keep these stats that Lloyd had 4 drops last year. I'm sorry that doesn't do squat for your argument, but superpunk, you lost this one.

this should help punk

his teammates gave Lloyd a moniker of inconsistency, what better way to find out something about a player than from his former teammates

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