Anti-soccer blog post


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Romo 2 Austin;3442141 said:
Its called "Anti Soccer Blog-Post"

but this is different, its insane. Since the US won today against IDK since IDC everyone is talking about soccer like its some edge of your seat exciting sport, wth. All you do is kick a ball and score once or twice a game, its dumber than ???everything???.

I was at a pizza place, and the world cup was on and I got so bored watching it I requested they change the channel, they said "no, sorry people are watching it" I paid and left with my food.
Soccer blows
go read the thread this is all covered


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SaltwaterServr;3441970 said:
In a bar.

10 am.

On Wednesday.

USA Soccer, these are your fans. :lmao2:

If I understood this correctly you are making fun of fans watching a game they love at a bar at 10 AM on a Wednesday and probably skiping a couple of hours of work???? I don't know about you but that is what I call a FAN.
I know it because I would be watching the Cowboys play no matter the day, time or place. ;)


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Coy;3442151 said:
If I understood this correctly you are making fun of fans watching a game they love at a bar at 10 AM on a Wednesday and probably skiping a couple of hours of work???? I don't know about you but that is what I call a FAN.
I know it because I would be watching the Cowboys play no matter the day, time or place. ;)

People skip work for BaseBall games or leave early all the time for them


That Guy
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Romo 2 Austin;3442141 said:
Mom had taken me to Chuck E. Cheese, and the world cup was on and watching it was distracting me from the puppet band, so I requested they change the channel, they said "no, sorry ******bag" Mom paid and she drove me home with my food.


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SaltwaterServr;3441825 said:
and at the end of the day soccer will remain a sport almost reaching relevance in the United States. Just like swimming in the Olympics. Once the main event is over, nobody cares.

The difference is that we don't have swimming aficionados denigrating us for not liking their sport because the rest of the world loves it.

The people who say we must like it or are missing out are only turning us off due to your soccer "elitism".

Except people aren't starting threads full of pseudo-facts on why swimming sucks. No one cares if you like soccer or not, just don't bash it with stupidity when you are seemingly clueless to the facts.


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Cythim;3442196 said:
Except people aren't starting threads full of pseudo-facts on why swimming sucks. No one cares if you like soccer or not, just don't bash it with stupidity when you are seemingly clueless to the facts.
does it offend you?:laugh1:


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Coy;3441878 said:
And I doubt people watching women's figure skating would do this at a bar in Nebraska at 10 AM.


Because they can see it in prime time. No doubt there is excitement the US is playing in the world cup and doing very well so of course people will be excited. What happens after the world cup? do you think MSL becomes a major sports in American? If you do then I have some prime beach front Property in Nebraska to sell you. :lmao2:


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Doomsday101;3442361 said:
Because they can see it in prime time. No doubt there is excitement the US is playing in the world cup and doing very well so of course people will be excited. What happens after the world cup? do you think MSL becomes a major sports in American? If you do then I have some prime beach front Property in Nebraska to sell you. :lmao2:

Exactly and prime example of this was the Hockey games not to far back in the olympics where there was such a buzz about team USA and how it could help the sagging NHL and once it was over most people still ignored the NHL....just as they will with Soccer in the USA.


The Duke
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Cythim;3442196 said:
Except people aren't starting threads full of pseudo-facts on why swimming sucks. No one cares if you like soccer or not, just don't bash it with stupidity when you are seemingly clueless to the facts.
By all means start a thread on why swimming sucks, and here's the deal. You can have real facts as well as pseudo facts.

Knock yourself out.


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BrAinPaiNt;3442380 said:
Exactly and prime example of this was the Hockey games not to far back in the olympics where there was such a buzz about team USA and how it could help the sagging NHL and once it was over most people still ignored the NHL....just as they will with Soccer in the USA.

Exactly. People are excited just as they are about the Olympics because it is the world stage these players are performing on. I'm clearly no big fan of soccer but I hope the US wins and chances are I will watch this Sat after I get through on the golf course and watch the US play. The event is what brings the passion not the sport, once it is over people are not going to be turning into soccer junkies. :laugh1:


"Friggin Joke Monkey"
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bbgun;3432269 said:
The Dreadful Game
by Steve Czaban


It didn't take long to remind us ignorant soccer haters what it is about the game we so loathe.

Answer: everything.

The US and England was hyped to the moon and I fell for it. Even cutting short yardwork to make sure I was inside at the specifically mentioned “1:30” game time I had been hearing all week.

Of course, game time was really 2:30, so I swallowed good chunks of Mike Tirico and some other dude I've never seen doing pre-game.

Oh. Sorry. Pre-”match”. Soccer lingo.

Some ninety odd minutes and orange slices later, we had an entirely un-satisfactory 1-1 tie for all of that hype and build-up.

The British side was pissed. The Yanks were sheepishly happy. And I had dozed off to the drone of the vuvuzelas.

Soccer is just as bad to watch as it was when I left it, which was four years ago at the last World Cup. You know, the one where the idiotic Frenchman headbutted an opponent costing his nation the Cup. Don't ask me about the rest of that year's tournament. That's all I remember.

Right off the bat, this year's Cup fell into comfortable cliches. Two games. Two goals. Two ties.

Ah yes, but I know. If I only had the requisite soccer knowledge and global sporting intellect, those 2 goals would have been the crown jewels on a subtle and complex tapestry woven by the 22 players on the pitch.

But I don't. I'm American, and I prefer my sports to be interesting.

The reasons why soccer hasn't “caught on” here as a spectator sport are obvious. And the rest of the world isn't changing it for our sake. A decision with which I concur. You'll never convert us anyway, so why mess with a winning product everywhere else?

There are many stupid things about soccer, but the lack of scoring remains the stupidest.

A 1-0 deficit, and your side is playing with the burden of 11 elephants on their backs.
A 2-0 deficit and you are now just out there getting some exercise.
A 3-0 defeat and the newspapers back home will call you an “embarassment.”

This level of scoring just doesn't make sense.

It is so hard to score in soccer, it would be like basketball played on 30 foot rims.

Soccer eliminates the most fundamentally exciting thing about sports: the comeback.

There are no comebacks in soccer. If a team comes back to win a game after going down 3-0, it'll become local lore on par with a Loch Ness Monster sighting.

“Ah, yes, laddie. 'Member da time when Tottenham came back aginst ManU ta win dat one, four da tree?”

“Sure do, laddie. Octoober ninth, nine-teen-fifty-one. Da greetest dah in Hotspur histray!”

My humble suggestion for soccer would be to do away entirely with “off-sides.” I mean, how bad would the game look in comparison to now? You have 11 guys, so do we. If a guy is cherry picking, you might want to mark him. Spread out the players, open some lanes, allow for some over-the-top passing.

And for god sakes, get the goal count comfortably into the 5 to 4 range per game.

A quality effort for a soccer team usually produces perhaps 10-12 goal scoring “chances.” Not necessarily shots, or even shots-on-frame, but just a dozen moments where you actually say: “Hey, in theory, this team might score here.”

Assuming 20 quality chances per game total, over 90 plus minutes, that's barely one every five minutes.

And soccer fanatics like to rip the NFL for all of the “breaks in the action.” Child, please.

Hey, huddles in football don't last 4 minutes. And you can score from anywhere on the field.

Either team.

In spectacular fashion.


This is beautiful.



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Who says Soccer is not a violent game? :lmao2:

Female reporter: Algerian player slapped meA female reporter is to make an official complaint to FIFA claiming Algeria's Rafik Saifi slapped her in the face after his side was knocked out of the World Cup. Asma Halimi, a journalist with the Algerian newspaper Competition, alleges that the incident occurred in the mixed zone. The BBC World Service's Richard Connelly confirmed that he saw Saifi hit Halimi, before being restrained from attacking her. Halimi apparently struck back at Saifi, who left the stadium holding his lip and refused to speak to reporters.


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I bet Czaban wished he had not written that article before the US beat Algeria. He looks pretty stupid now. Has anything in any other sport been as exciting as the goal Donovan scored for the US to advance? The beauty of so few goals is the ones you do get COUNT.

Soccer is alive and well in the US. In fact it is its most heavily played sport.

Americans are front runners. If the US team does well then you will absolutely see the sport do well following the World Cup. Not that it is struggling now.

If you are a parent and do not put your kid into soccer, you are probably retarding their own growth as an athlete. Their is no better sport for a young child to play. I coach two other youth sports but my best players are always soccer players. They have quickness, agility and are in great shape. They also understand spacing quite well.

I do not follow soccer year round or maintain a strong rooting interest outside team usa but I am thoroughly convinced the sport is quite easily the second best in existence.

How you feel about Soccer is almost an intelligence check. If you really dislike it you are completely ignorant of it. Czaban proves that with his whining and limited recognition. At the heart of it is incredible stupidity. How does one watch a game every year years and feel compelled to speak on it intelligently?