And with the 18th pick the Cowboys pick....


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Hostile said:
Take a lesson from the whale, the only time he gets harpooned is when he comes up to spout. Owning me? In your dreams. You'd need me on something stronger than Nyquil to even have a snowball's chance in hell.

I said exactly the same thing, he hasn't drafted an O-lineman in round 1. Therefore your contention that he can't draft an O-lineman "beyond round 1" (your words bra) is pure rubbish. He has a history of drafted O-linemen in rounds other than the first. I like your angle though. "Let's ignore that." Of course you want to pick and choose when your theory applies. It's the only way you don't look completely comical.

In other words Avon (Nova backwards because you're clearly mixed up right now), you started with a faulty premise, got called on it, and are acting too dense to realize it.

You want to annoint these players busts because of Parcells' abilities, then post some proof. Post a positive fact that Parcells cannot judge OL talent. Don't give me the "too lazy" excuse. Wow me with some actual football acumen. If you can't do that, and I suspect you can't, at least some debate acumen. Not going to hold my breath there either.

The man drafted an OT in the 6th round last year who started 16 games. That shoots your theory to smithereens by itself. Of course you'll try and spin doctor some criticism of Petitti into the argument, but it will be as limp as the rest of this "ownage" has been.

what the hell is your fascination with me posting a bunch of useless stats, pictures, dna etc proving that Parcells sucks at drafting lineman since he's been here.

Open your eyes, the proof is right in front of you.

Why dont you offer some proof that what Im saying isnt true? Give me one lineman that he's drafted here that doesnt suck?

oops, you cant, because there arent any.

Keep being witty and making funnies, its the only thing you got going for you.

How does it feel getting owned by me? lol embarrasing isnt it?


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bbgun said:
Wimbley, Justice, Simpson or Allen.

Don't mention Simpson or Allen around "BlindZebra" FS is a waste in the 1st round........... I do like Allen in the 2nd though.


Well-Known Member
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K-Mart said:
Don't mention Simpson or Allen around "BlindZebra" FS is a waste in the 1st round........... I do like Allen in the 2nd though.

If Micheal Huff or Jimmy Williams is there at 18 than I wouldn't mind taking a FS in the first. I think Simpson and Allen will be there in the 2nd round. I honestly do not think Lawson will be there at 18. He will have a Demarcus Ware like climb in the draft.


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This thread should be closed and locked and put up in the cowboys zone hall of fame as the thread where Hostile got owned .


Regular Joe....
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Hostile said:
Stop drooling.


That kid is going to make some team's fans very happy for a long time I think.

I can't help it. Doctor says that when I don't have my dentures in, this type of thing is bound to happen.



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K-Mart said:
Don't mention Simpson or Allen around "BlindZebra" FS is a waste in the 1st round........... I do like Allen in the 2nd though.

So we know for certain that Simpson and Allen don't have Ed Reed-type skills?


The Duke
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NovaCowboy said:
what the hell is your fascination with me posting a bunch of useless stats, pictures, dna etc proving that Parcells sucks at drafting lineman since he's been here.

Open your eyes, the proof is right in front of you.

Why dont you offer some proof that what Im saying isnt true? Give me one lineman that he's drafted here that doesnt suck?

oops, you cant, because there arent any.

Keep being witty and making funnies, its the only thing you got going for you.

How does it feel getting owned by me? lol embarrasing isnt it?
Oh man, don't bring a flyswatter to a knife fight. This is lame. If this screed was a horse we'd have to shoot it.

Okay, let's go to school.

Parcells, year 1, O-linemen.

Al Johnson, 2nd round. 3 year starter.
Justin Bates, 7th round. I agree, who?

Parcells, year 2...

Jacob Rogers, 2nd round...injured both years. Call it an excuse, I don't care. I bet there are x-rays.
Stephen Peterman, 3rd round...injured year 1, still on the team.

Parcells, year 3...

Rob Petitti, 6th round...16 game starter.

Of course by your criteria I must ignore the rest of the man's 20+ year career.


In other words, I don't put much stock in the fact you don't like some players. I don't see that as evidence. Show me your skins on the wall. By all means show me evidence that guys that you wanted over Peterman and Rogers exists and establishes your genius at the Drafting of O-linemen.

I can hardly wait. Don't get lazy again.

Premature evaluation is a disease. Nyquil cures everything. Want a snort?


The Duke
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NovaCowboy said:
This thread should be closed and locked and put up in the cowboys zone hall of fame as the thread where Hostile got owned .
Guess again Avon. Keep banging your drum and chasing your tail. It's amusing.


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I dare say we lost more games last year due to the lack of a quality FS than a quality OLB.


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bbgun said:
I dare say we lost more games last year due to the lack of a quality FS than a quality OLB.

I would love a ball hawking FS who could step in at CB if needed.. ie Williams. Some guys want OLB's again and again.... it's getting old... not when we could get a top 10 talent.


Well-Known Member
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bbgun said:
I dare say we lost more games last year due to the lack of a quality FS than a quality OLB.

Dallas can get a good FS in the 2nd round. Jason Allen, Daniel Bullocks, and KO Simpson should still be there. I don't think we should reach for a FS in the first if Williams and Huff are both gone. In that case it would be better to take Lawson, Wimberely, Jackson, or Justice. Which ever one is still there.


Federal Agent
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NovaCowboy said:
This thread should be closed and locked and put up in the cowboys zone hall of fame as the thread where Hostile got owned .

How's the weather there in your dimension?

Or is it another planet? Whichever.

I read the thread, and the only one getting owned here is you, Chico.


The Duke
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bbgun said:
I dare say we lost more games last year due to the lack of a quality FS than a quality OLB.
I'm not going to totally disagree with you, but I am going to disagree.

You're right in the sense that not having a FS who can cover cost us late in games and we lost because of it.

Can you prove to me that the same thing can and will happen every single time?

On the other hand I will tell that when you have a scheme that is designed to focus on one set of players, that not having playmakers at that position is suicide. Show me one 3-4 team that is successful because of their top notch Free Safety and their pedestrian LBs. Just one example would be sufficient.

Oh, I'll show you a dozen successful 3-4 teams directly attributable to the LB corps. Just food for thought.


Well-Known Member
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bbgun said:
I dare say we lost more games last year due to the lack of a quality FS than a quality OLB.

You'd be wrong too.

WAS: Missed FG, 2 TDs over Glenn and Williams.

OAK: Running game killed us, failed on 4th down late.

SEA: Missed FG, INT set up winning kick.

DEN: Missed FG, long run set up winning kick.

NYG: No TDs 152 yards passing for NY, Bledsoe had 4 turnovers, Barber ran for 115.

WAS: Brunnell threw for only 163. Portis and Betts both had good games. Cooley beat LB and SS coverage.

STL: The team played like the season was over.

Where is this smoking gun at FS?:rolleyes:


Arch Defender
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K-Mart said:
He's the best FS of the class and can play CB like he did in Va. Tech. He's 6'3'' 215 and a total ball hawk. If he lasts till our pick in the 2nd i would be completely shocked. He fills the biggest void on our team after FA and tandem with Roy. Our secondary would be tight for years to come. I'd be shocked if he is there at 18. If he's available we would be idiots not to take him.

Jimmy Williams probably wont be a CB in the NFL, and his stock is sliding

he's been a pretty overrated prospect all along IMO...

and I think its HIGHLY unlikely we take a FS in round 1, especially if we stay at can only tie up so much salary cap space and funds for each area, and we have a ton invested already in Roy, T-New and Henry (and with Roy and T-New, new deals will have to be workd out soon)




Arch Defender
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K-Mart said:
Whatever. I don't care anymore. If we take Lawson.. and he doesn't pan out to be the player everyone wants him to be and Williams is in pro bowls year after year....... just remember this chat.

dont worry, Williams wont be in any probowls
