I echo this sentiment. This better be addressed immediately. If we need to look for depth at WR, so be it. But let's do so before the season begins.
I hate having to count on this punk. T.O. is a good player, but too many are jumping on his bandwagon too fast.
If I were the The Tuna, I'd make him practice with the 2nd team just to see how he reacts.
If he didn't like that, I'd keep him on the 3rd team until he changed his tune.
When you have these players getting ignorant and acting ignorant, you have to get on their level and get ignorant and act igrnorant, too. I'm telling you, that's the only way to deal with a guy like T.O.
Screw the nonsensical B.S. There is no place for this here, now, after what he's done. As soon as he starts up with this crap, he should recieve some sort of negative reinforcement, simply speaking, of course.
This is something that needs to be confronted, head on, BEFORE it becomes an issue.
If he doesn't respond like a changed player, then we should fire his punk arse, on the spot, no questions asked.
All of this T.O. being a Cowboy should be conditional on his behavior, especially amongst his own team.